First State moves to abolish Police Officers Bill of Rights.

OK. Does that adoration mean they should have special rights and privileges?
I assume we are talking about alleged crimes by police during the performance of their duty?

if so giving them special treatment is not going to change the facts of the allegation

so in the end justice will be served
OK. Does that adoration mean they should have special rights and privileges?
I assume we are talking about alleged crimes by police during the performance of their duty?

if so giving them special treatment is not going to change the facts of the allegation

so in the end justice will be served

OK. So why not release every suspect and tell them to be back in five days? Why not make it a crime to interview anyone without a lawyer?
OK. So why not release every suspect and tell them to be back in five days? Why not make it a crime to interview anyone without a lawyer?
Because cops are public servants with a target on their backs

Out on the mean streets its one cop against 1000 obama voters on crack
OK. So why not release every suspect and tell them to be back in five days? Why not make it a crime to interview anyone without a lawyer?
Because cops are public servants with a target on their backs

Out on the mean streets its one cop against 1000 obama voters on crack

And the victims of the criminals does not deserve any consideration. I understand. As long as the Rapist wears a badge it’s not Legitimate Rape.
My experience, having been arrested for assault, when all I did was break up a fist fight and protect the guy that accused me (he was losing the fight):

Cops can be lying bags of shit. In my case I made the mistake of answering all the questions the cop asked honestly. I had no idea that I was about to be arrested.

I was arrested and during the arraignment, the cop blatantly lied when he summarized what I told him.

Moral of the story: Guily or innocent, NEVER TRUST THE COPS! Demand a lawyer before you say ANYTHING!!!!
OK. So why not release every suspect and tell them to be back in five days? Why not make it a crime to interview anyone without a lawyer?
Because cops are public servants with a target on their backs

Out on the mean streets its one cop against 1000 obama voters on crack

Committing a crime is committing a crime. To bring up Obama is saying you are a member of a cult. That's all so many can see. "How do I see this affecting my politics".

If anything those we charge for upholding laws should be held even more accountable for those laws..
Committing a crime is committing a crime. To bring up Obama is saying you are a member of a cult.
If an obsma voter on crack was threatening you or your family I bet you’d call a cop to come and save you

So you don’t agree that those hired and empowered to uphold the laws should be held to the highest standard. So again our choices are anarchy or corruption.
So you don’t agree that those hired and empowered to uphold the laws should be held to the highest standard. So again our choices are anarchy or corruption.
You are avoiding my question.

if your family was being threatened by someone on drugs who could be obamas son if he had a son, would you call the cops to protect you?

since you may not want to reply I will just point out that most Americans do call the police if they can
So you don’t agree that those hired and empowered to uphold the laws should be held to the highest standard. So again our choices are anarchy or corruption.
You are avoiding my question.

if your family was being threatened by someone on drugs who could be obamas son if he had a son, would you call the cops to protect you?

since you may not want to reply I will just point out that most Americans do call the police if they can

And again I will point out that where I live in Rural Georgia it would take at least twenty minutes for a cop to arrive. So no. I would not call a cop. I might when it was all over. But not in the middle. I say might because it would depend on what happened.
And again I will point out that where I live in Rural Georgia it would take at least twenty minutes for a cop to arrive.
The same is true in Atlanta.

But most libs make the call anyway

and I agree with you to the extent that until biden and the dems end gin ownership we can defend ourselves if need be
Maryland was the first state to create what has become a national standard. The Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. These laws vary from State to State and generally speaking give police officers rights and privileges when investigated for wrongdoing that the average citizen might only dream of.

As one example. If you are suspected of a crime you are going to be questioned immediately. If you want a lawyer, you can ask for one. And the cops will hold you until the lawyer arrives.

Unless you are a cop. Then you get to go home and have five days to arrange an appointment to return with a lawyer to answer questions. I am sure that murderers and rapists would love five days to delay the questions from investigators. If they were a cop that would not be the only privilege they had.

Maryland was first to enact the LEOBR. Now it looks like they will be the first to ditch it.

Welcome to the world the rest of us have lived in Officer.

Good I hope more states do this.

Police shouldn't have rights that the rest of us don't have.
...Welcome to the world the rest of us have lived in Officer.

Welcome to a State with no LEOs, Maryland.

No sane person would continue to work as a LEO without many of those protections. I suspect there will be a mass exodus of LEOs when this goes into effect.

So what you are saying is that police must be above the law and difficult to impossible to hold accountable or we face anarchy? And that doesn’t give you a moment of discomfort?
So what you are saying is that police must be above the law and difficult to impossible to hold accountable or we face anarchy? And that doesn’t give you a moment of discomfort?

Whst I’m saying is that I believe in JUSTICE, more than Legality. JUSTICE requires getting hands dirty at times. I have far greater faith in the average LEO, than I do the average US Citizenry thst are not LEOs.
Welcome to the world the rest of us have lived in Officer
Dumbest thing I've read in awhile. You do not live in anything resembling a cops life.

They put their life on the line daily. They deal with criminals daily.

But you go ahead and keep living in your fantasy land.

A man died at work this week. He was not a cop. He was merely a man trying to earn a living for his family. Statistically speaking. There are at least a dozen different jobs that are far more dangerous than police. We do not grant them any special consideration. Coast Guardsmen go out in weather that has everyone else rushing to a safe harbor. We don’t shrug and say they have a tough job and whatever.

Fishermen die every year. Loggers die every year. We don’t let them tear up a bar and shrug saying whatever. You have to understand they have a tough job.

Soldiers are expected and required to behave a certain way. So are Marines, Sailors, and Air Force personnel. We have high standards of behavior for them. For far less money than cops get I might add. And nobody shrugs and says hey they have a tough job. You have to cut them some slack.

In fact. Military run Prisons are even more brutal than the civilian ones. Military members are expected to behave properly. If a military member does misbehave one of the charges is always conduct unbecoming. That sends the message that this is not tolerated.

Yet when we are discussing cops we have to take into consideration they have a top twenty dangerous job. Far safer than many others. But it doesn’t matter. It is the talking point. We have to respect the propaganda right?

If a logger goes home after a bad day and beats the wife. Nobody covers it up. His tough job doesn’t seem to matter now does it?

Firemen run into burning buildings to save people. We don’t cut them any slack because of their dangerous job. Unless you think that they are Pussies.

Only when we discuss cops is it dangerous job. When we point out others are in as much danger. Or more. And do not get slack for their professions we are told it is different.

OK. Tell me how it is different. Tell me how a soldier on the lines at a forward operating base in Afghanistan who is under threat and often attack every day is able to behave properly without resorting to crime but a cop isn’t?

Tell me how the Navy manages to maintain discipline when every single cruise will result in at least one dead sailor?

Tell me how the Marines Maintain such a high level of honor and integrity when they are the top of the spear constantly? When they are sent in where others fear to even consider going.

If you are honest. You will admit the excuses made for cops would not fly an inch in the Military. If you have any integrity you would admit that you are swallowing the propaganda hook line and sinker.

Nobody else gets that consideration do they?

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