First a Commy and now a Nazi.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Before we all go running to archival footage of the epic silent film, The Birth of a Nation, we need to settle down and explore some of the complex issues surrounding the recent violent events in Charlottesville.

The tragedy that occurred there has a lot less to do with racism than with paid professional agitators sent there to gin up violence by taunting the opposition. It’s unfortunate that a death occurred but unfortunately everyone could not move fast enough to get out of the way of the baited bloodshed.

We also need to understand the political establishment’s frustration and consternation at the election of a man that was not supposed to win the presidency has driven it to a nearly psychotic level of self-preservation. First they smeared the president with accusations of Russian collusion and now they predictably tar him with the label of racist for daring to condemn both sides-first a communist and now a fascist.

The political establishment in this country has been selling out the American people for decades and the people reacted by electing an outsider because the embedded, deep-state aristocracy is so corrupted it can’t be trusted.

Over the years they’ve taken away your pensions, stagnated your wages, destroyed your healthcare, turned your cities into cesspools, addicted your children to opioids, relocated many of the best paying jobs overseas and presided over the influx of cheap labor from third world countries much of it in violation of our immigration laws.

With a track record like that it’s little wonder that the establishment will go to any lengths to remove a president who is exposing it up to and including fomenting a new race war. All the leaks and political backstabbing have failed to take him down because he was duly elected by the collective wisdom of the people who see all of this for what it is.

It’s tragic that someone died in Charlottesville and extreme organizations like the KKK have no place in our democracy. But neither should we tolerate mercenary hooligans who climb historical structures with ropes to tear them down like religious zealots blotting out history in a holy war. The Charlottesville counter-protest was a staged event to create mayhem and a sick militant came out of the crowd and obliged. It was a calculated risk and someone paid for that risk.

Parsing words and blaming the president is foolish.
"Parsing words and blaming the president is foolish."

no, leadership matters...
we've never had a president who coddled them so...........


'Blood and soil': Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville - CNN
'Blood and soil': Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville - CNN

David Duke thanks Trump for blaming 'alt-left' for Charlottesville

White nationalist leader David Duke on Tuesday thanked President Trump for blaming violence in Charlottesville, Va., on the "alt-left."

Duke thanked Trump for his "honesty & courage" in a tweet.

Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth about #Charlottesville & condemn the leftist terrorists in BLM/Antifa NBC News on Twitter

— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) August 15, 2017

and the squawking parrots just get in line with the kkk..

conflating mutual fringe violence with the just cause of massive rational opposition. :eusa_clap:
sadly, the president lies like a rug and peddles an "alternative fact" version of events...


Virginia governor: Charlottesville violence was not ‘both sides’

“Neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white supremacists came to Charlottesville heavily armed, spewing hatred and looking for a fight. One of them murdered a young woman in an act of domestic terrorism, and two of our finest officers were killed in a tragic accident while serving to protect this community,” McAuliffe wrote.

Virginia governor: Charlottesville violence was not ‘both sides’ - The Boston Globe


After this weekend, there should be no excuse for anyone to not take white supremacy seriously. Certainly the neo-Nazis who came to Charlottesville to intimidate minority communities take themselves seriously: They showed up with assault rifles and guns, wearing camouflage. They marched through a college campus with lit torches, yelling Nazi-era slogans and phrases like, “You will not replace us.”

On Saturday, as counterprotesters rallied near Emancipation Park, we were pelted with water bottles, chemicals, tear gas, rocks — really, anything the white supremacists could get their hands on.

Even after the crowds were dispersed and the governor declared a state of emergency, there were reports that neo-Nazis were headed to black, low-income neighborhoods around Charlottesville.

The intention of this “alt-right” rally was clear, and it had nothing to do with a statue. It was about intimidation. We need to call this violence — which culminated with the death of a 32-year-old woman — by its name: domestic terrorism.

What U.Va. Students Saw in Charlottesville
"On Friday night, I was locked in a church full of people, who were singing loudly to overpower the hate-filled chants of alt-right protesters carrying torches right outside the chapel doors.

Still, I got up early on Saturday morning. Some friends and I had promised to be in downtown Charlottesville by 7 a.m. to help set up the counterprotest camp. We ate some fast food, moved tables, wrote the phone numbers of legal aid agencies on our arms in surgical marker in case we were arrested, and hung up “Black Lives Matter” signs. There were helicopters hovering overhead.

We left the park to go meet other student protesters, and walked by several alt-right groups, but we exchanged no words.

However, once we got to Emancipation Park, I found myself being talked at by a man wearing a red shirt. Red Shirt told me that Africa was for the black man, and America was for the white man. He seemed to have forgotten the brown men who were here long before either of our ancestors. He told a white woman, who was holding a sign promoting peace, that she was a race traitor, and despite her wide hips, he’d be willing to show her what a real man was all about. He spouted racist theories about the testosterone levels of black women and the difference in brain sizes between the races. I was unnerved; he truly believed what he was saying.

As more and more Confederate flag-waving men and women — but mostly, overwhelmingly, men — filed into the park with shields and guns, people who were not with the alt-right moved further into the streets. I stood on the pavement looking up at the white supremacists as they crowded together on a small slope, and I could see their world getting crowded, more claustrophobic. It’s their hatred, their refusal to leave their bubbles, that was really taking up space.


Each time one of the white supremacists threw a water bottle filled with a purplish chemical I couldn’t identify, or released pepper spray or smoke into the crowd, the counterprotesters retreated. We coughed into surgical masks or scarves and clutched at our throats, but then turned back for more.

I quickly learned to raise my poster board over my head as a cover, and I breathed in through my nose to protect my throat.

It was obviously a very dangerous situation. The news said it. The governor said it when he declared a state of emergency and called in the National Guard. The worried text messages of family and friends said it. And a woman murdered in the street said it.

But for all the vitriol and hatred, there was also something deeply human happening in downtown Charlottesville. People were offering each other water, masks, earplugs and gloves. One kind woman came around to offer us locally grown cherry tomatoes. I, for my own peace of mind, have to believe that humanity’s good will eventually outweigh its bad. It won’t happen on its own, but with the help of people like those who were helping, or perhaps, watching from their homes in horror, thinking about the role they might play to stop something like this from happening again."

What U.Va. Students Saw in Charlottesville
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"Violence and hate and blood, that’s what I saw. What happened in Charlottesville this past weekend wasn’t a rally. It was a riot.

I was on Market Street around 11:30 a.m. when a counterprotester ripped a newspaper stand off the sidewalk and threw it at alt-right protesters. I saw another man from the white supremacist crowd being chased and beaten. People were hitting him with their signs. A much older man, also with the alt-right group, got pushed to the ground in the commotion. Someone raised a stick over his head and beat the man with it, and that’s when I screamed and ran over with several other strangers to help him to his feet.

There was alt-right propaganda playing on speakers somewhere, and a woman was trying to sermonize into a microphone, but all of it was drowned out. Everyone was screaming obscenities. And everyone had cameras and iPhones out to record it all.

I know the cameras let people capture their individual perspectives, and some might not otherwise be seen. I filmed the protest for 15 minutes straight until my phone died. It was my shield, and my weapon of proof. But the filming en masse was a strange sort of horror. It seemed to precipitate a certain outcome — the kind that might be sensational enough to spread online. It was like fights in high school, where everyone gathered around holding their cameras, and there was an unconscious intensification of the violence.

There were absolutely groups of peaceful protesters in Charlottesville this past weekend, many making a mature show of resistance. But what I saw on Market Street didn’t feel like resistance. It felt like every single person letting out his or her own well of fear and frustration on the crowd."

What U.Va. Students Saw in Charlottesville
This weekend's Charlottesville rally represents an alliance between pro-Confederates and Nazis

The latest alt-right rally over a Confederate statue represents a terrifying resurgence of Nazi rhetoric.

The alt-right rally Friday night at the University of Virginia campus and Saturday in the city of Charlottesville is technically about a statue of Robert E. Lee. But common to many participants in the rally is a willingness to use — and celebrate — Nazi symbols and ideology.

Friday’s protesters shouted anti-Semitic and Nazi-associated slogans, including "blood and soil”: a phrase that references the German ideology of Blut und Boden, or the idea that a person is defined by his or her relationship to ethnic ancestry (blood) and the land they cultivate (soil).

Protesters also shouted “Jews will not replace us” (a more explicitly anti-Semitic take on “you will not replace us,” a white-supremacist alt-right slogan that arose in response to actor Shia LaBoeuf’s anti-Trump performance art piece “He Will Not Divide Us”).

Attendees at the rally also wore Nazi paraphernalia, carried flags with swastikas alongside Confederate flags, and wore shirts with quotations by Adolf Hitler.

This weekend's Charlottesville rally represents an alliance between pro-Confederates and Nazis
sadly, the president lies like a rug and peddles an "alternative fact" version of events...


Virginia governor: Charlottesville violence was not ‘both sides’

“Neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white supremacists came to Charlottesville heavily armed, spewing hatred and looking for a fight. One of them murdered a young woman in an act of domestic terrorism, and two of our finest officers were killed in a tragic accident while serving to protect this community,” McAuliffe wrote.

Virginia governor: Charlottesville violence was not ‘both sides’ - The Boston Globe
The VA governor is a Democrat so he'll cover for democrats.
You sound like one of those Democrat left wing agitator neosegregationist bigots.
We also need to understand the political establishment’s frustration and consternation at the election of a man that was not supposed to win the presidency has driven it to a nearly psychotic level of self-preservation. First they smeared the president with accusations of Russian collusion and now they predictably tar him with the label of racist for daring to condemn both sides-first a communist and now a fascist.

:laugh: the psychotic level of dishonest alternative facts in your parroted narrative is disturbing. and speaking of psychotic levels of self preservation, how about those white supremacist domestic terrorists??

the president and his administration smeared themselves by covering up collusion with russia. :itsok:

and contrary to alternative parroted narratives, that investigation is actively ongoing... :thup:

The F.B.I.’s Trump-Russia Investigation Just Took a Huge Leap Forward
the mere election of the brown man with the funny name in 2008, sent these confederate nazi nutjobs into psychotic frenzy for the past 8 years

true story

"We also need to understand the political establishment’s frustration and consternation at the election of a man that was not supposed to win the presidency has driven it to a nearly psychotic level of self-preservation"
the mere election of the brown man with the funny name in 2008, sent these confederate nazi nutjobs into psychotic frenzy for the past 8 years

true story

"We also need to understand the political establishment’s frustration and consternation at the election of a man that was not supposed to win the presidency has driven it to a nearly psychotic level of self-preservation"
The denunciation and repudiation of your brown Marxist has sent you into a racist rage.
We also need to understand the political establishment’s frustration and consternation at the election of a man that was not supposed to win the presidency has driven it to a nearly psychotic level of self-preservation. First they smeared the president with accusations of Russian collusion and now they predictably tar him with the label of racist for daring to condemn both sides-first a communist and now a fascist.

:laugh: the psychotic level of dishonest alternative facts in your parroted narrative is disturbing. and speaking of psychotic levels of self preservation, how about those white supremacist domestic terrorists??

the president and his administration smeared themselves by covering up collusion with russia. :itsok:

and contrary to alternative parroted narratives, that investigation is actively ongoing... :thup:

The F.B.I.’s Trump-Russia Investigation Just Took a Huge Leap Forward

The grand jury is idiot loons are laughable

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