Fireworks Going Off Nationwide (with sources!)


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon

Seems to be some kind of coordinated effort to disturb and terrify millions of Americans coast to bloody coast. Please discuss. In my area, according to posts on Nextdoor Digest for our communities (which I will not re-post here), in a number of cases smoldering fireworks debris has landed in folks' yards and in one case, on someone's roof. This isn't funny, it's not a joke, and it's got nothing to do with the Fourth.
OMG....The 4th of July is right around the corner AND
the country has been 'opening' back up

People are really freaking unhinged

Seems to be some kind of coordinated effort to disturb and terrify millions of Americans coast to bloody coast. Please discuss. In my area, according to posts on Nextdoor Digest for our communities (which I will not re-post here), in a number of cases smoldering fireworks debris has landed in folks' yards and in one case, on someone's roof. This isn't funny, it's not a joke, and it's got nothing to do with the Fourth.

I posted something from the tin foil hat side of the doomers on Pennsylvania
I'd be starapped on the 4th especially in urban and metro suburban areas
As they say its a conspiracy...till it ain't anymore
The ghetto folks don't even know with the 4th of July is. It has been going on in ghetto areas for a couple of weeks now. There is vids of them actually shooting each other with roman candles and police driving by ignoring them.
Here, too, in Los Angeles.

Some bad actors want people to sympathize with them.

Yet they engage in behavior that only creates animosity toward them.


Seems to be some kind of coordinated effort to disturb and terrify millions of Americans coast to bloody coast. Please discuss. In my area, according to posts on Nextdoor Digest for our communities (which I will not re-post here), in a number of cases smoldering fireworks debris has landed in folks' yards and in one case, on someone's roof. This isn't funny, it's not a joke, and it's got nothing to do with the Fourth.
Hmmm, it sounds like what happens where I live every year along with gunfire. I live in the country so it is not anything related to something we call "bad"...
The ghetto folks don't even know with the 4th of July is. It has been going on in ghetto areas for a couple of weeks now. There is vids of them actually shooting each other with roman candles and police driving by ignoring them.
How would you know what ghetto people do or do not know? The roman candle thing we did in the middle class suburbs in the 1970's along with pop bottle rocket battles...
The ghetto folks don't even know with the 4th of July is. It has been going on in ghetto areas for a couple of weeks now. There is vids of them actually shooting each other with roman candles and police driving by ignoring them.
How would you know what ghetto people do or do not know? The roman candle thing we did in the middle class suburbs in the 1970's along with pop bottle rocket battles...
They are doing that right now 3 houses down the block across the street. My wife knows I want to go over there. As soon as we heard the reports start after sundown she just gave me this look that said you're not going over there or you're not getting any more pussy or BJs tonight.

Does this mean I'm pussywhipped? :dunno: I'm so confused.

I think she's bluffing. As soon as they get thoroughly drunk I'm going over there, challenge them to a duel, and blast the hell out of them.
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UPDATE: Turns out that mother nature decided to massively upstage any bottle rocket or roman candle wars in the neighborhood with an awesome severe electrical thunderstorm that came rolling in out of the southwest.

Some friends of mine are out on Lake Erie. I wonder how they're doing. I can't get them on the radio. :(
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I got woken up by fireworks tonight. Quite a big pile they had too. It was well past the "legal" time. I don't have a gun, will have to get the broom, just in case.

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