Fires in Southern Calif...OMG...disastor...

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or so says CNN...Paula Zahn...OMG the Santa Ana winds blowing disastor!

Watching CNN news tonight while eating dinner I was surely bemused with all this sensationalism! Having grown up in the San Fernando Valley...Southern California...this was a yearly occurrance...It now appears as if it something new and demands the attention of the the world...OMG so far 17.000 acres are ablaze...sorry this was a normal occurrance...and only one home has burn't so far...really below what I remember! And for the Santa Annas...well as kids we looked forward to this yearly occurrance cause' we could build wind cruisers and sail along the county roads in style...! Did the 'Santa Annas' increase the potential of spreading the yearly fire storms...well ya...but the Fire Departments were well aware of this and prepared in advance as they are now doing...geez...what the news will due for a story! :sleep:
Those dang fires keep happening every year about this time! Why don't those stupid Californians learn to not live in such an environmentally unsound area! I mean they are almost as bad as those New Orleanians!
Hagbard Celine said:
Those dang fires keep happening every year about this time! Why don't those stupid Californians learn to not live in such an environmentally unsound area! I mean they are almost as bad as those New Orleanians!

those in the fire areas have "Fire Insurance" and well trained Fire Response teams with years of experience dealing with it...and the damage is always kept to a minimum! Nice try Journalism Student!
Hey, those living in the New Orleans lake bed have hurricane insurance but not flood insurance. And the guy in charge of FEMA had years of experience judging Arabian Horse competitions! Nice try Retired former Federal Law Enforcement Officer....US Army veteran VN era!
Hagbard Celine said:
Hey, those living in the New Orleans lake bed have hurricane insurance but not flood insurance. And the guy in charge of FEMA had years of experience judging Arabian Horse competitions! Nice try Retired former Federal Law Enforcement Officer....US Army veteran VN era!

A little FYI....the people in New Orleans had the option to purchase flood insurance.

Those who did not have it, chose not to.
Hagbard Celine said:
Hey, those living in the New Orleans lake bed have hurricane insurance but not flood insurance. And the guy in charge of FEMA had years of experience judging Arabian Horse competitions! Nice try Retired former Federal Law Enforcement Officer....US Army veteran VN era!

and 'yo momma' wears combat go cry to dmp how I attacked 'yo momma!' :whip:
and 'yo momma' wears combat go cry to dmp how I attacked 'yo momma!'

Haha! My mom actually does wear combat boots. She's a nurse in the Army Reserve currently serving in Lawton, Oklahoma. So...nice try Retired former Federal Law Enforcement Officer....US Army veteran VN era!

And FYI, I didn't go to dmp when you insulted my momma the first time. He interceded out of his own extensive sense of ethical morality.
Hagbard Celine said:
Haha! My mom actually does wear combat boots. She's a nurse in the Army Reserve currently serving in Lawton, Oklahoma. So...nice try Retired former Federal Law Enforcement Officer....US Army veteran VN era!

now you get the picture...we do know more about you than you think! :eek:
Hagbard Celine said:
You never had a camera in my head!!! Hahahahaha!!!! :)

are you going for your final are really sounding 'goofy' now! :banned:
Well Archangel, I haven't actually received any "official" warnings that I'm aware of. Anyway, I didn't know I could be warned or banned for making a reference to the 1998 hit "The Truman Show" starring Jim Carrey. You'll have to excuse me while I check the "FAQ."

Oh and I hope everyone makes it out of the fires alive and with as little property damage as possible.
Hagbard Celine said:
Well Archangel, I haven't actually received any "official" warnings that I'm aware of. Anyway, I didn't know I could be warned or banned for making a reference to the 1998 hit "The Truman Show" starring Jim Carrey. You'll have to excuse me while I check the "FAQ."

Oh and I hope everyone makes it out of the fires alive and with as little property damage as possible.

I have no ban authority...however Kathianne did give you two warnings in previous for the Truman would have been funny had you not been so annoying on real points! :crutch:
archangel said:
I have no ban authority...however Kathianne did give you two warnings in previuos for the Truman would have been funny had you not been so annoying on real points! :crutch:

One warning only, which I would NOT usually speak of. I was wrong on second, my bad.

Actually for the most part, I think Hagbard has been a good addition. I hope he stays and avoids carrying name calling too far. :cool:
The fires in California are terrible. Those houses are worth millions. I wonder how much insurance money is spent every year on rebuilding California homes destroyed by either earthquakes or wild fires?
Kathianne said:
One warning only, which I would NOT usually speak of. I was wrong on second, my bad.

Actually for the most part, I think Hagbard has been a good addition. I hope he stays and avoids carrying name calling too far. :cool:

what can I say? He is amusing from time to time!
archangel said:
what can I say? He is amusing from time to time!
Exactly, I got confused with a quote and did the second, so I deleted my 'too quick to add.' Suprised you caught it. My apologies.
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