Ann is a staunch feminist. She marched through the Supreme Court demanding that all hot babes are sent to concentration camp.
“We hold this truth without evidences that women are NOT sex objects,” said Ann.
“Because women are not sex objects, you cannot interbreed with them and produce fertile offspring. That means they are not members of the same species with men. Because humanity is a species, that means they’re not human (Q.E.D),” argues Ann confidently, “Nor would your evolutionary proven cognitive neurons hard wired in your brain, or amygdala specifically, give any signals that suggest that pretty voluptuous women are sex objects.”
“Well, what about if hot women are indeed sex objects?” asked Bob in protest.
Bob then got killed by RPG in recent mass demonstration for questioning the most sacrosanct ideas of liberal western civilization.
“You don’t get more politically incorrect than that,” said Judge Charlie.
“Someone said, if you’re a star, they let you do it. Women like stars,” Bob spoke before being killed Is what Donald say True? – Get Rich Bang Babes.
“No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever,” Reince Priebus answered.
“I am not sure what you mean by should or shouldn’t be said. Is it true? Someone told me that my dad did much more than grabbing my mom’s pussy and she did let him. Dad would actually put his cock deep inside mom’s pussy. Some says that’s how I was conceived,” asks Bob again.
A large gasp sounds are heard.
“His parents are heterosexual,” screams somebody.
“That’s how their kind reproduce,” screams another.
“What he said is just unthinkable. What about the children?” another mob angrily yells.
After that nobody can stop everyone for launching RPG to Bob.
“Next thing we know he’ll say women prefer the rich,” Charlie adds. “If he is allowed to travel freely, he will speak publicly and spread his ideas. Timothy Leary - Wikipedia,” some other judge says.
“Die misogynist pig,” says Ann.
“Humans are also not animals. Because all vertebrae are animals, then all humans are spineless. Therefore, it is profitable to enslave them,” Ann further concludes.
“All animals eat other species. Humans are not animals. So eating other species is a crime against nature. Therefore, all humans should be cannibals,” Ann goes on and on promoting “progressive” agenda in society.
“What about if humans are animals?” a faraway whisper is heard, followed with tons of explosion.
Not everybody agrees though. “I guess, this is probably why most real science use math rather than vague words to reason and reach conclusions. Also, thinking that everything is an object helps me understand things. It may actually have some use. It tells me that we got to analyze that thing. That gives certain insight I do not have otherwise,” says Kevin, a Nobel laureate in biology and psychology.
“Thinking that women are sex objects get me laid more easily,” Kevin ponders further.
Kevin, however, follows the maxim. “Those who knows don’t tell, those who tell don’t know,” Kevin remembered from Lao Tze. “I guess I’ll just keep my mouth shut and enjoy my harem,” Kevin ponders happily.
Many have died because they are found to think that women are sex objects. Thinking that women are sex objects have been a crime. Doctors use MRI to scan brains and show pics of hot naked women to men to see what the men are thinking.
Men who are found to have more blood to their neo frontal cortex than amygdala when looking at girls are executed on site. Such pattern suggest that those men think of women as objects. It also shows that such men have higher IQ and like to analyze things.
This doesn’t become like this all of a sudden. For decades, humans’ population, especially among those most productive in society are in great decline. Feminazis kept winning and winning more influence.
The ever changing definition of marriage evolve into civil union between women and castrated men.
“Women want exclusivity above all. What would be a better way to signal exclusivity if not by making the ultimate commitment,” Gill, a feminazi, said.
Many protested the new rule. However, Gill just shrugged that off. “No body forced you to get married,” explained Gill.
Meanwhile, most choices of mating outside marriage were becoming illegal. First prostitution was illegal.
“Basically women cannot exchange sex for cash because that’s immoral,” said Iris, the priest.
Because women couldn’t exchange sex for cash, they then end up having sex for expensive dinners, gold coins, chocolates, flowers or wits.
To counter this immoral circumvention of anti-prostitution laws, definition of prostitution is broadened. Prostitution is defined to sex for cash or “other consideration. (10 Things You Didn't Know About "Prostitution" Charges | PC 647(b) | Aizman Law Firm)” This happened before the start of 21st century.
What count as “other considerations” are pretty vague. Soon prohibited considerations pretty much cover any consideration. Women are not supposed to consider anything at all when choosing their mate. Each woman either chose to be a nun or pick any males while being blind folded.
“We pretty much harmonically combine positive features from all cultures around us,” explains Lenny, a multi culturalist. “First we accept this immigrant with strange authoritarian culture They demand that all women must wear ninja clothing. Ninjas vs. Burqas: How to Respond When Kids Ask Big Questions. Obviously that would constitute gender discrimination and is not suitable for western culture. So we require all men (and women) to wear the same thing too. Finally, feminists point out that gawking is sexual harassment and it’s not the fault of the sex object if people are gawking over them. It’s the fault of those who are gawking and ogling. So we require everyone to wear blind fold all the time,” explains Lenny.
Ninja clothing all women must wear according to some culture
“Calling burqha ninja clothing is offensive and factually incorrect. It shows insensitivity to other cultures because ninja actually dress differently.”, complains Maria, another multi culturalist that are very sensitive to other cultures.
Actual ninja clothing,,,
“Those gaijins are culturally insensitive and knows nothing about honor,” says Natsumi, with her mouth. Her other 2 holes are being pumped by 2 gaijins’ cocks in her honorable effort to honorably re-pay her samurai family’s debt when she performs in various bukakke jav. Natsumi then throws some smoke bombs and melt into the shadow.
“Natsumi can finally live a dignified life honoring her ancestors,” mumble her Chinese uncles and aunts when watching their cousins’ video they honorably pirated.
Despite the controversy, Christians couldn’t more agree with the consensus.
“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman (or a man) lustfully has already committed adultery with her (or him) in his (or her) heart Matthew 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.,” said Jesus, God, as repeated by Fay, a transgender, because women (and men) are not allowed to speak in church 1 Corinthians 14:34 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says..
“So you see, it’s not the women (and men) that has to wear ninja clothes. It’s the men (and women) that should wear blind fold,” says Fay, “or go all the way plucking their eyes out Mark 9:47 And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell,.”
“I got a theory that Jesus and Paul truly mean a specific gender when using gender specific pronouns,” says Hermie, a hermeneutic professor.
George, a judge, then sentence Hermie to death under the newly enacted anti blasphemy laws for suggesting that Jesus and Paul can be sexist. Hermie’s last word is that Jesus mass produced synthetic alcohol Marriage at Cana - Wikipedia and his punishment is extended to his whole clan.
As a judge, George has vast scientific knowledge and profound understanding of humans’ nature.
George then go ahead showing charts showing how dangerous alcohol are compared to other psychoactive drugs that people often consume recreationally. This shows that it’s absurd to think that Jesus would have mass produce dangerous controlled recreational substance like alcoholic beverage such as wine.
Harms of various drugs,,
“Jesus could be producing Methylenedioxymethamphetamine considering the very drunk party head is pretty happy afterward. His unusually compassionate message suggest consumption of serotonin reuptake inhibitor or he may have naturally high serotonin level. Some of the thing he said can be explained by temporary ego lost. So I think lysergic acid diethylamide is somewhere on the play. He can make his disciples see things. So Psilocybin is a possibility. His consistently liberal message and his eponym of anointed strongly suggest Tetrahydrocannabinol probably absorbed by the skin during the anointing. Perhaps one ingredient of holy anointing oil is extract of cannabis sativa However, to even suggest that our lord and savior would mass produce something as dangerous as alcoholic beverage is clearly blasphemy. How could all those guests drive their chariot safely home? Hermie might as well say Jesus mass produce nicotine.” George says in sentencing hearing.
“I suppose they just use designated drivers. Basically those who are too drunk to drive home at the party can have access to various commercial chariots that attentively listened to surrounding vibrating air signals. Those wanting to go safely home will use their evolved organ to create massive sound waves. The waves can somehow be detected by potential nearby chariots owners that will then come nearby to pick passengers. To navigate they will use global positioning map databases with many redundant copies. Conceptually, the maps have many redundant copies on collective consciousness “cloud”, which was and still is the most advance unified super computer of all time. Those databases are stored directly into many actual humans’ brain. Users then interfaced with the data through ancient protocol called asking for direction,” explains Hermie, “Jesus only produced half a ton of wine daily at that time. So chance is there isn’t enough left over wine for the horses that pull the chariots. The chance that those guests can safely reach their home without hitting any kids or getting citation by patrolling roman soldiers is still pretty good.”
George find the explanation strange for some reason and condemn Hermie anyway.
“Now everyone wears blind folds, everybody can just get nekkid,” explains the beautiful Erin while wearing only vibrating dildo, tits clamps, and a smile.” “I feel so safe,” Erin adds.
“Finally by combining the best from all cultures we can hold women’s dignity in ways that would offend nobody,” explains Erin.
Totally safe for work normal women’s fashion no body eventually get offended with!AFD/Dolcett-CurrentAffair/10.jpg
Erin is not happy though. Some guy bump into her due to blindfolds. Those guys are prosecuted for sexual harassment. Other blindfolded guys happen to look at Erin’s direction and also jailed because some feminist think that Erin may have felt harassed.
Some other guys happen to look at other directions and punished for hate crime. “They don’t look at Erin because she is a woman,” George justifying his sentence.
Erin is just disappointed that no males are near her anymore no matter how well she has dressed.
Some girls manage to get better deal when they peek out of their blind fold. Jenny, for example, see her mate first before choosing and end up with some guy in Ferrari. Her mate, Kevin, also peek out and got a relatively beautiful Jenny. They both got their eyes gouge out.
“Our society is based on love,” said Lenny, the presiding judge when handing out punishment and reading the sentence in braille. “And love is blind,” Lenny continues. “So those who check her mate’s specs first are not doing it based on love and hence it’s wrong. Mercenary sex is of poorer quality compared with sentimental sex between lovers. (Sex, Morality, and the Law)”
“Because I am fat, stupid, poor, and ugly, I do not get a high spec mate,” explains Monica, in a victim impact statement.
Both Kevin and Jenny are also branded as sexual offender and stoned to death by religious fundamentalists.
“God teach us to flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.),” says Nathan. “Kevin and Jenny peek through their mandatory blindfolds and deliberately check the specs of their mate and that’s sexually immoral,” Nathan adds further.
“Well, during Paul’s era, looking at your mate before choosing them is not considered sexually immoral. It’s just like polygamy, sex outside marriage, sex with 10 years old, sexual slavery, buying or selling preteen girls for sexual purpose, war rape, rape of unmarried women, or pornography,” Oscar tried to explain. “In fact, it’s the roman culture that’s too sensitive about sexuality that Christianity manage to get a lot of followers by portraying romans as orgy loving.”
Oscar is then crucified for suggesting that bible condone something politically incorrect.
“Something is sexually immoral when some alpha males say it is,” says George, the sentencing judge, quoting many scientific books on morality. “That obviously change all the time so we must follow whichever morality standard alpha males among us have said.”
Not everyone agrees with the no peeking laws. “We have too many car accidents because people drive blindfolded to avoid accidentally seeing high quality mates,” explains Penny.
Instead men are told to hide their wealth. Those who aren’t often become victims of riots. Women are also told to cover 50%-100% of their assets ( across different cultures.
Like in insurance and employment, government start declaring anti-discrimination laws for certain protected group. When choosing a mate, people cannot discriminate based on looks or wealth, for example. Employers cannot discriminate based on capability to do jobs because such discrimination would adversely affect whites in basketball games and blacks in programming and who knows what.
Soon people cannot discriminate based on anything when choosing anyone. Everybody is hiring, fucking, petting, and eating cats, dogs, pigs, humans with no preference or discrimination whatsoever.
Insurance companies are even forced to provide the same service to those genetically problematic at the same price, forcing all of them to go bankrupt
Anyway, back to the court room.
So hot babes are marched to concentration camps where they will be gassed to death for being non humans. Anyone protesting are labeled mysogynists and shot at site by fascist governments.
Many hot babes are marched and then killed in some ancient time by those that do not think they are sex objects
“All women want are to be respected like male. All they want is for all males to say no to them,” explain Ann.
“How could you do this to me?” screams Fiona, one hot babe being marched.
“Well, hot babes are not humans and humans don’t talk, so it’s normal that we don’t understand what she’s saying,” said Ivan.
“I think I understand what she tries to say. She tries to tell us something using a technique called asking a rhetorical question,” explained John, a guy that understands women more.
“Men cannot understand women,” said Ann, “That means John is a false prophet and must be stoned to death.”
John died a violent gruesome death.
Meanwhile a kid walks to the zoo with his Dad.
All the hot babes are gone and they’re both very horny.
“Dad, I saw a female pig. Should I fuck that thing?” asked Donny, the kid.
“Well, son, I really see no logical reason why we shouldn’t. She’s female after all,” said Ethan, the daddy, pumping blood to his neo frontal cortex trying to figure out the answer.
“But Dad, I don’t feel like fucking that pig,” said Donny.
“And why not, son?” asked Ethan.
“Well, my ancestors have lived through trillions of generation. Not one of them fails to reproduce. That pig is not human. They are not members of our species. Fucking them will not produce fertile offspring. Hence it’s a waste of time. Throughout trillions of years of evolution, my emotion, processed in amygdala, has evolved to differentiate which objects worth fucking and not,” explained Donny.
“That seems to be a pretty smart strategy to detect whether a female organism is a member of our species or not. If that thing turns us on, then she is a member. If that thing doesn’t, then she is not,” conclude Ethan. “We don’t have to bang them all and see if they produce healthy offspring. Just like we don’t have to eat shit to know it’s poisonous. Our instincts honed through evolution allow us to know what’s gonna work before we try.”
“Dad, I don’t get turn on by ugly bitches,” said Donny.
“Well, that means ugly bitches are the ones that are not members of our species,” conclude Ethan, “They’re just disease evolved to wipe out our species out of the gene pool.”
“Quick dad, we need to go to Judge Charlie and get moratorium to postpone the gassing,” said Donny.
They both drive their shuttle to Judge Charlie.
“Those hot babes are indeed humans,” scream Donny.
“How do you know?” asks Charlie.
“Follow me and watch,” Donny asked.
They both go to Fiona’s cell. There Donny copulates with Fiona.
“What do you think you’re doing?” asked Charlie.
“I do not think. I just follow my feeling,” said Donny.
“We’re testing a new theory to decide actual species of an object,” explains Ethan. “If a female organism turns us on, that means they are human.”
“Well, feeling proofs nothing. We’re not animals. We don’t follow our instinct of emotions. We think. We’re advance society we can think of everything with logic,” said Charlie, “That feminazi have already proven that hot babes are not sex objects and hence not our co species.”
“When we use our rational mind, we only take into account facts that we are consciously aware. That’s often are only politically correct ideas that may not even be true. Even though the reasoning is perfect, the whole assumption may be so far fetches,” explains Ethan.
“Moreover, not one of my trillions of ancestors has failed to produce offspring. If I feel like fucking some object, doing so must have improved my chance of producing offspring,” said Donny.
“Well, I suppose that makes some sense. Let’s give this feeling a chance. Perhaps there is some truth in emotion too,” said Charlie.
“Fortunately there are still males that think I am a sex object,” said Fiona, “Imagine if I am gassed to death. It’ll be a waste of natural resources right?”
So the males start treating hot babes as sex objects again. After 9 months, babies start popping out of those women. Humanity is saved from extinction.
“Wow, those women are indeed humans. We can interbreed with them,” said Charlie, “If only we listened to our emotion we would have known this right away.”
“I suppose there are many areas where we can use our feeling to know the truth,” explained Donny. “Free market feels fair because it does lead to prosperity. The strong crush the weak, because it’s always what happens. Government intervention sucks because they always are,” Donny pointed out.
“Even though often all those things are justified by illogical non sense, doesn’t mean they’re not true,” Ethan explained.
“Yes, those ugly bitches are the one not human, because even though they’re female, they don’t turn males on,” said Donny.
“Well, we almost mass murder tons of innocent humans. Never again we should use that concentration camp,” said Charlie.
“We may have common ancestors with those ugly bitches. However, several branching in our species caused speciation and hence they’re no longer member of our species,” said Donny.
So they start launching ugly bitches to outer space. Perhaps there they will meet their co species over there.
The ugly bitches are quite happy too.
“Wow I am now an astronaut,” said Ann, “Finally I have achieved what decades of feminazis have tried to achieve, getting a man’s job.”
“Why would anyone wants to be an astronaut?” asked Donny.
“Don’t know son. They’re not member of our species. So they can’t interbreed. I guess ugly bitches tend to prefer non reproductive career then,” explained Ethan.
Everybody then goes back home wiser knowing what it truly means to be human.
Donny becomes the world leader due to his maturity. He rules wisely due to his advanced knowledge of humanity.
“We hold this truth without evidences that women are NOT sex objects,” said Ann.
“Because women are not sex objects, you cannot interbreed with them and produce fertile offspring. That means they are not members of the same species with men. Because humanity is a species, that means they’re not human (Q.E.D),” argues Ann confidently, “Nor would your evolutionary proven cognitive neurons hard wired in your brain, or amygdala specifically, give any signals that suggest that pretty voluptuous women are sex objects.”
“Well, what about if hot women are indeed sex objects?” asked Bob in protest.
Bob then got killed by RPG in recent mass demonstration for questioning the most sacrosanct ideas of liberal western civilization.
“You don’t get more politically incorrect than that,” said Judge Charlie.
“Someone said, if you’re a star, they let you do it. Women like stars,” Bob spoke before being killed Is what Donald say True? – Get Rich Bang Babes.
“No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever,” Reince Priebus answered.
“I am not sure what you mean by should or shouldn’t be said. Is it true? Someone told me that my dad did much more than grabbing my mom’s pussy and she did let him. Dad would actually put his cock deep inside mom’s pussy. Some says that’s how I was conceived,” asks Bob again.
A large gasp sounds are heard.
“His parents are heterosexual,” screams somebody.
“That’s how their kind reproduce,” screams another.
“What he said is just unthinkable. What about the children?” another mob angrily yells.
After that nobody can stop everyone for launching RPG to Bob.
“Next thing we know he’ll say women prefer the rich,” Charlie adds. “If he is allowed to travel freely, he will speak publicly and spread his ideas. Timothy Leary - Wikipedia,” some other judge says.
“Die misogynist pig,” says Ann.
“Humans are also not animals. Because all vertebrae are animals, then all humans are spineless. Therefore, it is profitable to enslave them,” Ann further concludes.
“All animals eat other species. Humans are not animals. So eating other species is a crime against nature. Therefore, all humans should be cannibals,” Ann goes on and on promoting “progressive” agenda in society.
“What about if humans are animals?” a faraway whisper is heard, followed with tons of explosion.
Not everybody agrees though. “I guess, this is probably why most real science use math rather than vague words to reason and reach conclusions. Also, thinking that everything is an object helps me understand things. It may actually have some use. It tells me that we got to analyze that thing. That gives certain insight I do not have otherwise,” says Kevin, a Nobel laureate in biology and psychology.
“Thinking that women are sex objects get me laid more easily,” Kevin ponders further.
Kevin, however, follows the maxim. “Those who knows don’t tell, those who tell don’t know,” Kevin remembered from Lao Tze. “I guess I’ll just keep my mouth shut and enjoy my harem,” Kevin ponders happily.
Many have died because they are found to think that women are sex objects. Thinking that women are sex objects have been a crime. Doctors use MRI to scan brains and show pics of hot naked women to men to see what the men are thinking.
Men who are found to have more blood to their neo frontal cortex than amygdala when looking at girls are executed on site. Such pattern suggest that those men think of women as objects. It also shows that such men have higher IQ and like to analyze things.
This doesn’t become like this all of a sudden. For decades, humans’ population, especially among those most productive in society are in great decline. Feminazis kept winning and winning more influence.
The ever changing definition of marriage evolve into civil union between women and castrated men.
“Women want exclusivity above all. What would be a better way to signal exclusivity if not by making the ultimate commitment,” Gill, a feminazi, said.
Many protested the new rule. However, Gill just shrugged that off. “No body forced you to get married,” explained Gill.
Meanwhile, most choices of mating outside marriage were becoming illegal. First prostitution was illegal.
“Basically women cannot exchange sex for cash because that’s immoral,” said Iris, the priest.
Because women couldn’t exchange sex for cash, they then end up having sex for expensive dinners, gold coins, chocolates, flowers or wits.
To counter this immoral circumvention of anti-prostitution laws, definition of prostitution is broadened. Prostitution is defined to sex for cash or “other consideration. (10 Things You Didn't Know About "Prostitution" Charges | PC 647(b) | Aizman Law Firm)” This happened before the start of 21st century.
What count as “other considerations” are pretty vague. Soon prohibited considerations pretty much cover any consideration. Women are not supposed to consider anything at all when choosing their mate. Each woman either chose to be a nun or pick any males while being blind folded.
“We pretty much harmonically combine positive features from all cultures around us,” explains Lenny, a multi culturalist. “First we accept this immigrant with strange authoritarian culture They demand that all women must wear ninja clothing. Ninjas vs. Burqas: How to Respond When Kids Ask Big Questions. Obviously that would constitute gender discrimination and is not suitable for western culture. So we require all men (and women) to wear the same thing too. Finally, feminists point out that gawking is sexual harassment and it’s not the fault of the sex object if people are gawking over them. It’s the fault of those who are gawking and ogling. So we require everyone to wear blind fold all the time,” explains Lenny.
Ninja clothing all women must wear according to some culture
“Calling burqha ninja clothing is offensive and factually incorrect. It shows insensitivity to other cultures because ninja actually dress differently.”, complains Maria, another multi culturalist that are very sensitive to other cultures.
Actual ninja clothing,,,
“Those gaijins are culturally insensitive and knows nothing about honor,” says Natsumi, with her mouth. Her other 2 holes are being pumped by 2 gaijins’ cocks in her honorable effort to honorably re-pay her samurai family’s debt when she performs in various bukakke jav. Natsumi then throws some smoke bombs and melt into the shadow.
“Natsumi can finally live a dignified life honoring her ancestors,” mumble her Chinese uncles and aunts when watching their cousins’ video they honorably pirated.
Despite the controversy, Christians couldn’t more agree with the consensus.
“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman (or a man) lustfully has already committed adultery with her (or him) in his (or her) heart Matthew 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.,” said Jesus, God, as repeated by Fay, a transgender, because women (and men) are not allowed to speak in church 1 Corinthians 14:34 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says..
“So you see, it’s not the women (and men) that has to wear ninja clothes. It’s the men (and women) that should wear blind fold,” says Fay, “or go all the way plucking their eyes out Mark 9:47 And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell,.”
“I got a theory that Jesus and Paul truly mean a specific gender when using gender specific pronouns,” says Hermie, a hermeneutic professor.
George, a judge, then sentence Hermie to death under the newly enacted anti blasphemy laws for suggesting that Jesus and Paul can be sexist. Hermie’s last word is that Jesus mass produced synthetic alcohol Marriage at Cana - Wikipedia and his punishment is extended to his whole clan.
As a judge, George has vast scientific knowledge and profound understanding of humans’ nature.
George then go ahead showing charts showing how dangerous alcohol are compared to other psychoactive drugs that people often consume recreationally. This shows that it’s absurd to think that Jesus would have mass produce dangerous controlled recreational substance like alcoholic beverage such as wine.
Harms of various drugs,,
“Jesus could be producing Methylenedioxymethamphetamine considering the very drunk party head is pretty happy afterward. His unusually compassionate message suggest consumption of serotonin reuptake inhibitor or he may have naturally high serotonin level. Some of the thing he said can be explained by temporary ego lost. So I think lysergic acid diethylamide is somewhere on the play. He can make his disciples see things. So Psilocybin is a possibility. His consistently liberal message and his eponym of anointed strongly suggest Tetrahydrocannabinol probably absorbed by the skin during the anointing. Perhaps one ingredient of holy anointing oil is extract of cannabis sativa However, to even suggest that our lord and savior would mass produce something as dangerous as alcoholic beverage is clearly blasphemy. How could all those guests drive their chariot safely home? Hermie might as well say Jesus mass produce nicotine.” George says in sentencing hearing.
“I suppose they just use designated drivers. Basically those who are too drunk to drive home at the party can have access to various commercial chariots that attentively listened to surrounding vibrating air signals. Those wanting to go safely home will use their evolved organ to create massive sound waves. The waves can somehow be detected by potential nearby chariots owners that will then come nearby to pick passengers. To navigate they will use global positioning map databases with many redundant copies. Conceptually, the maps have many redundant copies on collective consciousness “cloud”, which was and still is the most advance unified super computer of all time. Those databases are stored directly into many actual humans’ brain. Users then interfaced with the data through ancient protocol called asking for direction,” explains Hermie, “Jesus only produced half a ton of wine daily at that time. So chance is there isn’t enough left over wine for the horses that pull the chariots. The chance that those guests can safely reach their home without hitting any kids or getting citation by patrolling roman soldiers is still pretty good.”
George find the explanation strange for some reason and condemn Hermie anyway.
“Now everyone wears blind folds, everybody can just get nekkid,” explains the beautiful Erin while wearing only vibrating dildo, tits clamps, and a smile.” “I feel so safe,” Erin adds.
“Finally by combining the best from all cultures we can hold women’s dignity in ways that would offend nobody,” explains Erin.
Totally safe for work normal women’s fashion no body eventually get offended with!AFD/Dolcett-CurrentAffair/10.jpg
Erin is not happy though. Some guy bump into her due to blindfolds. Those guys are prosecuted for sexual harassment. Other blindfolded guys happen to look at Erin’s direction and also jailed because some feminist think that Erin may have felt harassed.
Some other guys happen to look at other directions and punished for hate crime. “They don’t look at Erin because she is a woman,” George justifying his sentence.
Erin is just disappointed that no males are near her anymore no matter how well she has dressed.
Some girls manage to get better deal when they peek out of their blind fold. Jenny, for example, see her mate first before choosing and end up with some guy in Ferrari. Her mate, Kevin, also peek out and got a relatively beautiful Jenny. They both got their eyes gouge out.
“Our society is based on love,” said Lenny, the presiding judge when handing out punishment and reading the sentence in braille. “And love is blind,” Lenny continues. “So those who check her mate’s specs first are not doing it based on love and hence it’s wrong. Mercenary sex is of poorer quality compared with sentimental sex between lovers. (Sex, Morality, and the Law)”
“Because I am fat, stupid, poor, and ugly, I do not get a high spec mate,” explains Monica, in a victim impact statement.
Both Kevin and Jenny are also branded as sexual offender and stoned to death by religious fundamentalists.
“God teach us to flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.),” says Nathan. “Kevin and Jenny peek through their mandatory blindfolds and deliberately check the specs of their mate and that’s sexually immoral,” Nathan adds further.
“Well, during Paul’s era, looking at your mate before choosing them is not considered sexually immoral. It’s just like polygamy, sex outside marriage, sex with 10 years old, sexual slavery, buying or selling preteen girls for sexual purpose, war rape, rape of unmarried women, or pornography,” Oscar tried to explain. “In fact, it’s the roman culture that’s too sensitive about sexuality that Christianity manage to get a lot of followers by portraying romans as orgy loving.”
Oscar is then crucified for suggesting that bible condone something politically incorrect.
“Something is sexually immoral when some alpha males say it is,” says George, the sentencing judge, quoting many scientific books on morality. “That obviously change all the time so we must follow whichever morality standard alpha males among us have said.”
Not everyone agrees with the no peeking laws. “We have too many car accidents because people drive blindfolded to avoid accidentally seeing high quality mates,” explains Penny.
Instead men are told to hide their wealth. Those who aren’t often become victims of riots. Women are also told to cover 50%-100% of their assets ( across different cultures.
Like in insurance and employment, government start declaring anti-discrimination laws for certain protected group. When choosing a mate, people cannot discriminate based on looks or wealth, for example. Employers cannot discriminate based on capability to do jobs because such discrimination would adversely affect whites in basketball games and blacks in programming and who knows what.
Soon people cannot discriminate based on anything when choosing anyone. Everybody is hiring, fucking, petting, and eating cats, dogs, pigs, humans with no preference or discrimination whatsoever.
Insurance companies are even forced to provide the same service to those genetically problematic at the same price, forcing all of them to go bankrupt
Anyway, back to the court room.
So hot babes are marched to concentration camps where they will be gassed to death for being non humans. Anyone protesting are labeled mysogynists and shot at site by fascist governments.
Many hot babes are marched and then killed in some ancient time by those that do not think they are sex objects
“All women want are to be respected like male. All they want is for all males to say no to them,” explain Ann.
“How could you do this to me?” screams Fiona, one hot babe being marched.
“Well, hot babes are not humans and humans don’t talk, so it’s normal that we don’t understand what she’s saying,” said Ivan.
“I think I understand what she tries to say. She tries to tell us something using a technique called asking a rhetorical question,” explained John, a guy that understands women more.
“Men cannot understand women,” said Ann, “That means John is a false prophet and must be stoned to death.”
John died a violent gruesome death.
Meanwhile a kid walks to the zoo with his Dad.
All the hot babes are gone and they’re both very horny.
“Dad, I saw a female pig. Should I fuck that thing?” asked Donny, the kid.
“Well, son, I really see no logical reason why we shouldn’t. She’s female after all,” said Ethan, the daddy, pumping blood to his neo frontal cortex trying to figure out the answer.
“But Dad, I don’t feel like fucking that pig,” said Donny.
“And why not, son?” asked Ethan.
“Well, my ancestors have lived through trillions of generation. Not one of them fails to reproduce. That pig is not human. They are not members of our species. Fucking them will not produce fertile offspring. Hence it’s a waste of time. Throughout trillions of years of evolution, my emotion, processed in amygdala, has evolved to differentiate which objects worth fucking and not,” explained Donny.
“That seems to be a pretty smart strategy to detect whether a female organism is a member of our species or not. If that thing turns us on, then she is a member. If that thing doesn’t, then she is not,” conclude Ethan. “We don’t have to bang them all and see if they produce healthy offspring. Just like we don’t have to eat shit to know it’s poisonous. Our instincts honed through evolution allow us to know what’s gonna work before we try.”
“Dad, I don’t get turn on by ugly bitches,” said Donny.
“Well, that means ugly bitches are the ones that are not members of our species,” conclude Ethan, “They’re just disease evolved to wipe out our species out of the gene pool.”
“Quick dad, we need to go to Judge Charlie and get moratorium to postpone the gassing,” said Donny.
They both drive their shuttle to Judge Charlie.
“Those hot babes are indeed humans,” scream Donny.
“How do you know?” asks Charlie.
“Follow me and watch,” Donny asked.
They both go to Fiona’s cell. There Donny copulates with Fiona.
“What do you think you’re doing?” asked Charlie.
“I do not think. I just follow my feeling,” said Donny.
“We’re testing a new theory to decide actual species of an object,” explains Ethan. “If a female organism turns us on, that means they are human.”
“Well, feeling proofs nothing. We’re not animals. We don’t follow our instinct of emotions. We think. We’re advance society we can think of everything with logic,” said Charlie, “That feminazi have already proven that hot babes are not sex objects and hence not our co species.”
“When we use our rational mind, we only take into account facts that we are consciously aware. That’s often are only politically correct ideas that may not even be true. Even though the reasoning is perfect, the whole assumption may be so far fetches,” explains Ethan.
“Moreover, not one of my trillions of ancestors has failed to produce offspring. If I feel like fucking some object, doing so must have improved my chance of producing offspring,” said Donny.
“Well, I suppose that makes some sense. Let’s give this feeling a chance. Perhaps there is some truth in emotion too,” said Charlie.
“Fortunately there are still males that think I am a sex object,” said Fiona, “Imagine if I am gassed to death. It’ll be a waste of natural resources right?”
So the males start treating hot babes as sex objects again. After 9 months, babies start popping out of those women. Humanity is saved from extinction.
“Wow, those women are indeed humans. We can interbreed with them,” said Charlie, “If only we listened to our emotion we would have known this right away.”
“I suppose there are many areas where we can use our feeling to know the truth,” explained Donny. “Free market feels fair because it does lead to prosperity. The strong crush the weak, because it’s always what happens. Government intervention sucks because they always are,” Donny pointed out.
“Even though often all those things are justified by illogical non sense, doesn’t mean they’re not true,” Ethan explained.
“Yes, those ugly bitches are the one not human, because even though they’re female, they don’t turn males on,” said Donny.
“Well, we almost mass murder tons of innocent humans. Never again we should use that concentration camp,” said Charlie.
“We may have common ancestors with those ugly bitches. However, several branching in our species caused speciation and hence they’re no longer member of our species,” said Donny.
So they start launching ugly bitches to outer space. Perhaps there they will meet their co species over there.
The ugly bitches are quite happy too.
“Wow I am now an astronaut,” said Ann, “Finally I have achieved what decades of feminazis have tried to achieve, getting a man’s job.”
“Why would anyone wants to be an astronaut?” asked Donny.
“Don’t know son. They’re not member of our species. So they can’t interbreed. I guess ugly bitches tend to prefer non reproductive career then,” explained Ethan.
Everybody then goes back home wiser knowing what it truly means to be human.
Donny becomes the world leader due to his maturity. He rules wisely due to his advanced knowledge of humanity.