Finland’s defense minister: We’re preparing to thwart any potential military threat. is Finland saved from Moscow´s imperialism?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Finland’s defense minister: We’re preparing to thwart any potential military threat. is Finland saved from Moscow´s imperialism?

its clear that Finland takes seriously security issues (having border with Moscow´s empire) , question, what if Putin´s Muscovy attacks , how , where , what will happened, your scenario ?

" However, in Finland there are also reasons for optimism. Our society is resilient. We have confidence in our model of comprehensive security, which we have developed and fine-tuned during the post-Cold War era. We have maintained and developed a national defense capability throughout the decades. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors....

This year our military expenditures will reach more than 2.2 percent of gross domestic product. We will, in the coming years, procure a new Navy squadron with four corvettes. During the next decade we will also replace the current fleet of F-18 Hornet fighters; a procurement decision will be made this year. Together, these two projects will inject more than an additional €10 billion (U.S. $12 billion) into our defense system.

Additional defense expenditures will facilitate a balanced approach to defense development. They guarantee that our intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and command-and-control capabilities, joint fires, cyber defense, and the Army will get the needed upgrades during the 2020s and beyond.


Finland’s defense minister: We’re preparing to thwart any potential military threat. is Finland saved from Moscow´s imperialism?

its clear that Finland takes seriously security issues (having border with Moscow´s empire) , question, what if Putin´s Muscovy attacks , how , where , what will happened, your scenario ?

" However, in Finland there are also reasons for optimism. Our society is resilient. We have confidence in our model of comprehensive security, which we have developed and fine-tuned during the post-Cold War era. We have maintained and developed a national defense capability throughout the decades. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors....

This year our military expenditures will reach more than 2.2 percent of gross domestic product. We will, in the coming years, procure a new Navy squadron with four corvettes. During the next decade we will also replace the current fleet of F-18 Hornet fighters; a procurement decision will be made this year. Together, these two projects will inject more than an additional €10 billion (U.S. $12 billion) into our defense system.

Additional defense expenditures will facilitate a balanced approach to defense development. They guarantee that our intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and command-and-control capabilities, joint fires, cyber defense, and the Army will get the needed upgrades during the 2020s and beyond.


Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening
Finland’s defense minister: We’re preparing to thwart any potential military threat. is Finland saved from Moscow´s imperialism?

its clear that Finland takes seriously security issues (having border with Moscow´s empire) , question, what if Putin´s Muscovy attacks , how , where , what will happened, your scenario ?

" However, in Finland there are also reasons for optimism. Our society is resilient. We have confidence in our model of comprehensive security, which we have developed and fine-tuned during the post-Cold War era. We have maintained and developed a national defense capability throughout the decades. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors....

This year our military expenditures will reach more than 2.2 percent of gross domestic product. We will, in the coming years, procure a new Navy squadron with four corvettes. During the next decade we will also replace the current fleet of F-18 Hornet fighters; a procurement decision will be made this year. Together, these two projects will inject more than an additional €10 billion (U.S. $12 billion) into our defense system.

Additional defense expenditures will facilitate a balanced approach to defense development. They guarantee that our intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and command-and-control capabilities, joint fires, cyber defense, and the Army will get the needed upgrades during the 2020s and beyond.


Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening

Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening
The Coronavirus enters Finland.
One week later: The Coronavirus is hiding behind the Ural Mountains.
Finland’s defense minister: We’re preparing to thwart any potential military threat. is Finland saved from Moscow´s imperialism?

its clear that Finland takes seriously security issues (having border with Moscow´s empire) , question, what if Putin´s Muscovy attacks , how , where , what will happened, your scenario ?

" However, in Finland there are also reasons for optimism. Our society is resilient. We have confidence in our model of comprehensive security, which we have developed and fine-tuned during the post-Cold War era. We have maintained and developed a national defense capability throughout the decades. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors....

This year our military expenditures will reach more than 2.2 percent of gross domestic product. We will, in the coming years, procure a new Navy squadron with four corvettes. During the next decade we will also replace the current fleet of F-18 Hornet fighters; a procurement decision will be made this year. Together, these two projects will inject more than an additional €10 billion (U.S. $12 billion) into our defense system.

Additional defense expenditures will facilitate a balanced approach to defense development. They guarantee that our intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and command-and-control capabilities, joint fires, cyber defense, and the Army will get the needed upgrades during the 2020s and beyond.


Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening

Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening
The Coronavirus enters Finland.
One week later: The Coronavirus is hiding behind the Ural Mountains.

My hero.
Finland’s defense minister: We’re preparing to thwart any potential military threat. is Finland saved from Moscow´s imperialism?

its clear that Finland takes seriously security issues (having border with Moscow´s empire) , question, what if Putin´s Muscovy attacks , how , where , what will happened, your scenario ?

" However, in Finland there are also reasons for optimism. Our society is resilient. We have confidence in our model of comprehensive security, which we have developed and fine-tuned during the post-Cold War era. We have maintained and developed a national defense capability throughout the decades. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors....

This year our military expenditures will reach more than 2.2 percent of gross domestic product. We will, in the coming years, procure a new Navy squadron with four corvettes. During the next decade we will also replace the current fleet of F-18 Hornet fighters; a procurement decision will be made this year. Together, these two projects will inject more than an additional €10 billion (U.S. $12 billion) into our defense system.

Additional defense expenditures will facilitate a balanced approach to defense development. They guarantee that our intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and command-and-control capabilities, joint fires, cyber defense, and the Army will get the needed upgrades during the 2020s and beyond.


Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening

Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening
The Coronavirus enters Finland.
One week later: The Coronavirus is hiding behind the Ural Mountains.

My hero.

the looter (according even ussr prosecutors) , and thug, with redarmy´s nickname grishka butcher
Finland’s defense minister: We’re preparing to thwart any potential military threat. is Finland saved from Moscow´s imperialism?

its clear that Finland takes seriously security issues (having border with Moscow´s empire) , question, what if Putin´s Muscovy attacks , how , where , what will happened, your scenario ?

" However, in Finland there are also reasons for optimism. Our society is resilient. We have confidence in our model of comprehensive security, which we have developed and fine-tuned during the post-Cold War era. We have maintained and developed a national defense capability throughout the decades. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors....

This year our military expenditures will reach more than 2.2 percent of gross domestic product. We will, in the coming years, procure a new Navy squadron with four corvettes. During the next decade we will also replace the current fleet of F-18 Hornet fighters; a procurement decision will be made this year. Together, these two projects will inject more than an additional €10 billion (U.S. $12 billion) into our defense system.

Additional defense expenditures will facilitate a balanced approach to defense development. They guarantee that our intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and command-and-control capabilities, joint fires, cyber defense, and the Army will get the needed upgrades during the 2020s and beyond.


Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening

Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening
The Coronavirus enters Finland.
One week later: The Coronavirus is hiding behind the Ural Mountains.

My hero.

the looter (according even ussr prosecutors) , and thug, with redarmy´s nickname grishka butcher

Finland’s defense minister: We’re preparing to thwart any potential military threat. is Finland saved from Moscow´s imperialism?

its clear that Finland takes seriously security issues (having border with Moscow´s empire) , question, what if Putin´s Muscovy attacks , how , where , what will happened, your scenario ?

" However, in Finland there are also reasons for optimism. Our society is resilient. We have confidence in our model of comprehensive security, which we have developed and fine-tuned during the post-Cold War era. We have maintained and developed a national defense capability throughout the decades. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors....

This year our military expenditures will reach more than 2.2 percent of gross domestic product. We will, in the coming years, procure a new Navy squadron with four corvettes. During the next decade we will also replace the current fleet of F-18 Hornet fighters; a procurement decision will be made this year. Together, these two projects will inject more than an additional €10 billion (U.S. $12 billion) into our defense system.

Additional defense expenditures will facilitate a balanced approach to defense development. They guarantee that our intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and command-and-control capabilities, joint fires, cyber defense, and the Army will get the needed upgrades during the 2020s and beyond.


Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening

Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening
The Coronavirus enters Finland.
One week later: The Coronavirus is hiding behind the Ural Mountains.

My hero.

the looter (according even ussr prosecutors) , and thug, with redarmy´s nickname grishka butcher

yes, and putin is the next on line ))
Last edited:
If Finland thinks it has spare territory it doesn't need it may join anti-Russian alliances, but for some reason I think Finns are not as stupid as you, Litwin, think of them :)
is there any nation which you think good of? :)

So-called 'Litwin' isn't stupid, I don't think so.
I guess the guy is completely crazy in his hate
Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :)
and that process of gathering Russian lands has started already :)
" Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :) " its GREAT I love it, putin is your last czar of your last ulus (empire)
Finland’s defense minister: We’re preparing to thwart any potential military threat. is Finland saved from Moscow´s imperialism?

its clear that Finland takes seriously security issues (having border with Moscow´s empire) , question, what if Putin´s Muscovy attacks , how , where , what will happened, your scenario ?

" However, in Finland there are also reasons for optimism. Our society is resilient. We have confidence in our model of comprehensive security, which we have developed and fine-tuned during the post-Cold War era. We have maintained and developed a national defense capability throughout the decades. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors. We never dropped the ball on defense. In addition, we are members of the European Union, are partners to NATO and cooperate actively with our Nordic neighbors....

This year our military expenditures will reach more than 2.2 percent of gross domestic product. We will, in the coming years, procure a new Navy squadron with four corvettes. During the next decade we will also replace the current fleet of F-18 Hornet fighters; a procurement decision will be made this year. Together, these two projects will inject more than an additional €10 billion (U.S. $12 billion) into our defense system.

Additional defense expenditures will facilitate a balanced approach to defense development. They guarantee that our intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and command-and-control capabilities, joint fires, cyber defense, and the Army will get the needed upgrades during the 2020s and beyond.


Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening

Thanks. I play this every morning upon wakening
The Coronavirus enters Finland.
One week later: The Coronavirus is hiding behind the Ural Mountains.

My hero.

the looter (according even ussr prosecutors) , and thug, with redarmy´s nickname grishka butcher

Victor Suvorov .( real name - Vladimir Bogdanovich Rezun; born. April 20, 1947, Barabash, Primorsky Krai, USSR ) Zionist, liar and traitor
Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :)
and that process of gathering Russian lands has started already :)
" Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :) " its GREAT I love it, putin is your last czar of your last ulus (empire)

Putin is a Zionist who destroyed Russia, the Russian People badly needs the new Tsar elected by the Russian People and not by KGB and Putin's kagal.
Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :)
and that process of gathering Russian lands has started already :)
" Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :) " its GREAT I love it, putin is your last czar of your last ulus (empire)

Putin is a Zionist who destroyed Russia, the Russian People badly needs the new Tsar elected by the Russian People and not by KGB and Putin's kagal.

politics is an art of the possible.
политика - искусство возможного
ithis alone is enough not to consider monarchy as a working option for modern Russia

as for a Zionist - present historic circumstances lead Putin the right way of self-reliance and restoration of the great state whatever Putin is.

so, everything is fine, Russia is back on its path of strength and glory, expanding via elimination of deadly external threats.

Litwin, do you enjoy understanding it? :)
Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :)
and that process of gathering Russian lands has started already :)
" Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :) " its GREAT I love it, putin is your last czar of your last ulus (empire)

Putin is a Zionist who destroyed Russia, the Russian People badly needs the new Tsar elected by the Russian People and not by KGB and Putin's kagal.

politics is an art of the possible.
политика - искусство возможного
ithis alone is enough not to consider monarchy as a working option for modern Russia

as for a Zionist - present historic circumstances lead Putin the right way of self-reliance and restoration of the great state whatever Putin is.

so, everything is fine, Russia is back on its path of strength and glory, expanding via elimination of deadly external threats.

Litwin, do you enjoy understanding it? :)

Russia badly needs monarchy, end of so-called 'democracy' and Orthodox Tsar

Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :)
and that process of gathering Russian lands has started already :)
" Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :) " its GREAT I love it, putin is your last czar of your last ulus (empire)

Putin is a Zionist who destroyed Russia, the Russian People badly needs the new Tsar elected by the Russian People and not by KGB and Putin's kagal.

politics is an art of the possible.
политика - искусство возможного
ithis alone is enough not to consider monarchy as a working option for modern Russia

as for a Zionist - present historic circumstances lead Putin the right way of self-reliance and restoration of the great state whatever Putin is.

so, everything is fine, Russia is back on its path of strength and glory, expanding via elimination of deadly external threats.

Litwin, do you enjoy understanding it? :)

Russia badly needs monarchy, end of so-called 'democracy' and Orthodox Tsar

the second one ?

Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :)
and that process of gathering Russian lands has started already :)
" Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :) " its GREAT I love it, putin is your last czar of your last ulus (empire)

Putin is a Zionist who destroyed Russia, the Russian People badly needs the new Tsar elected by the Russian People and not by KGB and Putin's kagal.

politics is an art of the possible.
политика - искусство возможного
ithis alone is enough not to consider monarchy as a working option for modern Russia

as for a Zionist - present historic circumstances lead Putin the right way of self-reliance and restoration of the great state whatever Putin is.

so, everything is fine, Russia is back on its path of strength and glory, expanding via elimination of deadly external threats.

Litwin, do you enjoy understanding it? :)

Russia badly needs monarchy, end of so-called 'democracy' and Orthodox Tsar

the second one ?


Putin is a traitor who transformed Russia in a huge prison.
He isn't Russian patriot, otherwise he would have officials of Russian origin around him
Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :)
and that process of gathering Russian lands has started already :)
" Litwin, isn't it good that Putin is going to stay? :) " its GREAT I love it, putin is your last czar of your last ulus (empire)

Putin is a Zionist who destroyed Russia, the Russian People badly needs the new Tsar elected by the Russian People and not by KGB and Putin's kagal.

politics is an art of the possible.
политика - искусство возможного
ithis alone is enough not to consider monarchy as a working option for modern Russia

as for a Zionist - present historic circumstances lead Putin the right way of self-reliance and restoration of the great state whatever Putin is.

so, everything is fine, Russia is back on its path of strength and glory, expanding via elimination of deadly external threats.

Litwin, do you enjoy understanding it? :)

Russia badly needs monarchy, end of so-called 'democracy' and Orthodox Tsar

the second one ?


Putin is a traitor who transformed Russia in a huge prison.
He isn't Russian patriot, otherwise he would have officials of Russian origin around him
i expect a good comment from our new olgino troll

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