f'ing LOVE the TEA party right now!!!!

I'd love nothing more than an immediate and permanent government "default". Obama, Pelosi, and Reid have recklessly spent our money and spent us an additional $5 trillion in debt in only 2.5 years. There are no words to describe how irresponsible that is - and frankly I'm stunned that even the Socialist/Marxist/Communist Dumbocrats are not outraged by that insanity.

Additionally, there is simply no rational argument for not wanting a balanced budget amendment. How stupid do you have to be to spend money you don't have? The federal government has grown into a monstrosity that is completely out of control, and damn time the American people take back their country and force this current regime and future Administrations to adhere to the Constitution which limits their power by law.

Were you this outraged, spewing borderline insane rants when Bush left Obama with a $10 trillion deficit after inheriting a surplus from Clinton? Of course not.

Anyway, the Teasacks will be gone in 2012. And even if Obama loses, I predict Democrats will win back control of the House and strengthen their numbers in the Senate. The Republican party has shown Americans (the ones that didn't already know) its true colors. America will give them the boot in 2012.
Kaz, because someone has issues with race should not shut his or her mind down to real facts and real solutions.

Stuff your libertarianism and hatred of the individual. The poor, and the elderly, and the children ae the business's government, and you will contribute whether you wish or not.

The BLACKS....you forgot the Blacks.

Meister, I had forgotten, as neat a person as you are, you still have issues with race.

Hint: go find out how many white mothers are on government assistance to black mothers.

Put that to percentages, Okay? Then lets talk about it.
I have no issues with race.....the left seems to always use it....you just forgot.
The rightwingers, give them shatheads credit, when ot comes to attacking the person and cooking up the right shat to appeal to people's emotion, ask them to post some facts and they always struggle mightily, they turn into salesman and try to convince that a beat up Pinto is better than a 7 series BMW.

Who took over the automotive companies? Could it be ......... liberals?????
The rightwingers, give them shatheads credit, when ot comes to attacking the person and cooking up the right shat to appeal to people's emotion, ask them to post some facts and they always struggle mightily, they turn into salesman and try to convince that a beat up Pinto is better than a 7 series BMW.

Who took over the automotive companies? Could it be ......... liberals?????

How much to the auto companies still owe? Anything?
The BLACKS....you forgot the Blacks.

Meister, I had forgotten, as neat a person as you are, you still have issues with race.

Hint: go find out how many white mothers are on government assistance to black mothers.

Put that to percentages, Okay? Then lets talk about it.
I have no issues with race.....the left seems to always use it....you just forgot.

You are the one who mentioned it, Meister. %s are important for sure, but so are the tens of millions of whites, hmmmm?
Jarhead and Flaylo are correct, I believe. The dumb butts of the far left who want to socialize everything and the dumb butts of the far right who want to go back to the 1950s and give it all to the business all are a bunch of numb nuts.

Your statement "and give it all to the business" speaks volumes about what a radical left-wing nut you are. Nobody ever "gave" anything to the businesses.
Are you sure you want to stand by your claim that no one ever gave AIG, BoA etc...anything?

"Those" businesses paid for that money. Ask their bought and paid for politicians, including the one in the white house.
TeaBots make up about 18% of the American population.

89% are white.

71% are in the south and the west: Guns and a disdain for anything Government (west) and a history of racism and racist violence (south). 58% keep a gun in the household. Gotta have a gun handy...you never know when a minority will attack.

59% have a good impression of Glenn Beck.

66% like Sarah Palin.

30% do not believe President Obama was born in the US, and another 29% are not sure, making it a whopping 59% who are sure he was not or might not have been born in the US. Their delusion is mostly based on race.

With 18% of the population, they think they should be calling the political shots.

Modern Americans are much darker in color, better educated in many, digitally brighter, and they generally want to part of the "bad" days of the past, while willing to accept the good.

Most of America is much darker in color, better educated, digitally brighter, look to the future for new opportunities not to a failed past, of which they want not part of the "bad" days while willing to accept the good.

The far right of the sixties (the group on the losing side of the culture war) is simply making a last hurrah before they die. They have had some success , but will begin steadily and quickly witnessing an erosion of their strength and ability to influence America. They will die and be forgotten.

Conservative lifestyle will never be forgotten. If your side wins this debate, the country simply, implodes, after a few years. No medicare, no Social Security, no food stamps, no medicaid, no disability, no welfare, no unemployment will be available. The gov't will probably "allow" you to sign up, to give you the impression they care, but at that point you, and your family will be SLAVES. People will be conservative because they will have to be to survive. The difference: there will be NO LIBERTY, NO FREEDOM, NO PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, because people like you have voted the rest of the country into slavery thinking you would be a master, only to discover, that no, you too, are a slave.

My side is responsible Republicanism, not libertarianism or Tea Partyism. You have described a country run by the far non-mainstream right. No real American wants any part of that. Our freedoms and our commitment to the social compact were just celebrated in the bill passed by the House and will be passed by the Senate.

Please list what responsible Republicanism considers important. A small list would be acceptable.
Jarhead and Flaylo are correct, I believe. The dumb butts of the far left who want to socialize everything and the dumb butts of the far right who want to go back to the 1950s and give it all to the business all are a bunch of numb nuts.

Your statement "and give it all to the business" speaks volumes about what a radical left-wing nut you are. Nobody ever "gave" anything to the businesses. Businesses earned their profits through hard work. It's only the Marxist/Socialist/Communist's who believe things were "given" to businesses because they are angry and bitter about their own lives.

The only thing that "gives" anything to anything else is the idiot liberal Marxist/Socialist/Communist policies of the Dumbocrat. They take money from business and give it to the parasite class which is destroying this nation. They take money from hard working American's and give it to those who would rather not work and stay home doing heroin all day, creating an incentive not to work.

Businesses earn what ever money they accumulate. It's earned through the fair, open market which requires them to compete against other businesses for your money. That competition creates better products, better services, better results, and lower prices for the consumer. It's why Capitalism thrives while left-wing policies have collapsed the former U.S.S.R., Cuba, and Greece.

Well if the other poster is one extreme, this post would prove that you are blinded by the other extreme. I'm not sure that more of Glenn Beck's talking points could be fit into a single post (I watch Beck from time to time. I find him entertaining but more, I find it entertaining that there are people stupid enought o buy any of his BS).

So Bill Gates or George Lucas would rather not work? They provide quite a few more jobs than you ever will.
Businesses were NEVER given anything by the government? YOu really want to stay with that one, do you?
Businesses are ALWAYS fair in the way they earn money? What? Did you go to the Bernie Madoff School of Ethics? Former ENRON executive, are you?
I mean, I could go hmmm. Lemme guess:
You don't think Michelle Bachmann is a liar, hypocrite or extremist.
Not talking about compared to anyone else - just all on her own...
Conservative lifestyle will never be forgotten. If your side wins this debate, the country simply, implodes, after a few years. No medicare, no Social Security, no food stamps, no medicaid, no disability, no welfare, no unemployment will be available. The gov't will probably "allow" you to sign up, to give you the impression they care, but at that point you, and your family will be SLAVES. People will be conservative because they will have to be to survive. The difference: there will be NO LIBERTY, NO FREEDOM, NO PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, because people like you have voted the rest of the country into slavery thinking you would be a master, only to discover, that no, you too, are a slave.

My side is responsible Republicanism, not libertarianism or Tea Partyism. You have described a country run by the far non-mainstream right. No real American wants any part of that. Our freedoms and our commitment to the social compact were just celebrated in the bill passed by the House and will be passed by the Senate.

Please list what responsible Republicanism considers important. A small list would be acceptable.

This is what it is not.

Re-education camps (er, programs) for TeaBots.

Equality for race, religion, origin, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.

Guns have a place, in the gun cabinet when not in use, and registered in the data base, just like our cars, buses, and planes.

Understanding that Beck, Palin, and Beckmann are the Comedy Hour of the party.

Understanding that Obama was elected constitutionally by electoral process.

Understanding that Obama is fully qualified to be president.

Accepting that modern Americans are much darker in color, better educated in many, digitally brighter, and they generally do not want any of the "bad" days of the past, while willing to accept the good from it.

Republican principles of Eisenhower, Ford, Taft, Bush the Elder, James Baker, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty.

Understanding that we can beat Obama in 2012 without being subversive of electoral and constitutional process.
My side is responsible Republicanism, not libertarianism or Tea Partyism. You have described a country run by the far non-mainstream right. No real American wants any part of that. Our freedoms and our commitment to the social compact were just celebrated in the bill passed by the House and will be passed by the Senate.

Please list what responsible Republicanism considers important. A small list would be acceptable.

This is what it is not.

Re-education camps (er, programs) for TeaBots.

Equality for race, religion, origin, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.

Guns have a place, in the gun cabinet when not in use, and registered in the data base, just like our cars, buses, and planes.

Understanding that Beck, Palin, and Beckmann are the Comedy Hour of the party.

Understanding that Obama was elected constitutionally by electoral process.

Understanding that Obama is fully qualified to be president.

Accepting that modern Americans are much darker in color, better educated in many, digitally brighter, and they generally do not want any of the "bad" days of the past, while willing to accept the good from it.

Republican principles of Eisenhower, Ford, Taft, Bush the Elder, James Baker, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty.

Understanding that we can beat Obama in 2012 without being subversive of electoral and constitutional process.

Register my guns? What guns? I sold those at a gun show.

Did you register to run your mouth. I mean if we are going to register to exersize our amendment rights. Lets start with number one.
Nothing in the Constitution prevents you from having to register your guns, if the state government so decides.
My side is responsible Republicanism, not libertarianism or Tea Partyism. You have described a country run by the far non-mainstream right. No real American wants any part of that. Our freedoms and our commitment to the social compact were just celebrated in the bill passed by the House and will be passed by the Senate.

Please list what responsible Republicanism considers important. A small list would be acceptable.

This is what it is not.

Re-education camps (er, programs) for TeaBots.

Equality for race, religion, origin, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.

Guns have a place, in the gun cabinet when not in use, and registered in the data base, just like our cars, buses, and planes.

Understanding that Beck, Palin, and Beckmann are the Comedy Hour of the party.

Understanding that Obama was elected constitutionally by electoral process.

Understanding that Obama is fully qualified to be president.

Accepting that modern Americans are much darker in color, better educated in many, digitally brighter, and they generally do not want any of the "bad" days of the past, while willing to accept the good from it.

Republican principles of Eisenhower, Ford, Taft, Bush the Elder, James Baker, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty.

Understanding that we can beat Obama in 2012 without being subversive of electoral and constitutional process.

That is what it is "not"?
Please list what responsible Republicanism considers important. A small list would be acceptable.

This is what it is not.

Re-education camps (er, programs) for TeaBots.

Equality for race, religion, origin, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.

Guns have a place, in the gun cabinet when not in use, and registered in the data base, just like our cars, buses, and planes.

Understanding that Beck, Palin, and Beckmann are the Comedy Hour of the party.

Understanding that Obama was elected constitutionally by electoral process.

Understanding that Obama is fully qualified to be president.

Accepting that modern Americans are much darker in color, better educated in many, digitally brighter, and they generally do not want any of the "bad" days of the past, while willing to accept the good from it.

Republican principles of Eisenhower, Ford, Taft, Bush the Elder, James Baker, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty.

Understanding that we can beat Obama in 2012 without being subversive of electoral and constitutional process.

That is what it is "not"?

This is what the Tea Party far phans oppose.
My side is responsible Republicanism, not libertarianism or Tea Partyism. You have described a country run by the far non-mainstream right. No real American wants any part of that. Our freedoms and our commitment to the social compact were just celebrated in the bill passed by the House and will be passed by the Senate.

Please list what responsible Republicanism considers important. A small list would be acceptable.

This is what it is not.

Re-education camps (er, programs) for TeaBots.

Equality for race, religion, origin, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.

Guns have a place, in the gun cabinet when not in use, and registered in the data base, just like our cars, buses, and planes.

Understanding that Beck, Palin, and Beckmann are the Comedy Hour of the party.

Understanding that Obama was elected constitutionally by electoral process.

Understanding that Obama is fully qualified to be president.

Accepting that modern Americans are much darker in color, better educated in many, digitally brighter, and they generally do not want any of the "bad" days of the past, while willing to accept the good from it.

Republican principles of Eisenhower, Ford, Taft, Bush the Elder, James Baker, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty.

Understanding that we can beat Obama in 2012 without being subversive of electoral and constitutional process.

Jake, have any reporters tried to contact you yet?

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