Find your ethnic twin #Gradient (google play app for Android)


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I have to admit, I've never seen anyone so desperate to find an identity, any identity.

Is who you actually are so abysmal to you that you continuously try on other identities to seeking to be someone else?
I have to admit, I've never seen anyone so desperate to find an identity, any identity.

Is who you actually are so abysmal to you that you continuously try on other identities to seeking to be someone else?

I dont think Im seeking to be someone else and I think your perception of what I am is not 100% identical to what Im objectively am. You said Im not Jewish but I am it looks like a little bit. So Im more right then you. But Im not really "Jewish", but I never claimed really to be a real Jew. Or mostly Jew. Or to follow Judaism. Look at my signature. And Im just playing with a app.
You said Im not Jewish but I am it looks like a little bit.

There is no such thing as being 'a little bit Jewish'. It is a binary state, you either are, or are not.

I disagree, what is if someone is exactly half and half, it is possible. But ok.

Your disagreement doesn't count for anything. It's not a matter of opinion, it's one of Halaka (Jewish Law).

The concept of fractional Judaism or being Jewish by blood is one dreamed up by some German people who you've been known to admire from time to time.

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