Filthy "refugees" set up illegal camp next to Paris Terror Attack Memorial

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
As if people didn't dislike them enough already, they do this....these POS have zero respect for anything. Why aren't the water cannons set on them? Why aren't they arrested and then put on a military plane and dumped back in the desert wastelands they came from?

Zero Tolerance approach, my goodness, get some BALLS already! French people were murdered by this crowds fellow Islamic ilk, have the French pansified authorities forgotten this.

Get the fuck off my Continent already, the majority of us DO NOT WANT YOU!


"Afghan migrants set up homeless camp at the site of Paris terror attack memorial to protest against lack of housing

Afghan asylum-seekers have set up a homeless camp at the site of a prominent Paris terror attack memorial in protest at the lack of migrant housing.

The migrants have laid down mattresses and blankets at the busy Place de la Republique in Paris, where tens of thousands held a march of solidarity in the wake of the attacks.

The location of a tribute to those killed on November 13, the area is now been covered in protest signs and debris from the migrants living in the area.

Photographs from the scene show dozens of migrants lying in the concreted area on mattresses, pieces of cardboard, and blankets.

Next to one group of the Afghan asylum seekers is a sign stating 'borders kill', which sits nailed to a tree.


However, concerns remain that ISIS terrorists are entering Europe using fake passports and hidden among asylum seekers.

Several of the perpetrators of the Paris terror attacks are believed to have entered Europe through Greece. After the attacks, they were found to be in possession of forged Syrian passports."

Not believed to have, proven to have entered Europa through Greece.

Full story, with the outrageous photographs of this filthy rabble:

Migrants set up camp at the site of Paris terror attack memorial

Pretty sure the bums protesting about not enough housing (geez. Nothing like biting the hand that feeds ya, eh?) are not terrorists. Those want to keep a low profile. Deliberately being so open to scrutiny would be dumb. Then again...........

Meh. If France wants to sit and do nothing and sing along with U2 about peace and harmony and sympathy even to the terrorists families, then that's on them. They need to grow some balls.
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Pretty sure the bums protesting about not enough housing (geez. Nothing like biting the hand that feeds ya, eh?) are not terrorists. Those want to keep a low profile. Deliberately being so open to scrutiny would be dumb. Then again...........

Meh. If France wants to sit and do nothing and sing along with U2 about peace and harmony and sympathy even to the terrorists families, then that's on them. They need to grow some balls.

This is what happens when Leftists run a nation and it's media, the result feminized men giving up their balls.
It's weird how so many can still be blind to the "peace" crap they toss around. Ain't gonna work.

A homeless Veteran sleeps in the street. with his best friend while our government thinks we have room for 500,000 refugees. How about we take care of our people our Veterans? #HomelessVeteransOfAmerica HVOA

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A homeless Veteran sleeps in the street. with his best friend while our government thinks we have room for 500,000 refugees. How about we take care of our people our Veterans? #HomelessVeteransOfAmerica HVOA


This is a scandal, this happens in Europa also, our veterans make up a high percentage of our homeless. Our disgraceful Governments use them as cannon fodder, the one's who return home are treated like horsecrap, it's an outrage.

Whilst filthy rabble pretending to be "refugees", my goodness those same Governments can't bend over backwards quick enough to help them.

Support Our Veterans, not just at Christmas time either, but at ALL times.

A homeless Veteran sleeps in the street. with his best friend while our government thinks we have room for 500,000 refugees. How about we take care of our people our Veterans? #HomelessVeteransOfAmerica HVOA


This is a scandal, this happens in Europa also, our veterans make up a high percentage of our homeless. Our disgraceful Governments use them as cannon fodder, the one's who return home are treated like horsecrap, it's an outrage.

Whilst filthy rabble pretending to be "refugees", my goodness those same Governments can't bend over backwards quick enough to help them.

Support Our Veterans, not just at Christmas time either, but at ALL times.
As a US Army vet, I thank you...

I work with our veterans in need, and you wouldn't believe how they're neglected after their sacrifices for our nation...

And the worst part is, they put their LIVES on the line for the very people who kick them to the curb, then insist on having the very rights they FOUGHT FOR!!!
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A homeless Veteran sleeps in the street. with his best friend while our government thinks we have room for 500,000 refugees. How about we take care of our people our Veterans? #HomelessVeteransOfAmerica HVOA


This is a scandal, this happens in Europa also, our veterans make up a high percentage of our homeless. Our disgraceful Governments use them as cannon fodder, the one's who return home are treated like horsecrap, it's an outrage.

Whilst filthy rabble pretending to be "refugees", my goodness those same Governments can't bend over backwards quick enough to help them.

Support Our Veterans, not just at Christmas time either, but at ALL times.
As a US Army vet, I thank you...

I work with our veterans in need, and you wouldn't believe how they're neglected after their sacrifices for our nation...

And the worst part is, they put their LIVES on the line for the very people who kick them to the curb, then insist on having the very rights they FOUGHT FOR!!!

You don't have to thank me, it was my pleasure :wink:

I have some knowledge of how veterans are neglected, including medically almost put to the bottom of the list. It's a great outrage and an genuine scandal, the MSM of course rarely reports about this.

Yes astonishing, the complete disregard and disrespect that veterans get, mainly as you say, from the same people who those veterans have fought to give rights to and keep free.
You guys talk a big game about being tough, but you treat vets like entitled babies. It should be an honor to fight in uniform. There should be no expectation to get rewarded for serving in the armed forces.

A vet bum is still a bum who would prefer to sit on their ass and ask for help, rather than doing work like the rest of us.

Veterans have served in the armed forces with our tax dollars, without our consent. Many of us paid unwillingly for them to be fed and sheltered so they could play soldier and live the lifestyle they signed up for.
When I got off active duty, no one help me find and get;
a job
a home
a bong...
There are plenty out there, just go and get what you need..But the weed supply was a little dry..
Our disgraceful Governments use them as cannon fodder,
Know the risks when you sign up.

Military service is a sign of manhood and a great platform for proving oneself to the rest of the world. Some people are honored to have served, and do not whine about the sacrifices they had to make in order to serve. Many veterans are a disgrace and don't deserve the baby treatment and pity parties the rest of society gives them.
Don't you guys think it is a little degrading to treat veterans like they are a "special" case. No, they are no fucking different than everyone else. It would be best if all the people pretending to give a fuck, would actually shut the fuck up.
Don't you guys think it is a little degrading to treat veterans like they are a "special" case. No, they are no fucking different than everyone else. It would be best if all the people pretending to give a fuck, would actually shut the fuck up.

As an addiction counselor I will say that you are very wrong, many come back with PTS, or they came back addicted.

The men came home from Vietnam with Americans spitting in their face, war was a big taboo back in the late 60's 70's

While putting myself through school I once was a home health aide to a disabled man wounded in the war, he lived in a shack and was dying. His insurance would only cover for a few days.

I did my thesis on a man coming back from Iraq and was in a addiction center getting help. He is traumatized by what he was ordered to do , killing women and children.

Onyx you are about as wrong as wrong can be, ( not all on the street are vets) but I would say that almost every vet you see on the street has some mental illness and was failed by the system.

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Do the refugees outnumber the French?

If the French people wanted them gone they would be gone.
Don't you guys think it is a little degrading to treat veterans like they are a "special" case. No, they are no fucking different than everyone else. It would be best if all the people pretending to give a fuck, would actually shut the fuck up.

Our disgraceful Governments use them as cannon fodder,
Know the risks when you sign up.

Military service is a sign of manhood and a great platform for proving oneself to the rest of the world. Some people are honored to have served, and do not whine about the sacrifices they had to make in order to serve. Many veterans are a disgrace and don't deserve the baby treatment and pity parties the rest of society gives them.

Don't you guys think it is a little degrading to treat veterans like they are a "special" case. No, they are no fucking different than everyone else. It would be best if all the people pretending to give a fuck, would actually shut the fuck up.

As an addiction counselor I will say that you are very wrong, many come back with PTS, or they came back addicted.

The men came home from Vietnam with Americans spitting in their face, war was a big taboo back in the late 60's 70's

While putting myself through school I once was a home health aide to a disabled man wounded in the war, he lived in a shack and was dying. His insurance would only cover for a few days.

I did my thesis on a man coming back from Iraq and was in a addiction center getting help. He is traumatized by what he was ordered to do , killing women and children.

Onyx you are about as wrong as wrong can be, ( not all on the street are vets) but I would say that almost every vet you see on the street has some mental illness and was failed by the system.


There's not only a high homeless rate amongst veterans, also there's a disturbingly high suicide rate :(
Don't you guys think it is a little degrading to treat veterans like they are a "special" case. No, they are no fucking different than everyone else. It would be best if all the people pretending to give a fuck, would actually shut the fuck up.
So how would YOU know what our veterans have been through protecting YOUR rights???

You can begin by telling us about YOUR military service...
Don't you guys think it is a little degrading to treat veterans like they are a "special" case. No, they are no fucking different than everyone else. It would be best if all the people pretending to give a fuck, would actually shut the fuck up.

As an addiction counselor I will say that you are very wrong, many come back with PTS, or they came back addicted.

The men came home from Vietnam with Americans spitting in their face, war was a big taboo back in the late 60's 70's

While putting myself through school I once was a home health aide to a disabled man wounded in the war, he lived in a shack and was dying. His insurance would only cover for a few days.

I did my thesis on a man coming back from Iraq and was in a addiction center getting help. He is traumatized by what he was ordered to do , killing women and children.

Onyx you are about as wrong as wrong can be, ( not all on the street are vets) but I would say that almost every vet you see on the street has some mental illness and was failed by the system.


There's not only a high homeless rate amongst veterans, also there's a disturbingly high suicide rate :(
There is a high suicide rate among drug users of all kinds.

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