Filthy "refugees" set up illegal camp next to Paris Terror Attack Memorial

So in other words, YOU were too chicken to serve
Just not stupid.

Military service isn't the only life endangering outfit you can join either. I served in other ways.

and think you can prove your "manhood" by spitting on the men who Did serve

It is far easier to argue when you have demonized the person you are arguing with. No, this has nothing to do with me. If you listened, you would also know that I didn't even attack veterans as a whole, just certain and very specific types of veterans.

and paid the price to defend YOUR rights while you hid in your Mom's basement...
Thank you for showing everybody what you really are...

Nope, they didn't protect my rights. They protected the political interests of our past administrations by serving as their personal contingent of meat shields.
Don't you guys think it is a little degrading to treat veterans like they are a "special" case. No, they are no fucking different than everyone else. It would be best if all the people pretending to give a fuck, would actually shut the fuck up.
So how would YOU know what our veterans have been through protecting YOUR rights???

You can begin by telling us about YOUR military service...
I am irrelevant.

We are talking about veterans here, and vets who are homeless and without jobs are bums. The world has limitless opportunities. Stop sucking every veterans dick because you have a patriot complex.
I thought the thread was about the 'refugees' taking up residence in the Paris memorial area.
Don't you guys think it is a little degrading to treat veterans like they are a "special" case. No, they are no fucking different than everyone else. It would be best if all the people pretending to give a fuck, would actually shut the fuck up.
Yet you idiot libtards treat crack whores like they are special. GFY retard

Not liberal, but here's the thing. I am also not a mindless idiot who generalizes entire groups of people with undeserving positive perceptions. That is what I see happening with veterans, and no, most of them are not even close to being as heroic as they are painted.

I am not saying that people in military service are bad people. I am saying that individuals with PTSD were too weak for war, and that veterans without jobs are bums. These are plain and simple facts. Choose to ignore them and throw vein insults at me, that is what all your friends seem content doing.
War is hell. It is probably very difficult for those of us, me included, who haven't been directly involved in it, to really appreciate the horror of it. There are undoubtedly, therefore, people who feel strongly about fighting for their country, for things they believe in, or for whatever other reason, who cannot appreciate in advance what it might do to their mental health. To refer to such people as 'weak' is beyond disgusting. These 'weak' people have probably done more for their country, and therefore for you, than you'll ever really know. You are undeserving of their sacrifice.
Don't you guys think it is a little degrading to treat veterans like they are a "special" case. No, they are no fucking different than everyone else. It would be best if all the people pretending to give a fuck, would actually shut the fuck up.
Yet you idiot libtards treat crack whores like they are special. GFY retard

Not liberal, but here's the thing. I am also not a mindless idiot who generalizes entire groups of people with undeserving positive perceptions. That is what I see happening with veterans, and no, most of them are not even close to being as heroic as they are painted.

I am not saying that people in military service are bad people. I am saying that individuals with PTSD were too weak for war, and that veterans without jobs are bums. These are plain and simple facts. Choose to ignore them and throw vein insults at me, that is what all your friends seem content doing.
War is hell. It is probably very difficult for those of us, me included, who haven't been directly involved in it, to really appreciate the horror of it. There are undoubtedly, therefore, people who feel strongly about fighting for their country, for things they believe in, or for whatever other reason, who cannot appreciate in advance what it might do to their mental health. To refer to such people as 'weak' is beyond disgusting. These 'weak' people have probably done more for their country, and therefore for you, than you'll ever really know. You are undeserving of their sacrifice.
You guys talk a big game about being tough, but you treat vets like entitled babies. It should be an honor to fight in uniform. There should be no expectation to get rewarded for serving in the armed forces.

A vet bum is still a bum who would prefer to sit on their ass and ask for help, rather than doing work like the rest of us.

Veterans have served in the armed forces with our tax dollars, without our consent. Many of us paid unwillingly for them to be fed and sheltered so they could play soldier and live the lifestyle they signed up for.
You are a disgraceful, vile pile of shit.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Could not have said it better myself!
Our disgraceful Governments use them as cannon fodder,
Know the risks when you sign up.

Military service is a sign of manhood and a great platform for proving oneself to the rest of the world. Some people are honored to have served, and do not whine about the sacrifices they had to make in order to serve. Many veterans are a disgrace and don't deserve the baby treatment and pity parties the rest of society gives them.
Sounds like a GI kicked your ass in a bar fight or something.
So in other words, YOU were too chicken to serve
Just not stupid.

Military service isn't the only life endangering outfit you can join either. I served in other ways.

and think you can prove your "manhood" by spitting on the men who Did serve

It is far easier to argue when you have demonized the person you are arguing with. No, this has nothing to do with me. If you listened, you would also know that I didn't even attack veterans as a whole, just certain and very specific types of veterans.

and paid the price to defend YOUR rights while you hid in your Mom's basement...
Thank you for showing everybody what you really are...

Nope, they didn't protect my rights. They protected the political interests of our past administrations by serving as their personal contingent of meat shields.
Thanks for your service. We need burger flippers and we know the floor is greasy but day in and day out you put it all on the line for America.

So you think your freedoms just exist on their own regardless of any military? That's special.

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