Feds plan to force vaccinate


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A public-interest legal team has filed comments with the federal government objecting to a planned Centers for Disease Control rule-change that would allow the government to impose forced vaccinations on Americans under certain circumstances. Erin Mersino, senior legal counsel for the Great Lakes Justice Center, explained: “This proposed rule is an abuse of power under the pretext of protecting public safety.
Feds plan to force vaccinations


For the people who vaccinate you should get off the backs of those who do not vaccinate. If your vaccinations work so well there shouldn't be any worries of the vaccinated getting ill. This is a method being used to keep the money rolling into BIG PHARMA, and who stands behind big pharma the Government. They use you and your kid to make money. WHEN WILL GOVERNMENTAL SHEEP GET IT THEY DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU, THEY DO NOT PROTECT YOU THEY MAKE MONEY OFF YOU.
Don't vacinate your kids...but they cannot go to public places like school....Sorry.

That's fine. I wouldn't expose my kids to a public school any more than those ridiculous vaccines.

Anyone tries to vaccinate ME without my permission will find themselves injected with several hundred grains of copper at high velocity..... have they worked out that vaccine for GSWs yet?
But so many children -- and adults -- used to die or be disabled for life from polio, measles, diptheria, etc. that are so easily prevented!
It is hard to wrap my head around the mindset that the concept of "intrusive government" is more important than your children's life or health.
Don't vacinate your kids...but they cannot go to public places like school....Sorry.

That's fine. I wouldn't expose my kids to a public school any more than those ridiculous vaccines.

Anyone tries to vaccinate ME without my permission will find themselves injected with several hundred grains of copper at high velocity..... have they worked out that vaccine for GSWs yet?
you and tipsycatlover should get together...two old farts who act like they are the toughest people around....

We were all force-vaxed for polio way back in the day, we're all fine.

Nothing to see here folks, just another tinfoil hat thread, move along.
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Don't vaccinate your kids...but they cannot go to public places like school....Sorry.
The best part is " IT IS NOT A LAW" , they tell the SHEEP it is " POLICY" and when you can't understand the system because most morons can't research information, nor do they NOT know how to OBEY the education police sponsored and funded by you guess the FED. GOV... proves just how much ppl are gov. ass kissers.

Can't think for themselves and rely on those who are in the field to be their decision makers. To fkn dumbed down to use logic and common sense.
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#1: Pharmaceutical Companies Can’t Be Trusted
Let’s just list a couple of the (many) times over the past 10 years where a drug or drug regimen has been deemed unsafe and downright dangerous and yet the pharmaceutical companies covered it up FOR YEARS in order to continue raking in the profits for as long as possible. This should be an easy task.

How about hormone replacement therapy for women? The standard of care for a menopausal woman for over 40 years was HRT. Even women with no complaints were advised that this treatment was helpful as it reduced chances for a heart attack and cancer and even helped them feel younger. Were any, I repeat ANY of these claims true? Not a whit. Breast cancer risk is doubled for women on HRT, 41% increased risk for stroke, 29% increased risk of heart attack, and the list goes on and on.
How about Vioxx? Before this dangerous drug that caused thousands of deaths from heart attack and stroke was finally removed from the market, evidence surfaced that Merck had withheld information .................

To Vaccinate, or Not to Vaccinate? | Bought Movie
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We were all force-vaxed for polio way back in the day, we're all fine.

Nothing to see here folks, just another tinfoil hat thread, move along.
Just another IDIOT who is a good little Gov. kiss ass.
But so many children -- and adults -- used to die or be disabled for life from polio, measles, diptheria, etc. that are so easily prevented!
It is hard to wrap my head around the mindset that the concept of "intrusive government" is more important than your children's life or health.
May 30, 2015

Brian S. Hooker, Ph.D., P.E.

  1. Rose et al. 2015 J Toxicol “Increased Susceptibility to Ethylmercury-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Subset of Autism Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines” PMID 25688267.
In a comparison of lymphoblast cells from children with autism and matched non-autistic controls, a significantly higher number of “autistic” cell lines showed a reduction in ATP-linked respiration, maximal respiratory capacity and reserve capacity when exposed to mercury as compared to control cell lines. This supports the notion that a subset of individuals with autism may be vulnerable to mitochondrial dysfunction via thimerosal exposure.

  1. Geier et al. 2015 Clin Chim Acta “Thimerosal: Clinical, Epidemiologic and Biochemical Studies,” PMID
This review article includes a section on numerous papers linking thimerosal exposure via infant vaccines to autism. This also includes a critique of studies from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control that deny any type of link.

  1. Yassa 2014 Environ Toxicol Pharmacol “Autism: A Form of Mercury and Lead Toxicity,” doi:10.1016/j.etap.2014.10.005.
Blood levels of mercury and lead were much higher in autistic children as compared to normal controls. Upon chelation, the blood levels of these heavy metals decreased and autistic symptoms improved.

  1. Hooker et al. 2014 BioMed Research International, “Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance In Research Purporting to Show that Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines are Safe” http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/247218.
TRACE AMOUNTS – the documentary on mercury and its role in the autism epidemic – Scientific Papers Showing Linking Thimerosal Exposure to Autism
We were all force-vaxed for polio way back in the day, we're all fine.

Nothing to see here folks, just another tinfoil hat thread, move along.
And since you've like the other ignorant liberal idiots on here take all your little vaccines like good little assholes, that will explain why most are to fkn retarded to realize and research WHAT IS RIGH TIN THE FKN BOX A HOLE!!
We were all force-vaxed for polio way back in the day, we're all fine.

Nothing to see here folks, just another tinfoil hat thread, move along.
By the way idiot ever stop to think what those VACCINES they gave US ALL did to us gawd you pll are fkn way pst STUPID................

there are cancer cells in those, and you all are so fkn stupid you sit back and say Hmmmm wonder why I have can
But so many children -- and adults -- used to die or be disabled for life from polio, measles, diptheria, etc. that are so easily prevented!
It is hard to wrap my head around the mindset that the concept of "intrusive government" is more important than your children's life or health.
Yeah how about they KILL UR CHILDREN, or give them illness a GOVERNMENT that CARES SO FKN MUCH ABOUT THE CHILDREN...

How about they have USED kids in the past , how about our loving Gov. gave the TUSEKEE Syphillis omfg!!!

Important Facts To Know Regarding the Current Vaccine Debate

  1. 1.We are the mostly heavily vaccinated country in the world. We give 26 vaccines to our babies during their first year of life and administer 36-45 before the age of 5. 300 new vaccines are currently being developed. In 1986 Congress released vaccine manufacturers from any liability associated with illness or death from vaccines.
  2. 2. The current Disneyland measles frenzy is uncalled for. Annually, approximately 100 people in the US develop a measles infection. It is not a fatal illness (there have been 0 deaths from measles in the US in the past 10 years.) Many of the 170 individuals who developed measles were vaccinated. If someone is vaccinated and the vaccine is effective, they should not develop the illness.
  3. Top scientists at Merck: the manufacturer of the MMR (Measles Mumps and Rubella vaccine) have accused the company of producing fraudulent data regarding its effectiveness. One top scientist at the CDC recently revealed that he hid data from a 2004 study that showed a 240% increase in autism in African-American boys who received the MMR before 36 months of age.
  4. Currently, we have the highest rate of autism in the world (1 in 68 children/a sharp rise from 1- 2 per 10,000 20 years ago.) According to the CDC, 1 in 6 US children have either a behavioral, developmental or neurological disorder.
  5. Despite all of our medical advances, we rank 34th in the world for infant mortality (33 other countries have better survival rates from birth to one year of age than we do.)
10 Facts about Vaccines - Saving Our Kids, Healing Our Planet
Don't vacinate your kids...but they cannot go to public places like school....Sorry.
Don't vacinate your kids...but they cannot go to public places like school....Sorry.
Exemption information for each state is provided below. You can access your state's vaccine policies and laws by clicking your state on the map or by locating your state in the text links below.

Be sure to visit our Vaccine Law page, which provides a summary of state vaccine laws and exemptions available in different states, including which states require the signature of a medical doctor or other state-designated health care worker in order to file a non-medical exemption. States with an asterisk next to them are states that have enacted recent restrictions to exemption laws.

State Vaccine Requirements – National Vaccine Information Center
Vaccine Requirements vs. Federal Vaccine Recommendations
It Is Important to Understand the Difference
There is a difference between federal vaccine policies and state vaccine laws. Federal public health officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) make national vaccine policy recommendations for children and adults. With the approval of state legislatures, public health officials in state health departments make and enforce vaccine mandates. That is why vaccine laws and legal exemptions to vaccination vary from state to state.

Federal Recommendations VS. State Vaccine Requirements - NVIC
But so many children -- and adults -- used to die or be disabled for life from polio, measles, diptheria, etc. that are so easily prevented!
It is hard to wrap my head around the mindset that the concept of "intrusive government" is more important than your children's life or health.
May 30, 2015

Brian S. Hooker, Ph.D., P.E.

  1. Rose et al. 2015 J Toxicol “Increased Susceptibility to Ethylmercury-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Subset of Autism Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines” PMID 25688267.
In a comparison of lymphoblast cells from children with autism and matched non-autistic controls, a significantly higher number of “autistic” cell lines showed a reduction in ATP-linked respiration, maximal respiratory capacity and reserve capacity when exposed to mercury as compared to control cell lines. This supports the notion that a subset of individuals with autism may be vulnerable to mitochondrial dysfunction via thimerosal exposure.

  1. Geier et al. 2015 Clin Chim Acta “Thimerosal: Clinical, Epidemiologic and Biochemical Studies,” PMID
This review article includes a section on numerous papers linking thimerosal exposure via infant vaccines to autism. This also includes a critique of studies from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control that deny any type of link.

  1. Yassa 2014 Environ Toxicol Pharmacol “Autism: A Form of Mercury and Lead Toxicity,” doi:10.1016/j.etap.2014.10.005.
Blood levels of mercury and lead were much higher in autistic children as compared to normal controls. Upon chelation, the blood levels of these heavy metals decreased and autistic symptoms improved.

  1. Hooker et al. 2014 BioMed Research International, “Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance In Research Purporting to Show that Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines are Safe” http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/247218.
TRACE AMOUNTS – the documentary on mercury and its role in the autism epidemic – Scientific Papers Showing Linking Thimerosal Exposure to Autism
The latest I heard was that they believe autism is a condition we are born with, and it begins to be noticed around the same time a lot of standard vaccines are given. If it is genetically inherited or is due to exposure to something in the womb, it is not vaccinations.
But so many children -- and adults -- used to die or be disabled for life from polio, measles, diptheria, etc. that are so easily prevented!
It is hard to wrap my head around the mindset that the concept of "intrusive government" is more important than your children's life or health.
Yeah how about they KILL UR CHILDREN, or give them illness a GOVERNMENT that CARES SO FKN MUCH ABOUT THE CHILDREN...

How about they have USED kids in the past , how about our loving Gov. gave the TUSEKEE Syphillis omfg!!![/QUOTE]

Look into any of your ancestors' families and you will find these everywhere. My gr-grandmother lost three sisters to epidemics over the course of five years. My grandmother lost her firstborn to polio when he was 17. Just examples.
Don't vacinate your kids...but they cannot go to public places like school....Sorry.

That's fine. I wouldn't expose my kids to a public school any more than those ridiculous vaccines.

Anyone tries to vaccinate ME without my permission will find themselves injected with several hundred grains of copper at high velocity..... have they worked out that vaccine for GSWs yet?
shows how much you know.
I work with medications and I can tell you right now that using grains of copper at high velocity is NOT an approved method of administering any type of medication.
Well, maybe certain medications designed to improve ones attitude and outlook on life.. but other than that? no.

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