Feds arrest leader of white supremacy group who ran 'hate camp' in Michigan


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Police identified the suspects as Justen Watkins, 25, of Bad Axe, and Alfred Gorman, 35, of Taylor — both members of The Base, a white supremacy organization that openly advocates for violence and criminal acts against the U.S., and purports to be training for a race war to establish white rule in areas of the U.S., including the Upper Peninsula.


What ugly and ignorant men.
Thank GOD the FBI has maintained some autonomy. If it were up to Donald, Billy Barr would order Chris Wray to leave these asshole Trump voters alone. It is little wonder he (and dozens of other top intel higher-ups) say that White Supremacy and domestic RW terrorism in general are the greatest threat to our nation.

If Rump wins, Wray will be fired and he'll put someone like Jared or Roger Stone in charge.
Attorney General Dana Nessel charged them with multiple felonies, including gang membership, which carries up to 20 years in prison.

Have they been convicted of something in the past that allows the government to restrict their free association?

Their group also traffics in Nazi ideology and extreme anti-Semitism, at one point requiring its members to read neo-Nazi books that urge the collapse of Western civilization,

LOL, they make people read books?

Reads to me that these guys are absolute jerks but our Constitutional protections give us the right to be absolute jerks.

Now the photograph thing could very well run into charges of some sort of threat but I can't see any major charges here.
Attorney General Dana Nessel charged them with multiple felonies, including gang membership, which carries up to 20 years in prison.

Have they been convicted of something in the past that allows the government to restrict their free association?

Their group also traffics in Nazi ideology and extreme anti-Semitism, at one point requiring its members to read neo-Nazi books that urge the collapse of Western civilization,

LOL, they make people read books?

Reads to me that these guys are absolute jerks but our Constitutional protections give us the right to be absolute jerks.

Now the photograph thing could very well run into charges of some sort of threat but I can't see any major charges here.
I thought it was illegal to actively promote attacks on the government? No? We have to wait for them to happen? That's surprising to me. I don't think those rules apply when we're talking about Muslim terrorists. Do they?

And these guys are weaponizing and training and not pretending it's just target practice.
Attorney General Dana Nessel charged them with multiple felonies, including gang membership, which carries up to 20 years in prison.

Have they been convicted of something in the past that allows the government to restrict their free association?

Their group also traffics in Nazi ideology and extreme anti-Semitism, at one point requiring its members to read neo-Nazi books that urge the collapse of Western civilization,

LOL, they make people read books?

Reads to me that these guys are absolute jerks but our Constitutional protections give us the right to be absolute jerks.

Now the photograph thing could very well run into charges of some sort of threat but I can't see any major charges here.
I thought it was illegal to actively promote attacks on the government? No? We have to wait for them to happen? That's surprising to me. I don't think those rules apply when we're talking about Muslim terrorists. Do they?

And these guys are weaponizing and training and not pretending it's just target practice.

The Founders promoted the idea of attacks on the government. In part it is why they added the 2nd Amendment.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.

Would you have arrested Thomas Jefferson?
Attorney General Dana Nessel charged them with multiple felonies, including gang membership, which carries up to 20 years in prison.

Have they been convicted of something in the past that allows the government to restrict their free association?

Their group also traffics in Nazi ideology and extreme anti-Semitism, at one point requiring its members to read neo-Nazi books that urge the collapse of Western civilization,

LOL, they make people read books?

Reads to me that these guys are absolute jerks but our Constitutional protections give us the right to be absolute jerks.

Now the photograph thing could very well run into charges of some sort of threat but I can't see any major charges here.
I thought it was illegal to actively promote attacks on the government? No? We have to wait for them to happen? That's surprising to me. I don't think those rules apply when we're talking about Muslim terrorists. Do they?

And these guys are weaponizing and training and not pretending it's just target practice.

The Founders promoted the idea of attacks on the government. In part it is why they added the 2nd Amendment.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.

Would you have arrested Thomas Jefferson?
He was talking about a hypothetical. The Base seems to be targeted on the here and now and they've got the weapons to show for it.

And they said why they included the 2nd, put it right in the 2nd. A well regulated militia, because they didn't have and didn't want a standing army. I realize the Founders wanted the government held accountable and made sure people wouldn't be jailed for PEACEFUL remonstrance against it. They even admitted the idea that at some point the leaders might get out of line and need to be stopped. That's why they broke their necks to be sure the Constitution had all kinds of checks and balances and representation by the people.

You may have a different opinion but the majority of what I hear here about the "Enemy" (dems/libs/left) is so outrageous it's laughable. This rebellion The Base wants to start is fundamentally founded on bullshit.

But I doubt if Jefferson would agree that these guys The Base are simply exercising free speech. They are threatening violence. It's illegal now to instigate a riot. What do you think these guys are doing? No, they'll get crushed like the cockroaches they are, but laughable or not, probably some people would be hurt.
If anyone (Dem or Republican or White Supremacist or gay basher or sucker puncher, et al. is planning violence, then s/he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But non-violent White Supremacists should have the same rights as any other American to promote a peaceful agenda. For example. if White Supremacists prefer to live in an exclusively Caucasian environment, they should have the right to work toward such a goal.

After all, nobody gets all excited about Native Americans who prefer to live on all-Native American reservations or the Amish who prefer to live in all-Amish areas or Chinese immigrants who prefer predominately Chinese areas here in Southern California.
Attorney General Dana Nessel charged them with multiple felonies, including gang membership, which carries up to 20 years in prison.

Have they been convicted of something in the past that allows the government to restrict their free association?

Their group also traffics in Nazi ideology and extreme anti-Semitism, at one point requiring its members to read neo-Nazi books that urge the collapse of Western civilization,

LOL, they make people read books?

Reads to me that these guys are absolute jerks but our Constitutional protections give us the right to be absolute jerks.

Now the photograph thing could very well run into charges of some sort of threat but I can't see any major charges here.
“Watkins and Gorman are charged with:

Gang membership, a 20-year felony.

Unlawful posting of a message, a two-year felony and/or a $5,000 fine.

Using computers to commit a crime, a four-year felony and/or $5,000 fine.” ibid

Gang membership
– like other rights, the right to free association is neither unlimited nor absolute. There is no right to associate with criminal organizations.

Unlawful posting of a message – felony assault.

Using computers to commit a crime – tools can be used for positive, beneficial things, or they can be used to commit a crime subject to arrest and prosecution – the use of a computer to commit a crime is no different.

These charges are perfectly appropriate and lawful, no Constitutional protections violated.
Attorney General Dana Nessel charged them with multiple felonies, including gang membership, which carries up to 20 years in prison.

Have they been convicted of something in the past that allows the government to restrict their free association?

Their group also traffics in Nazi ideology and extreme anti-Semitism, at one point requiring its members to read neo-Nazi books that urge the collapse of Western civilization,

LOL, they make people read books?

Reads to me that these guys are absolute jerks but our Constitutional protections give us the right to be absolute jerks.

Now the photograph thing could very well run into charges of some sort of threat but I can't see any major charges here.
“Watkins and Gorman are charged with:

Gang membership, a 20-year felony.

Unlawful posting of a message, a two-year felony and/or a $5,000 fine.

Using computers to commit a crime, a four-year felony and/or $5,000 fine.” ibid

Gang membership
– like other rights, the right to free association is neither unlimited nor absolute. There is no right to associate with criminal organizations.

Unlawful posting of a message – felony assault.

Using computers to commit a crime – tools can be used for positive, beneficial things, or they can be used to commit a crime subject to arrest and prosecution – the use of a computer to commit a crime is no different.

These charges are perfectly appropriate and lawful, no Constitutional protections violated.

The charges as presented in this article are pretty generic. There may be valid evidence of a crime behind them but it is not presented here.
Conspiracy to commit a crime is itself a crime. We don't have to wait until a terrorist attack is carried out to act to prevent it. The specifics of what these guys are charged with most likely are detailed in the criminal complaint.

Any attempt to take over land in the United States is an attempt to steal private property as well as public property. Anyone who wants to live in an ethnic community can do so if they can buy or rent properties in an area where similar people live. This is how everyone does it, but they will always be subject to our Constitution and laws.

This idea of a "race war" is totally absurd. It sounds just like Charlie Manson. We are all Americans first.

I don't understand how anyone could defend or support these jerks and still think of themselves as patriotic.
Are there any other members of this "group" beside these two? Somehow I doubt it- maybe a couple of FBI agents ran the outfit to attract weak brained folks and this is what they came up with.

The facts are the Republic was never in any danger, and neither were anyone's lives or property. These couple of guys were under surveillance from Day One.
" Representation By Hoards Of Victims "

* Brood Parasitism And Public Policy Based On Numerical Representation *

The objective should not be war but to breed without restraint to create an inordinate number of destitute white children for the rest of society to surrogate .

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