Federal student loan debt relief halted again


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
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For those of you that were waiting for the appeal.

A federal appeals court blocked President Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness program, further crushing the hopes of more than 26 million Americans who have applied for the relief, discouraging millions more who were eligible for the boost and potentially killing the president's signature program.

Too bad for you clowns.

Federal student loan debt relief halted again by appeals court. Signature Biden plan on hold
You think they will want their votes back?
Crap, does that mean my husband and I won't get refunded for paying ours off?

Seriously, good to see Potato getting it shoved up his ass
just another attempt, to buy votes.
For those of you that were waiting for the appeal.

A federal appeals court blocked President Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness program, further crushing the hopes of more than 26 million Americans who have applied for the relief, discouraging millions more who were eligible for the boost and potentially killing the president's signature program.

Too bad for you clowns.

Federal student loan debt relief halted again by appeals court. Signature Biden plan on hold

Doesn't really matter, the promise bought the votes.

Is that the new buzz phrase for Dem vote purchasing BRIBE?

I have mentioned in this space before that Leftists are evil.

Here you have a Leftists who is prepared to swear that a law he wrote does not say what it says. Anything to advance the evil cause.

Leftists are evil. While they do not value truthfulness, irresponsibility is right up there near the top. College grads walking away from their legal obligations.....fine with it.
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