Federal Judge: Yes the Obama Administration Violated the US Constitution


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The ‘True the Vote’ v. IRS lawsuit has finally come to an end. And it’s being seen as a big victory for freedom in the IRS-Lois Lerner saga in which conservative organizations were targeted and blocked from gaining tax-exempt status to keep them from being involved in the 2012 election.

This remarkable new ruling by US District Court Judge Reggie Walton was in favor of True the Vote, penalizing the IRS with extensive attorneys fees.

The ruling indicates that, throughout the case, the IRS displayed unconstitutional discrimination and unethical behavior against True the Vote, a group that fights for election integrity.

The judge’s decision marks the end of a nearly decade long battle that first began in 2010.

True the Vote and its founder Catherine Engelbrecht, were targeted by top federal government agencies including the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, OSHA.Under the Obama Administration, those agencies launched 23 audits, investigations, and inquiries, persistently attacking the group.

In 2013, True the Vote sued the IRS, seeking to prove that the IRS actions were unconstitutional. The court fees added up into the millions and virtually devastated the only conservative voters’ rights organization in America.

Engelbrecht said, “At the outset of this case, I testified before Congress and swore that I would never retreat or surrender. Today I have fulfilled that oath. Thank you to all the citizens across the country who stood steadfastly beside us. We could not have done it without your support.”

Judge Walton confirmed the IRS’s wrongdoing, saying that discrimination on the basis of name, association, or political viewpoint violates our First Amendment rights.

'True the Vote' Wins Big Case After Decade-Long Battle with IRS

So let’s start the criminal trials now.
Damn glad to hear that they won the case. Always said that the last administration was the worst. They had no problem with violating the constitution or law.
The ‘True the Vote’ v. IRS lawsuit has finally come to an end. And it’s being seen as a big victory for freedom in the IRS-Lois Lerner saga in which conservative organizations were targeted and blocked from gaining tax-exempt status to keep them from being involved in the 2012 election.

This remarkable new ruling by US District Court Judge Reggie Walton was in favor of True the Vote, penalizing the IRS with extensive attorneys fees.

The ruling indicates that, throughout the case, the IRS displayed unconstitutional discrimination and unethical behavior against True the Vote, a group that fights for election integrity.

The judge’s decision marks the end of a nearly decade long battle that first began in 2010.

True the Vote and its founder Catherine Engelbrecht, were targeted by top federal government agencies including the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, OSHA.Under the Obama Administration, those agencies launched 23 audits, investigations, and inquiries, persistently attacking the group.

In 2013, True the Vote sued the IRS, seeking to prove that the IRS actions were unconstitutional. The court fees added up into the millions and virtually devastated the only conservative voters’ rights organization in America.

Engelbrecht said, “At the outset of this case, I testified before Congress and swore that I would never retreat or surrender. Today I have fulfilled that oath. Thank you to all the citizens across the country who stood steadfastly beside us. We could not have done it without your support.”

Judge Walton confirmed the IRS’s wrongdoing, saying that discrimination on the basis of name, association, or political viewpoint violates our First Amendment rights.

'True the Vote' Wins Big Case After Decade-Long Battle with IRS

So let’s start the criminal trials now.
You might want to go in and fix your thread title...
Can a former president be impeached?

Apparently, yes. Obviously a former president would not be subject to removal from office, but scholars say that Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution, which says that impeachment may result in “disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States,” could apply. In practical terms, an impeachment would mean Clinton could not serve in any other federal elective or appointive office. Clinton would not have automatic protection against such a proceeding because he was exercising his constitutionally given pardon power. Scholars say abuse of such power can be grounds for congressional action. It is less clear whether a conviction could mean the removal of his pension, government-funded office, and other perks.

Can Congress Impeach Bill Clinton Again?
Can a former president be impeached?

Apparently, yes. Obviously a former president would not be subject to removal from office, but scholars say that Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution, which says that impeachment may result in “disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States,” could apply. In practical terms, an impeachment would mean Clinton could not serve in any other federal elective or appointive office. Clinton would not have automatic protection against such a proceeding because he was exercising his constitutionally given pardon power. Scholars say abuse of such power can be grounds for congressional action. It is less clear whether a conviction could mean the removal of his pension, government-funded office, and other perks.

Can Congress Impeach Bill Clinton Again?
So, honestly.

Do you see this congress impeaching Obama?

If not, then why is this a topic?
Can a former president be impeached?

Apparently, yes. Obviously a former president would not be subject to removal from office, but scholars say that Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution, which says that impeachment may result in “disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States,” could apply. In practical terms, an impeachment would mean Clinton could not serve in any other federal elective or appointive office. Clinton would not have automatic protection against such a proceeding because he was exercising his constitutionally given pardon power. Scholars say abuse of such power can be grounds for congressional action. It is less clear whether a conviction could mean the removal of his pension, government-funded office, and other perks.

Can Congress Impeach Bill Clinton Again?
So, honestly.

Do you see this congress impeaching Obama?

If not, then why is this a topic?
If it comes to light that he ordered spying on the rival campaign and then the president elect....you are damn right he could be prosecuted and impeached to keep him from elected office in the future....
Tea Party group wins suit against IRS


Took ‘em nearly a decade to do it!

This decision marks the end of a nearly decade long battle that first began in 2010, when federal government agencies including the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, OSHA weaponized against True the Vote and its founder, Catherine Engelbrecht. Under Obama Administration leadership, the agencies leveled a barrage of attacks, including twenty-three audits, investigations, and inquiries, against the group in an attempt to stop their work in election integrity. “

At one point the IRS got Child Services to try to take Ms. Engelbrechts’ children from her—this is how vicious Lerner and the crowd became, to stop honest elections. To stop those exposing the corruption of elections.


United States District Judge Reggie B. Walton signed a Consent Order that included the IRS admission of wrongdoing and affirmed that prejudice on the basis of an applicant’s name, association, or political viewpoint is an unconstitutional violation of First Amendment rights. Then, in a stunning rebuke of the IRS actions that led to this litigation, Judge Walton also ruled that True the Vote is entitled to a “bad faith enhancement” to its requested attorney’s fees. Judge Walton’s opinion held there is “clear and convincing evidence necessary for a finding of bad faith on the part of [the IRS]” in their discrimination against True the Vote. While the exact amount to be awarded is still pending, True the Vote’s application under the Equal Access to Justice Act requested the recovery of $1.9 million in attorneys’ fees.

Now, if there was only some way to go after Lois Lerner to make her life miserable.

Check out www.truethevote.org and http://www.ourvalues.com/

More of the story you won’t see in the LSM @ True the Vote Wins Stunning Court Ruling Against IRS in Lois Lerner Scandal - California Political Review

True The Vote Wins Historic $2 Million Settlement Against IRS….@ True The Vote Wins Historic $2 Million Settlement Against IRS….
How come the Left are so silent and not defending their lord and savior?

They basically ignore these threads and just wait for shit to blow over.

Of course Obama weaponized the IRS against conservative groups...it’s obvious as shit.
How come the Left are so silent and not defending their lord and savior?

They basically ignore these threads and just wait for shit to blow over.

Of course Obama weaponized the IRS against conservative groups...it’s obvious as shit.
Wouldn't surprise me if Trump is weaponizing a thing or two for next year.
The ‘True the Vote’ v. IRS lawsuit has finally come to an end. And it’s being seen as a big victory for freedom in the IRS-Lois Lerner saga in which conservative organizations were targeted and blocked from gaining tax-exempt status to keep them from being involved in the 2012 election.

This remarkable new ruling by US District Court Judge Reggie Walton was in favor of True the Vote, penalizing the IRS with extensive attorneys fees.

The ruling indicates that, throughout the case, the IRS displayed unconstitutional discrimination and unethical behavior against True the Vote, a group that fights for election integrity.

The judge’s decision marks the end of a nearly decade long battle that first began in 2010.

True the Vote and its founder Catherine Engelbrecht, were targeted by top federal government agencies including the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, OSHA.Under the Obama Administration, those agencies launched 23 audits, investigations, and inquiries, persistently attacking the group.

In 2013, True the Vote sued the IRS, seeking to prove that the IRS actions were unconstitutional. The court fees added up into the millions and virtually devastated the only conservative voters’ rights organization in America.

Engelbrecht said, “At the outset of this case, I testified before Congress and swore that I would never retreat or surrender. Today I have fulfilled that oath. Thank you to all the citizens across the country who stood steadfastly beside us. We could not have done it without your support.”

Judge Walton confirmed the IRS’s wrongdoing, saying that discrimination on the basis of name, association, or political viewpoint violates our First Amendment rights.

'True the Vote' Wins Big Case After Decade-Long Battle with IRS

So let’s start the criminal trials now.
Anyone who understands tax law knows this decision is wrong.
The ‘True the Vote’ v. IRS lawsuit has finally come to an end. And it’s being seen as a big victory for freedom in the IRS-Lois Lerner saga in which conservative organizations were targeted and blocked from gaining tax-exempt status to keep them from being involved in the 2012 election.

This remarkable new ruling by US District Court Judge Reggie Walton was in favor of True the Vote, penalizing the IRS with extensive attorneys fees.

The ruling indicates that, throughout the case, the IRS displayed unconstitutional discrimination and unethical behavior against True the Vote, a group that fights for election integrity.

The judge’s decision marks the end of a nearly decade long battle that first began in 2010.

True the Vote and its founder Catherine Engelbrecht, were targeted by top federal government agencies including the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, OSHA.Under the Obama Administration, those agencies launched 23 audits, investigations, and inquiries, persistently attacking the group.

In 2013, True the Vote sued the IRS, seeking to prove that the IRS actions were unconstitutional. The court fees added up into the millions and virtually devastated the only conservative voters’ rights organization in America.

Engelbrecht said, “At the outset of this case, I testified before Congress and swore that I would never retreat or surrender. Today I have fulfilled that oath. Thank you to all the citizens across the country who stood steadfastly beside us. We could not have done it without your support.”

Judge Walton confirmed the IRS’s wrongdoing, saying that discrimination on the basis of name, association, or political viewpoint violates our First Amendment rights.

'True the Vote' Wins Big Case After Decade-Long Battle with IRS

So let’s start the criminal trials now.
Anyone who understands tax law knows this decision is wrong.
Do tell us!!!

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