FEC dems trying to shut down fox news during the election!

you do have to begin to wonder if the free airtime they give to trump - and the hour long commercial m-f 10p-11p eastern isn't running afoul of campaign finance rules
Nope. Hillary is invited too but never appears in anything that is less than adoring. So you can wonder, being the idiot that you are, but if someone doesn't show that's their problem, not the media outlet's.
that may in fact be the answer.

i just think there is a clear monetary value for the air time fox gives to trump that would not be tje same for clinton
Seems like she gets plenty of favorable press everywhere else. ABC headline news on streaming starts out with Hillary celebrates victory in debate, Donald Trump defends debate performance, Trump doubles down on Miss Piggy remark ...
That's the reality. i expect news stations to report the news. what donald trump gets from fox is more than that
Which stations? Every other one is saturated with partisan politics favoring Democrats.
you do have to begin to wonder if the free airtime they give to trump - and the hour long commercial m-f 10p-11p eastern isn't running afoul of campaign finance rules
Nope. Hillary is invited too but never appears in anything that is less than adoring. So you can wonder, being the idiot that you are, but if someone doesn't show that's their problem, not the media outlet's.
that may in fact be the answer.

i just think there is a clear monetary value for the air time fox gives to trump that would not be tje same for clinton
Seems like she gets plenty of favorable press everywhere else. ABC headline news on streaming starts out with Hillary celebrates victory in debate, Donald Trump defends debate performance, Trump doubles down on Miss Piggy remark ...
That's the reality. i expect news stations to report the news. what donald trump gets from fox is more than that
Which stations? Every other one is saturated with partisan politics favoring Democrats.
come on. that's simply untrue.
So Republicans get one station and the Dems are running scared. They wont pander to Hillary .. So what are they trying to do is shut them down. FREEDOM of speech and press. WTF dont they know the constitution .. FEC Dems lay groundwork to ban Fox, WSJ political coverage
Well, there is not a socialist/progressive out there that is not an absolute control freak... just like Muslims they cannot tolerate anyone that disagrees with them in anyway.... any sort of freedom is the enemy of socialism. Fact
Nope. Hillary is invited too but never appears in anything that is less than adoring. So you can wonder, being the idiot that you are, but if someone doesn't show that's their problem, not the media outlet's.
that may in fact be the answer.

i just think there is a clear monetary value for the air time fox gives to trump that would not be tje same for clinton
Seems like she gets plenty of favorable press everywhere else. ABC headline news on streaming starts out with Hillary celebrates victory in debate, Donald Trump defends debate performance, Trump doubles down on Miss Piggy remark ...
That's the reality. i expect news stations to report the news. what donald trump gets from fox is more than that
Which stations? Every other one is saturated with partisan politics favoring Democrats.
come on. that's simply untrue.
Every one I've seen. And not lately either, they used to have a lock on it. FOX came along and they hate it.
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Fox isn't the only one that needs to be worried.

How many $millions has Hillary gotten from Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries? They have contributed tons of money to the Clinton foundation, a slush fund which in turn has helped Hillary in her campaign. She is owned far more than the 5% this Democrat Weintraub is targeting.

If they pass this plan, Hillary would be unable to run for President of all.

Is any part of American politics more influenced by foreigners, than Hillary's run for President?

These Democrats should be careful what they wish for.

From the article linked in the OP:

In their biggest threat yet to conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission are laying the groundwork to bar companies with even the tiniest foreign ownership from American politics, ....

In a last-minute submission Wednesday, a top Democrat on the evenly split FEC proposed that the Thursday meeting of the commission begin the process to prohibit companies with foreign ownership as small as 5 percent "from funding expenditures, independent expenditures, or electioneering communications."

Democratic Commissioner Ellen Weintraub said in her submission, "Given everything we have learned this year, it blinks reality to suggest that that there is no risk of foreign nationals taking advantage of current loopholes to intercede invisibly in American elections. This is a risk no member of the Federal Election Commission should be willing to tolerate."
Rupert Murdoch is a foreign born terrorist, brainwashing the American public. Anyone who uses any of the media owned by Newscorp should be put on a terrorist watchlist and investigated for high treason.
Time for the orderlies to chase you down with the butterfly nets and tranquilizer guns again, I see.
easyt is simply wrong on the OP, and Dale Smith is a spoofery of posting.
Nice OPINION...but my comments come straight from CNN, FOX, & the FEC itself. Read the frickin'proposal written by the libtard female FEC member. Don't just spew ignorance - educate yourself.
Dude...look who you quoted before telling him not to spew ignorance! He has 100,000+ posts of nothing else!
IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!!! The only conspiracy is a natural one, greedy idiot GOP billionaires slowly robbing the middle class and the country blind and duping the rubes with bs...

George Soros isn't part of the GOP...he is a leftard and a commie. Fuck the commies and their little leftard minions like yourself.
I thought he was a Nazi lol...

Fascism and communism....what is the difference? Not much because all control ends up in the hands of the totalitarian state, does it not??
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
Stuck on stupid.
Any argument. Look at Nazi Germany, WWII Japan, anywhere. We're a Trump dictatorship away. Not that I think he'd do it. But there are some who fear it.
Rupert Murdoch is a foreign born terrorist, brainwashing the American public. Anyone who uses any of the media owned by Newscorp should be put on a terrorist watchlist and investigated for high treason.
Time for the orderlies to chase you down with the butterfly nets and tranquilizer guns again, I see.
He and his billionaire pals aren't far off. Ignorance and conspiracy theories, phony scandals are taking over political discourse.
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...

You need to find a dictionary, like most liberals you just follow the narrative of the day. the LEFT are the fascist, unlike Wikipedia and the rewriters of history and language would have the masses believe. The methods of hitler are historically the same as those of the left. You can BS all you want, but if you follow REAL history on a daily basis the current progression of events has been relived by societies throughout history. When a group of egotistical ruling class leftist decide they have the right to subjugate, and control the masses. It always ends the same way. Just ask all of the people who died in all of the wars in all of the countries on earth. The clintons, george soros, al gore, pol pot, idi amin, adolph hitler, wilhelm gustloff, >>>>>>> and all other ruling class shit that have the idea THEY have ANY right to decide what any person besides themselves should be able to do with their own money, property, and their lives, and how much of their own wealth any other person anywhere on earth should be able to keep, or give to whom they choose. I say we execute all the ruling class scum, and let the dogs eat them. Monarchy, socialisim communisim, and dictatorship are all the same for an individual. In a real true communist setting all people work equally, all share the same workload, reap the same of the harvest, and share equally in the decisions, and the control of the commune. NEVER HAPPEN >>> there are too many egotistical piles of liberal shit who think they have the right to dictate to others. If you started a true communist society as many have, ego, vanity, jealousy, and ambition ALWAYS take it to a dictatorship. Historically every time it ends in a military dictatorship. Say it aint so and lie to yourself while you listen to the ruling class liberal talking points, and reasons why you should help them get one step closer to a dictatorship. The control of the media is one of the MAIN goals of a dictator, so is it a surprise?
Military dictatorships are capitalist, unless they're communist. Socialism is simply fair, democratic capitalism. Reaganist New BS GOP is pander to the rich injustice.
George Soros isn't part of the GOP...he is a leftard and a commie. Fuck the commies and their little leftard minions like yourself.
I thought he was a Nazi lol...

Fascism and communism....what is the difference? Not much because all control ends up in the hands of the totalitarian state, does it not??
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...
Stuck on stupid.
Any argument. Look at Nazi Germany, WWII Japan, anywhere. We're a Trump dictatorship away. Not that I think he'd do it. But there are some who fear it.

We are being pushed into communism. The totalitarian, technotronic communist style one world "gubermint" with a one world currency. The very thing people have been warning us about since the early 1900's.
Well, fascism is capitalist. REAL command capitalism! But most just go along...

You need to find a dictionary, like most liberals you just follow the narrative of the day. the LEFT are the fascist, unlike Wikipedia and the rewriters of history and language would have the masses believe. The methods of hitler are historically the same as those of the left. You can BS all you want, but if you follow REAL history on a daily basis the current progression of events has been relived by societies throughout history. When a group of egotistical ruling class leftist decide they have the right to subjugate, and control the masses. It always ends the same way. Just ask all of the people who died in all of the wars in all of the countries on earth. The clintons, george soros, al gore, pol pot, idi amin, adolph hitler, wilhelm gustloff, >>>>>>> and all other ruling class shit that have the idea THEY have ANY right to decide what any person besides themselves should be able to do with their own money, property, and their lives, and how much of their own wealth any other person anywhere on earth should be able to keep, or give to whom they choose. I say we execute all the ruling class scum, and let the dogs eat them. Monarchy, socialisim communisim, and dictatorship are all the same for an individual. In a real true communist setting all people work equally, all share the same workload, reap the same of the harvest, and share equally in the decisions, and the control of the commune. NEVER HAPPEN >>> there are too many egotistical piles of liberal shit who think they have the right to dictate to others. If you started a true communist society as many have, ego, vanity, jealousy, and ambition ALWAYS take it to a dictatorship. Historically every time it ends in a military dictatorship. Say it aint so and lie to yourself while you listen to the ruling class liberal talking points, and reasons why you should help them get one step closer to a dictatorship. The control of the media is one of the MAIN goals of a dictator, so is it a surprise?
Military dictatorships are capitalist, unless they're communist. Socialism is simply fair, democratic capitalism. Reaganist New BS GOP is pander to the rich injustice.

You can't have any type of fair system when you have a central bank that creates money out of nothing and then attaches interest to it...PERIOD.
You can't have any type of fair system when you have a central bank that creates money out of nothing and then attaches interest to it...PERIOD.
You can't have any type of fair system when some people get more than they worked for (chronic welfare taker, subsidized Obamacare people etc.), and other people get less than they work for (people whose taxes are taken from them to support the first group)... and the state calls it "just".
Bring back the Fairness Doctrine- all the bought off RW radio pundits couldn't survive 5 minutes/hour of rebuttal. We've got 30% zombie haters who listen...

According to you people a majority of the country support the left so why don't left wing radio pundits outnumber right wing radio pundits? There was a "progressive" radio station in my area once, it went broke. :laugh:
Fox isn't the only one that needs to be worried.

How many $millions has Hillary gotten from Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries? They have contributed tons of money to the Clinton foundation, a slush fund which in turn has helped Hillary in her campaign. She is owned far more than the 5% this Democrat Weintraub is targeting.

If they pass this plan, Hillary would be unable to run for President of all.

Is any part of American politics more influenced by foreigners, than Hillary's run for President?

These Democrats should be careful what they wish for.

From the article linked in the OP:

In their biggest threat yet to conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission are laying the groundwork to bar companies with even the tiniest foreign ownership from American politics, ....

In a last-minute submission Wednesday, a top Democrat on the evenly split FEC proposed that the Thursday meeting of the commission begin the process to prohibit companies with foreign ownership as small as 5 percent "from funding expenditures, independent expenditures, or electioneering communications."

Democratic Commissioner Ellen Weintraub said in her submission, "Given everything we have learned this year, it blinks reality to suggest that that there is no risk of foreign nationals taking advantage of current loopholes to intercede invisibly in American elections. This is a risk no member of the Federal Election Commission should be willing to tolerate."

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