Fear Of Bernie

Debates usually give the underdog a boost. That's why Clinton is wanting to avoid any more debates.
I have a real problem with Bernie Sander's "pie in the sky" ideas; that are misleading. I agree with his belief of economic inequality. Except for the Republican, most living Human Beings agree especially Hillary Cinton; whom I support. Sanders seldom if ever- honestly explains how His free college, free healthcare is number 1: going to be paid for, and 2: how the do nothing,obstructionist repubs' in the senate and congress will vote to pass it. What about the taxes that would fall upon the struggling Middle Class? Sander's did admit to that during a debate some time back but has never been pressed to go any furture. His obsession with Hillary Clintons Speaking fees after Her time as Secretary of State,is boaring and makes him look so small. Is it as nefarious, as men who made large speaking fees after leaving any office. I guess only sport figures are entitled. Hillary has a comprehensive plan that is do able with alot of work and realistic goals. I'd hate to see Bernie Sander's foreign policies or lack of; having to come to fruition. Is anyone sure of what they are? I'm tired of His claim to fame;" I didn't vote for the Iraq war." Even further back than the Iraq war which he doesn't mention, Bush was President- He blames Hillary for things and votes when She was first Lady.. Bernie Sanders acts as though he was the first person to bring up the sinking Middleclass, poverty; as the new norm, is far from true. Not only has Hillary constantly spoke of it, but put Her words into action. From when she was a child, as a Lawyer,so on and so forth.continuing now as well as beyond.Hillary is the most qualified peron to be President; I'm sorry-not Bernie Sanders.
"I will participate in the next debate only if Bernie promises not to mention anything in my past or says anything I consider 'mean', upsets me', or is in any way negative to me."

I think my point was missed........ Although Bernie said he wanted to run a positive campaign; Hillary Clinton didn't put the conditions you've stated in order to debate Bernie Sanders.There is a big difference when Bernie resorts to erroneous statements such as "Hillary and all her freinds on Wall Street....." Standing up to Wall Street; is not one of Her weaknesses, nor is dealing with Iran, Puttin, Syria, Global Warming, Isis, the Middle East, Income inequality,the penal institutions, the disproportionate incarceration of Afro-Americans and Latinos', the poor and the Mentally ill. Whether it's concerns at home or abroad, regarding our Security or those of our allies; Immigration,
or whatever might come up; Hillary has a record on these polices and experience. Not Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, or Bernie Sanders can take that away from Her. We can't afford to side step issues or base our choice on who sounds the angriest, or promises things with not much to back it up. Hillary is a realist who will not only need our help but will rely on the best people to guide Her as She leads our country as our President and Commander in Chief.

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