FDA Puts Strict Limits on J&J Covid Vaccine

Once the vaccine fails to control the population there is stage 2 and 3 to come for the lock downs.

We will see false flags, and there will be severe food shortages people will beg for Gov. Help .
Build back better tells you how this ends WEF—-The great reset.
More disgusting crap about the hoax
Still being hidden is the high percentage of people who had more than 2 shots who are now experiencing that anordinary 3-4 day cold is taking 3-4 weeks to recover from. Compromised immune and recovery system due to the garish hoax. I started sharing my own experience with this as to family members who are having this happen for first time ever about a month ago. Libs wailed.
This is the next blockbuster of Covid hoax bullshit forthcoming
More disgusting crap about the hoax
Still being hidden is the high percentage of people who had more than 2 shots who are now experiencing that anordinary 3-4 day cold is taking 3-4 weeks to recover from. Compromised immune and recovery system due to the garish hoax. I started sharing my own experience with this as to family members who are having this happen for first time ever about a month ago. Libs wailed.
This is the next blockbuster of Covid hoax bullshit forthcoming
You haven’t seen anything yet, the peaking is coming shortly with those who have been getting jabbed since the beg…

Like I mentioned to someone else check out the great reset to see the ending of America, unless of course we stop that sob Klaus Schwab and the rest of these deep state freaks. And legally of course.
You know when this vaccine ( gene therapy) jab came out do you know they did not have one piece of information with in the box they ship the crap in. There was no insert giving the ingredients or anything.
It was blank.
Most of us have been saying they were full of shit since this began.

Now they go..............OH LOOKY HERE.........Sorry we were killing people pushing it............but you can't sue us..........HA HA HA.

Bunch of Dirtbags in our gov't.
Posted months ago it was causing blood clots and heart attacks killing people. Politics kept it on the market.

Follow me for facts that will save your life.

An extended family member of mine, who relayed she's had the 4 recommended shots and guess what? Tested positive for Covid....what a shocker! NOT in the least. To even think this current administration is still on the bandwagon in support of these worthless jabs is all I need to know. Their corruption level way over in the red, raging even from their intentional deception. daily via Red the mouthpiece. Those fake eyelashes aren't distracting enough for the viewers! lol
An extended family member of mine, who relayed she's had the 4 recommended shots and guess what? Tested positive for Covid....what a shocker! NOT in the least. To even think this current administration is still on the bandwagon in support of these worthless jabs is all I need to know. Their corruption level way over in the red, raging even from their intentional deception. daily via Red the mouthpiece. Those fake eyelashes aren't distracting enough for the viewers! lol
We have warned from the beginning to not trust them.........and have shown studies from all over the world showing the vaccines ..........which are not really vaccines...........WERE NEVER NEEDED.

This is all.............TO BRING THE RESET.............The Globalist are EVIL..........and HELL IS ON THE WAY.
Limits? Why not take it off the market? It seems that little by little the dishonesty and outright criminal propaganda of the Vax movement is finally coming to light.
but they said it was safe,,,WTF??
The good news Prog H is that we now know which orgs, politicians, and mouthpieces to ignore, for forever imo. I will never read anything written from CDC/NIH's relative to enflamed rhetoric about viral jabs, nor to the current underinformed laced with vagrant lies government. They have made their bed and I can only hope more will wake up from their zombie status of taking in their false info.
Limits? Why not take it off the market? It seems that little by little the dishonesty and outright criminal propaganda of the Vax movement is finally coming to light.
You'd think so Whitehall but it's still being "reported" by Red on a daily basis and the need of investing in more vaccines. Of course Moderna's vaccine-government sponsored! I'm still with you, hoping more Americans recognize the deceit!

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