FBI took records from Mar A Lago covered by attorney client privilege.

I never denied that he has broad powers to declassify, but having broad powers to declassify doesn't mean much if he doesn't actually take steps to declassify.

The power to declassify is not unlike his power to pardon. The President, while sitting as President, has almost unfettered power to issue pardons. But it don't mean jack shit if he doesn't actually, you know, write out the pardon. And he can't do any of that once he leaves office.

It's the same with classification. You and his defenders on this board are giving President Trump legal superpowers he doesn't have, and I dare say you're giving him superpowers you probably wouldn't extend to Obama, Clinton, or Biden or anyone else. If what you are arguing were true, any living past president could just walk into the Archives, declassify whatever he wants, and walk out with boxes of documents that were from his administration. That's just total horse shit.
The only step he has to take is to remove it from the Whitehouse. The minions can fill in the paper work after the fact, That's all he has to do to make it legal, moron.
Oh you mean, it's an implied right then, not anything explicitly written in the Constitution. In other words, judges kinda, sorta assumed that the President has the power to declassify what he deems appropriate to classify, but that's not actually in the Constitution itself. Just checking.

For the record, I don't disagree that the president has the power to declassify - he does. But as with all rights and powers, those are not limitless. Presidential Records are not personal possessions; they are United States government property. Whatever powers the president has to declare information classified or not is within that context. If your argument prevails and presidential records become classified by simple decree depending on the president's mood, or if they become his own personal records by decree, then as I said earlier, any living president could walk right down to the Archives and take whatever shit they want. They could just take it all, put it in a large pile on their front yard, and burn it in a bonfire.

If we take your argument and extend it to its natural conclusion, we'd literally be writing a blank check to any administration past or future to create an Executive Branch that is based on total secrecy from now on. You think that's what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they put things into the Constitution like separation of powers, states rights, and civil liberties?
I doubt that. Any rookie cop knows you can't prevent someone from filming where there's no reasonable expectation of privacy. Carrying out a search warrant is not a private act. If someone was filming with their own phone in an attempt to disrupt and prevent them from carrying out their search, I could see an agent telling them to shove that camera up their ass or go to jail for interfering with a criminal investigation, but not otherwise.

Thank you for saying the most important part.

All I can tell you is what was reported. If you want to believe it, fine, if you don't want to believe it, fine too. Trump's lawyer was there so I'm sure they followed whatever advice she gave them.
Courts can get involved in elections if one party sues the other and the Court finds cause to sue.

He's also a Jeb Bush donor and has contributed to candidates of both parties. Judges have the same free speech and free political participation rights as you do.

He still needed to see evidence in order to sign the warrant. Trump can always appeal on grounds of invalid, insufficient evidence and I'm sure he will.

He's a real federal judge. He was appointed by other federal judges to serve as a magistrate. The only thing he can't do is preside over criminal trials.

In your uninformed opinion.

Because they tried that already and it didn't work.

Yeah, about as true as other claims of yours I've easily shot down -- like that one about the FBI ordering cameras off. How did Trump and his family watch them carry out the raid if the cameras were off, lol?

What's with you on the left that you have to break up posts into a dozen sections and can't answer a post all at once.........public school?

The Left-BI instructed the staff to turn off all security cameras and they just didn't do it. I never said they turned the cameras off, I said they were instructed to. No, a federal court will not usually get involved in elections. Lawsuits are settled in civil court. Yes, he donated to Jeb who was not only Trump's opponent, but a RINO to boot so it shouldn't surprise anybody he backed Jeb. A judge who has a personal bias in a case must recuse himself which this clown didn't do. He did it before in another matter with Trump, so there's no reason he should have signed that warrant this time either. That's what the ethics complaint is about.
They weren't party to them. Just because they see them doesn't mean they're supposed to, but last time I checked, someone doesn't get in legal peril for incidentally seeing or hearing something they weren't intended to see or hear.
I just said we are talking about communications between Trump and his attorneys. How could they not be party to them?

You put the "duh: in Dumb.
The stink just keeps getting worse.

Of course they did. 6 years of "Get Trump" & lying in FISA court, Ilegally wiretapping on a rival presidential campaign, hacking into Trump tower servers and Russia's Alpha Bank to plant evidence (A Felony), knowingly pursuing "Russian Collusion" allegations they knew were false and knew were financed by Obama, Biden and Clinton when they colluded with Steele, Skirpal and Putin to produce The Dirty Dossier. January 6th False Flag Operation, and now a Raid based on yet again Falsified Affidavits for materials already being discussed, already declassified, in sealed boxes and already scheduled to be handed over.

"Who wants to go on a Panty Raid?"
Merrick Garland, August 8, 2022
It doesn't matter with a corrupt FBI.

This seems to be the current Trump tactic. Throw out blanket accusations of corruption of EVERYBODY else, while refusing to respond to the simple question as to why he had these documents in the basement in Mar-a-lago.

And saying that they packed in a big hurry and packed this stuff "inadvertently" is just bullshit. If that's the case, why have they gone to such lengths in the past 18 months to delay returning, deny, and refuse to return them? Why did it take a search warrant to get them back????
I wonder if we'll ever find out. That person's life and safety, and that of his family, will be under imminent threat.

Garland said that the Affidavit in support of the Application for the Search Warrant would be unsealed "in due course".
Making a factual statement to a leftist is like ranking fingernails on a chalkboard.

What factual statements have you made? I'm still waiting for you to post ANYTHING, that had ANY validity at law or in fact.

You keep quoting Donald Trump's Daily List of Excuses, all of which are debunked. You also keep claiming that everyone is lying, except Trump.
Of course they did. 6 years of "Get Trump" & lying in FISA court, Ilegally wiretapping on a rival presidential campaign, hacking into Trump tower servers and Russia's Alpha Bank to plant evidence (A Felony), knowingly pursuing "Russian Collusion" allegations they knew were false and knew were financed by Obama, Biden and Clinton when they colluded with Steele, Skirpal and Putin to produce The Dirty Dossier. January 6th False Flag Operation, and now a Raid based on yet again Falsified Affidavits for materials already being discussed, already declassified, in sealed boxes and already scheduled to be handed over.

"Who wants to go on a Panty Raid?"
Merrick Garland, August 8, 2022


One arrest for lying to the FBI about who his client was, one charge, zero convictions, NOTHING!

All of you have are the LIES Donald Trump told you. No evidence, no witnesses, no crimes. NOTHING!

One arrest for lying to the FBI about who his client was, one charge, zero convictions, NOTHING!

All of you have are the LIES Donald Trump told you. No evidence, no witnesses, no crimes. NOTHING!
So Orange Man Uber Super Evil Genius outsmarted you all again for 6 straight years despite you claiming that he is a Dotard?
You must be a retarded imbecile following the orders of morons.
Window Licker!

This seems to be the current Trump tactic. Throw out blanket accusations of corruption of EVERYBODY else, while refusing to respond to the simple question as to why he had these documents in the basement in Mar-a-lago.
It doesn't matter why he had them, dumbass.

And saying that they packed in a big hurry and packed this stuff "inadvertently" is just bullshit. If that's the case, why have they gone to such lengths in the past 18 months to delay returning, deny, and refuse to return them? Why did it take a search warrant to get them back????
No one said that, dumbass. They haven't delayed anything. They've been negotiating with the bureau of records, per the normal process.

Do you ever get the facts right? Ever?

One arrest for lying to the FBI about who his client was, one charge, zero convictions, NOTHING!

All of you have are the LIES Donald Trump told you. No evidence, no witnesses, no crimes. NOTHING!
More lies.

Trump didn't investigate any of it. If he had, all you progs would have been screaming about how he's running a police state. Funny who you have no complaints when the shoe is on the other foot.
More lies.

Trump didn't investigate any of it. If he had, all you progs would have been screaming about how he's running a police state. Funny who you have no complaints when the shoe is on the other foot.

Progressives are quite accustomed to pointless investigations leading nowhere. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!!!! Fast and Furious, IRS. The Dunham Investigation. The Starr Investigation. Hillary's emails!!! Uranium One!!!! Vince Foster's suicide. The Clinton Foundation.

The list is endless. Just list the cases that Judicial Watch has lost, for starters.
A copy of the EO is on the internet? Only if it's newsworthy. I don't think the Prez needs an EO to state his declassification policy. As my link points out he can change the policy willy-nilly and nobody has a thing to say about it.

And yes he can. But a 'standing order' is not 'willy-nilly.' It would REQUIRE documentation that was public.