FBI surprised but did NOTHING when Bill Clinton took $500,000 from Russian bank

Right, so, you have an EX-President making a speech in Russia and he got paid for it.

Why do you think this is an issue at all? He wasn't president.

Hillary his wife was Secretary of State. Bill was paid double if not triple his normal speaking fee.

Actually $500k is about right for a speech...

How Much Do Former Presidents Get Paid in Speaking Fees? Hint: A Lot

The Trump "Russian collusion conspiracy investigation" and the Uranium 1 bribery deal are directly related.

Mueller was possibly involved with the Uranium 1 bribery deal at the very least complacent in it and is now "investigating" Trump involved with the very same people he has possible criminal to connections.
Complacent? Lol
You mean complicit?
Both ways you’re an idiot.

Sorry I used one wrong word.

Yes he was at least complicit in what went on with Uranium 1.
This monster story available only on the internet. TV networks have censored it

FBI surprised Bill Clinton took $500,000 from Russia | Daily Mail Online

Oct 23 2017 When former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 check from a Kremlin-linked bank in 2010 to give a speech in Moscow it served, to the FBI, as further evidence the Russians had unleashed an influence campaign designed to get access to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Hill newspaper reported Sunday night that the FBI had been keeping close tabs on a Russian spy network that was trying to inch closer to the Clintons at the dawn of the Obama administration, with one spy – who was eventually arrested and deported – briefly posing successfully as an American accountant and working for a top Democratic donor.

FBI agents were 'surprised by the timing and size,' the Hill wrote, of Bill Clinton's half-million dollar speech, which has raised conflict-of-interest questions about Hillary Clinton, as the transaction occurred around the same time she was being asked to sign off on a uranium deal, which gave Russia 20 percent of the U.S.'s deposits.

Right, so, you have an EX-President making a speech in Russia and he got paid for it.

Why do you think this is an issue at all? He wasn't president.

Hillary his wife was Secretary of State. Bill was paid double if not triple his normal speaking fee.
no he was not... he had been paid $500k for previous speaking events and he even was paid as much as $750k for speaking events.... $500k was not in any way, out of the norm for him.... and he did not keep the money for himself, which he could have, and would have been $500k richer, but instead he donated the $500k to the foundation charity....where none of it, was his to use for himself....
This monster story available only on the internet. TV networks have censored it

FBI surprised Bill Clinton took $500,000 from Russia | Daily Mail Online

Oct 23 2017 When former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 check from a Kremlin-linked bank in 2010 to give a speech in Moscow it served, to the FBI, as further evidence the Russians had unleashed an influence campaign designed to get access to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Hill newspaper reported Sunday night that the FBI had been keeping close tabs on a Russian spy network that was trying to inch closer to the Clintons at the dawn of the Obama administration, with one spy – who was eventually arrested and deported – briefly posing successfully as an American accountant and working for a top Democratic donor.

FBI agents were 'surprised by the timing and size,' the Hill wrote, of Bill Clinton's half-million dollar speech, which has raised conflict-of-interest questions about Hillary Clinton, as the transaction occurred around the same time she was being asked to sign off on a uranium deal, which gave Russia 20 percent of the U.S.'s deposits.
Why are Liberals amused by this?
Why do you believe everything you read about the Clinton’s but never a peep from you with all the Trump corruption?
Please quote me.
My only beef with Hillary is that she tried to destroy Israel 1998-1999 and literally kissed up to the Arabs.
And her econo
This monster story available only on the internet. TV networks have censored it

FBI surprised Bill Clinton took $500,000 from Russia | Daily Mail Online

Oct 23 2017 When former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 check from a Kremlin-linked bank in 2010 to give a speech in Moscow it served, to the FBI, as further evidence the Russians had unleashed an influence campaign designed to get access to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The Hill newspaper reported Sunday night that the FBI had been keeping close tabs on a Russian spy network that was trying to inch closer to the Clintons at the dawn of the Obama administration, with one spy – who was eventually arrested and deported – briefly posing successfully as an American accountant and working for a top Democratic donor.

FBI agents were 'surprised by the timing and size,' the Hill wrote, of Bill Clinton's half-million dollar speech, which has raised conflict-of-interest questions about Hillary Clinton, as the transaction occurred around the same time she was being asked to sign off on a uranium deal, which gave Russia 20 percent of the U.S.'s deposits.
Why are Liberals amused by this?
Why do you believe everything you read about the Clinton’s but never a peep from you with all the Trump corruption?
Please quote me.
My only beef with Hillary is that she tried to destroy Israel 1998-1999 and literally kissed up to the Arabs.
And her economic plan during her candidacy sucked...tried and failed in the late 2000s.
Wait...so now doing business with Russians is a bad thing again?
Does Donald know this?
Sheesh, it's hard to keep up.

The press tells us it's bad when donald does it but ok when bill cliinton does it. THINK
Why do you believe everything you read about the Clinton’s but never a peep from you with all the Trump corruption?

I don't know of any trump corruption and i don't care. As long as he kicks out the illegals, he can rape the pope.
Wait...so now doing business with Russians is a bad thing again?
Does Donald know this?
Sheesh, it's hard to keep up.

The press tells us it's bad when donald does it but ok when bill cliinton does it. THINK

No, the press is telling us that when a Presidential candidate goes to Russia and starts discussing things like "hey, will you help me out on this election?" that it's kind of bad, but when some man whose wife is Secretary of State goes to Russia and makes a speech to some people for money, that it's not kind of bad.

If you don't see the difference, then I pity you.
Why do you believe everything you read about the Clinton’s but never a peep from you with all the Trump corruption?

I don't know of any trump corruption and i don't care. As long as he kicks out the illegals, he can rape the pope.

That's the reality of people like you though, isn't it?

You don't care what "your team" does, but if the other team does anything in anyway wrong, you'll hammer them. And in this case it's exactly what you're doing.

You're seeing Trump being hammered for things with key words like "Russia" so you see Hillary with something with key word "Russia" and you're like a dog on heat.

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