FBI Rot: Rogue Election Meddlers, White Guys Run Amok


The Clinton Pedophilia Connection

Steve Pieczenik also corroborates newsthat Hillary Clinton and her cronies are about to outed by the FBI for their involvement in an elite Washington pedophile ring.

Not only will she be charged with obstruction of justice, with lying to a prosecutor in the FBI, she will also be charged with pedophilia, and sex with minors,” claims Pieczenik, who has served in the State Department in four different administrations.


Yeah, how dare the FBI jeopardize the potential 'It's My Turn' Hillary election to expose something as 'trivial' as this?

How can you look at yourself in the mirror after posting such hateful garbage? Have you no honor?

Pot meet kettle.

It Sure Looks Like FBI Renegades Are Trying To Swing The Presidential Election

One of the most unsettling developments yet in a campaign filled with them.

Three days before a historic election, a disturbing twist has emerged: the possibility that agents in the country’s preeminent investigative service are attempting to swing the outcome.

Reuters reported on Thursday that FBI Director James Comey wrote his unprecedented letter to Congress last week in part because he feared his own employees might leak word of the Hillary Clinton email investigation to the press. Two sources told Reuters that investigators in the FBI’s New York field office are “known to be hostile” to Clinton. On Thursday, The Guardian reported its sources described the FBI as a “Trumpland,” where agents have “deep antipathy” toward Clinton.

Those reports follow a whirlwind week of leaks from the FBI that appear intended to cast a shadow over Clinton.
  • On Sunday, The Wall Street Journal reported that FBI investigators had looked into the Clinton Foundation and were frustrated that senior law enforcement officials and career anti-corruption prosecutors were not impressed by the results. So frustrated, it seems, that details of their investigation ended up in a news report less than 10 days before Election Day.

  • The leaks continued days later. A story in the Journal on Wednesday revealed more information about the investigation.

  • Fox News reported on Wednesday that FBI sources said that the Clinton Foundation case is moving toward “likely an indictment.” The story was widely refuted by other media organizations. (Fox anchor Bret Baier apologized for the report on Friday, calling it a “mistake.”)

  • On Friday, Donald Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani, who claims deep connectionsto the FBI, admitted that the Trump campaign knew about the FBI’s review of additional emails before Comey’s letter. “I thought it was going to be about three or four weeks ago,” he said of the FBI director’s announcement. Hours later, Giuliani backpedaled and said he knew nothing of FBI leaks.
The leaks would be alarming under any circumstances. The Department of Justice typically does not comment on ongoing probes. “Except in exceptional circumstances, the department will not even acknowledge the existence of an investigation,” former Attorney General Eric Holder wrote on Sunday. For such leaks to occur so close to an election is a further breach of DOJ guidance, which advises officials with questions “regarding the timing of charges or overt investigative steps near the time of a primary or general election” to contact the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division.

The FBI’s history is littered with unsavory acts ― from blackmailing Martin Luther King Jr. to eavesdropping on at least 12 Supreme Court justices. The decision by some of its agents to intervene in the most high-stakes election in generations joins that odious list. In a campaign that has seen the steady erosion of longstanding political norms, this is one of the most unsettling developments yet.

More: It Sure Looks Like FBI Renegades Are Trying To Swing The Presidential Election

Comey's FBI is reminding me of all the sordid past history of the FBI - such as the days of J. Edgar Hoover.

House Democrats are calling for a complete investigation surrounding this:
Lakhota is a self admitted PPP (Paid Per Post) poster.

Yes, I am a paid poster. I am paid in the sense that I am comfortably retired, and my retirement affords me with sufficient income and time - of which I waste some on message boards.

You are literally paid to post as you have admitted.

Lakota has been on this board as long as I have, at least 2008 with thousands of posts, & is not paid by anyone. It's you people that are new, probably just came on here to prop up your ass clown nominee.

FOX NEWS is involved in this scandal (indirectly) because of the guests on their programs.

Here is what is going on with this:

Comey violated long standing DOJ protocol when he opened the door and shouted EMAILS and slammed the door shut just 11 prior of a National Election. In a very vague letter that stated we have more emails--BUT we DON'T know if there's anything significant in them. When he did this, he did not have them in his possession, and clear up until Sunday night he still hadn't filed a motion to obtain them. Clearly there was NEVER any rush to get them. Right now--we don't even know if there were actually Clinton emails on Weiner's device. It's possible that Comey was played by a report of a leak that they existed and they don't. Or that they're just duplicates of ones they've already seen, as Huma testified she would forward emails to her home server to print them out.

Some say he did it, because he knew this information was going to get leaked out of the New York Cities FBI office, and he wanted to get in front of that story, and others say he did it to intervene in the middle of a National Election. That's what this investigation will be about.

Clearly Comey shouldn't have done it, because it's his ass that is on the spit bar-b-q. But in the below linked article what is interesting is this former chief of the FBI New York office ( Kallstrom) got on FOX News with Megyn Kelley and stated he still had close ties within the New York Cities FBI office, and Giuliani,, Trump's campaign adviser also had close ties within the FBI Office in New York city. There is where Anthony Weiner is getting prosecuted from.

The PROBLEM--Active FBI agents are required by law to never discuss any ongoing investigations with former employees or chiefs of the department, Kallstrom, or people like Rudi Giuliani.

So Kallstrom was immediately called up, and then he denied he had in ties within the department when they have him on video on FOX News stating the exact opposite. Donald Trump promised Kallstrom 1 million dollars to his foundation, and Giulani is a campaign adviser to Trump, and regular attack dog of Hillary Clinton. It's clear Rudi Giuliani was well too informed on this issue, and obviously knew it before Comey, who stated he just got wind of it on that Friday when he made the biggest blunder of his life.

Now House Democrats have asked for a full investigation into this and you're going to hear all about those involved in this and their actions. There will be more added to the below list.
They are:
1. Jamey Comey
2. Rudi Guiliani--former mayor of New York with close ties to the FBI office in New York City, now Trump campaign adviser, and Hillary Clinton attack dog on FOX News.
3. Kallstrom a frequent flyer of FOX News, former head of FBI offices in New York City, and whom Trump promised 1 million in donations to his foundation.
Democrats Call For Probe Of FBI Leaks About Clinton After Rudy Giuliani's Comments | Huffington Post
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

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White Guys Run Amok: Maybe The FBI’s Love For Trump Has Something To Do With How Extremely White And Male It Is

FBI director James Comey has said he “will have failed” if he doesn’t make the agency less white.

The FBI is “Trumplandia,” The Guardian’s Spencer Ackerman reported this week following a series of leaks from the law enforcement agency regarding alleged investigations into Hillary Clinton and her family’s foundation. “Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI,” he added.

That makes sense. White men are overwhelmingly likely to support Donald Trump, and the FBI is a culturally conservative law enforcement agency that is overwhelmingly white and male.

The FBI has actually gotten whiter in recent years. As of Aug. 1, 83.2 percent of FBI special agents were white, according to internal statistics. That’s a higher percentage than in 2008. More than 80 percent of FBI special agents are men. Last year, FBI director James Comey joked that the fictional FBI depicted on the television show “Quantico” made FBI agents look more “attractive and diverse” than they did real life.

Trump leads Clinton by 26 points among white men, according to YouGov’s polling model. Of course, the white men in the agency aren’t a perfect mirror of the white male vote nationally. FBI special agents need a bachelor’s degree from a four-year college (Trump also leads Clinton by 14 points among college-educated white men, according to YouGov), and their security clearances and desire to work in public service also make them different from the general population.

Trump would win the election with 493 electoral votes if only white men voted, according to a recent analysis by Mother Jones (using YouGov’s data):



More: Maybe The FBI's Love For Trump Has Something To Do With How Extremely White And Male It Is

Comey has really screwed the pooch. Even if Hillary wins - Comey has likely prevented her from getting a Democrat-controlled Senate - which means she's in for at least four years of NaziCon hell.
Lakhota is a self admitted PPP (Paid Per Post) poster.

It's comforting knowing that some rich democrook creep wastes money keeping parasites like Lakoturd alive only to prove what blithering imbeciles regressives really are.

I worked 50 years for my three retirement incomes.
Triple dipping off the taxpayers, eh?

Your a tick on the ass of society, in more ways than one.

Well, you should know.
I worked 50 years for my three retirement incomes.


If you WORKED 50 days in your entire life you wouldn't be a servile regressive puke. People who WORK do not like losing %10 (or a fuck ton more when you make real wages) to authority that spends it on shit that does more harm than good.
New Black Panther Party coy on ‘rallies and street maneuvers,’ post-George Zimmerman trial

Problems at the polls surfaced early Tuesday in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, with Republican election monitors being turned away from polling places and members of the New Black Panther Party appearing at voting sites in Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania Republican officials said 75 election monitors from the party were turned away from polling places in heavily Democratic sections of Philadelphia Tuesday, but a judge has ordered them reinstated.

“It certainly raises the question, what are Democrats doing in the polls that they are working so hard to shield folks from monitoring in this election?” state Republican chairman Rob Gleason said in a statement.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has turned his attention to Pennsylvania in the final days of the race, as polls there have tightened in a state that President Obama’s campaign believed it would win fairly easily. Mr. Romney turned out about 30,000 supporters Sunday night at a rally in the Philadelphia suburbs.

The New Black Panther Party was back at the polls Tuesday in Philadelphia, where its members provoked a complaint of voter intimidation in 2008.
I worked 50 years for my three retirement incomes.


If you WORKED 50 days in your entire life you wouldn't be a servile regressive puke. People who WORK do not like losing %10 (or a fuck ton more when you make real wages) to authority that spends it on shit that does more harm than good.

Huh? Maybe you can repeat some other time when you're sober.

It Sure Looks Like FBI Renegades Are Trying To Swing The Presidential Election

One of the most unsettling developments yet in a campaign filled with them.

Three days before a historic election, a disturbing twist has emerged: the possibility that agents in the country’s preeminent investigative service are attempting to swing the outcome.

Reuters reported on Thursday that FBI Director James Comey wrote his unprecedented letter to Congress last week in part because he feared his own employees might leak word of the Hillary Clinton email investigation to the press. Two sources told Reuters that investigators in the FBI’s New York field office are “known to be hostile” to Clinton. On Thursday, The Guardian reported its sources described the FBI as a “Trumpland,” where agents have “deep antipathy” toward Clinton.

Those reports follow a whirlwind week of leaks from the FBI that appear intended to cast a shadow over Clinton.
  • On Sunday, The Wall Street Journal reported that FBI investigators had looked into the Clinton Foundation and were frustrated that senior law enforcement officials and career anti-corruption prosecutors were not impressed by the results. So frustrated, it seems, that details of their investigation ended up in a news report less than 10 days before Election Day.

  • The leaks continued days later. A story in the Journal on Wednesday revealed more information about the investigation.

  • Fox News reported on Wednesday that FBI sources said that the Clinton Foundation case is moving toward “likely an indictment.” The story was widely refuted by other media organizations. (Fox anchor Bret Baier apologized for the report on Friday, calling it a “mistake.”)

  • On Friday, Donald Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani, who claims deep connectionsto the FBI, admitted that the Trump campaign knew about the FBI’s review of additional emails before Comey’s letter. “I thought it was going to be about three or four weeks ago,” he said of the FBI director’s announcement. Hours later, Giuliani backpedaled and said he knew nothing of FBI leaks.
The leaks would be alarming under any circumstances. The Department of Justice typically does not comment on ongoing probes. “Except in exceptional circumstances, the department will not even acknowledge the existence of an investigation,” former Attorney General Eric Holder wrote on Sunday. For such leaks to occur so close to an election is a further breach of DOJ guidance, which advises officials with questions “regarding the timing of charges or overt investigative steps near the time of a primary or general election” to contact the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division.

The FBI’s history is littered with unsavory acts ― from blackmailing Martin Luther King Jr. to eavesdropping on at least 12 Supreme Court justices. The decision by some of its agents to intervene in the most high-stakes election in generations joins that odious list. In a campaign that has seen the steady erosion of longstanding political norms, this is one of the most unsettling developments yet.

More: It Sure Looks Like FBI Renegades Are Trying To Swing The Presidential Election

Comey's FBI is reminding me of all the sordid past history of the FBI - such as the days of J. Edgar Hoover.

Yeah we are in for a long period of investigations and prosecutions. It's clear this moment in US history is one where a cadre of people have conspired to try to fix the election for Trump. Assange, Putin, and now members of the FBI have thrown in with this group of losers, with the Republicans having knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes, as well as vampires like Guiliani.

These people see the finality of the writing on the wall. Demographics will render the Republican party a permanent minority in national politics. Their attempts to take over the state houses and implement their agenda that way has also failed now as the courts are overturning most of what these Republican legislatures have enacts in the last five years. The conservative cohort sees if Hillary wins and gets to appoint SC justices that right wing attempts to get around, ignore, or even criminalize what the courts do will end forever.

Make no mistake, most people see this as just another election, but these people don't. They see it as the last gasp for their neo-con totalitarian viewpoint to prevail nationally. So for them ANYTHING is on the table. Including corrupt FBI agents.
Lakota has been on this board as long as I have, at least 2008 with thousands of posts, & is not paid by anyone.

Sounds like he was on the cutting edge of PPP in the 08 cycle; and yes, he has admitted multiple times to being a PPP poster.

Really? Multiple times? Why would you be so obsessed with that? Even if I was a paid-for-posting poster - I would donate it all to orphanages. So what's your problem, Gasbag?

It Sure Looks Like FBI Renegades Are Trying To Swing The Presidential Election

One of the most unsettling developments yet in a campaign filled with them.

Three days before a historic election, a disturbing twist has emerged: the possibility that agents in the country’s preeminent investigative service are attempting to swing the outcome.

Reuters reported on Thursday that FBI Director James Comey wrote his unprecedented letter to Congress last week in part because he feared his own employees might leak word of the Hillary Clinton email investigation to the press. Two sources told Reuters that investigators in the FBI’s New York field office are “known to be hostile” to Clinton. On Thursday, The Guardian reported its sources described the FBI as a “Trumpland,” where agents have “deep antipathy” toward Clinton.

Those reports follow a whirlwind week of leaks from the FBI that appear intended to cast a shadow over Clinton.
  • On Sunday, The Wall Street Journal reported that FBI investigators had looked into the Clinton Foundation and were frustrated that senior law enforcement officials and career anti-corruption prosecutors were not impressed by the results. So frustrated, it seems, that details of their investigation ended up in a news report less than 10 days before Election Day.

  • The leaks continued days later. A story in the Journal on Wednesday revealed more information about the investigation.

  • Fox News reported on Wednesday that FBI sources said that the Clinton Foundation case is moving toward “likely an indictment.” The story was widely refuted by other media organizations. (Fox anchor Bret Baier apologized for the report on Friday, calling it a “mistake.”)

  • On Friday, Donald Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani, who claims deep connectionsto the FBI, admitted that the Trump campaign knew about the FBI’s review of additional emails before Comey’s letter. “I thought it was going to be about three or four weeks ago,” he said of the FBI director’s announcement. Hours later, Giuliani backpedaled and said he knew nothing of FBI leaks.
The leaks would be alarming under any circumstances. The Department of Justice typically does not comment on ongoing probes. “Except in exceptional circumstances, the department will not even acknowledge the existence of an investigation,” former Attorney General Eric Holder wrote on Sunday. For such leaks to occur so close to an election is a further breach of DOJ guidance, which advises officials with questions “regarding the timing of charges or overt investigative steps near the time of a primary or general election” to contact the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division.

The FBI’s history is littered with unsavory acts ― from blackmailing Martin Luther King Jr. to eavesdropping on at least 12 Supreme Court justices. The decision by some of its agents to intervene in the most high-stakes election in generations joins that odious list. In a campaign that has seen the steady erosion of longstanding political norms, this is one of the most unsettling developments yet.

More: It Sure Looks Like FBI Renegades Are Trying To Swing The Presidential Election

Comey's FBI is reminding me of all the sordid past history of the FBI - such as the days of J. Edgar Hoover.

Yeah we are in for a long period of investigations and prosecutions. It's clear this moment in US history is one where a cadre of people have conspired to try to fix the election for Trump. Assange, Putin, and now members of the FBI have thrown in with this group of losers, with the Republicans having knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes, as well as vampires like Guiliani.

These people see the finality of the writing on the wall. Demographics will render the Republican party a permanent minority in national politics. Their attempts to take over the state houses and implement their agenda that way has also failed now as the courts are overturning most of what these Republican legislatures have enacts in the last five years. The conservative cohort sees if Hillary wins and gets to appoint SC justices that right wing attempts to get around, ignore, or even criminalize what the courts do will end forever.

Make no mistake, most people see this as just another election, but these people don't. They see it as the last gasp for their neo-con totalitarian viewpoint to prevail nationally. So for them ANYTHING is on the table. Including corrupt FBI agents.

Amen! I couldn't agree more!
Lakhota is a self admitted PPP (Paid Per Post) poster.

It's comforting knowing that some rich democrook creep wastes money keeping parasites like Lakoturd alive only to prove what blithering imbeciles regressives really are.

I worked 50 years for my three retirement incomes.
Triple dipping off the taxpayers, eh?

Your a tick on the ass of society, in more ways than one.

Well, you should know.
Why should I know?
Lakota has been on this board as long as I have, at least 2008 with thousands of posts, & is not paid by anyone.

Sounds like he was on the cutting edge of PPP in the 08 cycle; and yes, he has admitted multiple times to being a PPP poster.

Really? Multiple times? Why would you be so obsessed with that? Even if I was a paid-for-posting poster - I would donate it all to orphanages. So what's your problem, Gasbag?

:lmao: That's nice to know that the orphans would get your dirty money; what a guy!
Lakhota is a self admitted PPP (Paid Per Post) poster.

It's comforting knowing that some rich democrook creep wastes money keeping parasites like Lakoturd alive only to prove what blithering imbeciles regressives really are.

I worked 50 years for my three retirement incomes.
Triple dipping off the taxpayers, eh?

Your a tick on the ass of society, in more ways than one.

Well, you should know.
Why should I know?

tick on the ass of society
Triple dipping off the taxpayers, eh?

Your a tick on the ass of society, in more ways than one.

I tell you what...


Lakortd actually had government jobs that gives her 3 retirement checks I wouldn't care.

It's really none of my business, so I don't care. Lakoturd is full of shit anyway and probably does get all her weed money from a $9/ hour job trolling message boards while on welfare. "Earning" just enough to keep the bennies going.

It's comforting knowing that some rich democrook creep wastes money keeping parasites like Lakoturd alive only to prove what blithering imbeciles regressives really are.

I worked 50 years for my three retirement incomes.
Triple dipping off the taxpayers, eh?

Your a tick on the ass of society, in more ways than one.

Well, you should know.
Why should I know?
tick on the ass of society

How am I a tick on the ass of society?
I worked 50 years for my three retirement incomes.
Triple dipping off the taxpayers, eh?

Your a tick on the ass of society, in more ways than one.

Well, you should know.
Why should I know?
tick on the ass of society

How am I a tick on the ass of society?

I don't know. Was it upbringing, education, or both? You avatar suggests both.
Triple dipping off the taxpayers, eh?

Your a tick on the ass of society, in more ways than one.

Well, you should know.
Why should I know?
tick on the ass of society

How am I a tick on the ass of society?

I don't know. Was it upbringing, education, or both? You avatar suggests both.
In typical douche bag fashion, you refuse to give a straight answer to the question.

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