Fbi Report Ends Nra Nonsense About "good Guys With Guns"

Ever heard of "Switzerland"? Mandatory gun ownership.

Everyone of those "mandatory" gun owners has undergone mandatory full military basic training as a requirement for gun ownership.

No one ever denied that. What's your point?

The 2nd Amendment specifically refers to a "well regulated militia" which describes Swiss mandatory gun ownership far more accurately than it does here in America where the corrupt NRA upholds the "right" of every crazy person to obtain an unlimited capacity to commit mass murder in a very short time span.
How old are you? How could anyone be this ignorant and stupid?

Zero substance ad hom response means you have conceded your position.
Your delusional and an idiot.
Here is an interview with Dr. Kleck where he discusses how his study was conducted...extensively...

Private Guns Stop Crime 2.5M Times A Year In US

KLECK: We got all of the details about everything that people could have done with a gun from as mild an action as merely verbally referring to the gun on up to actually shooting somebody.

SCHULMAN: Could you give me the percentages?
KLECK: Yes. You have to keep in mind that it's quite possible for people to have done more than one of these things since they could obviously both verbally refer to the gun and point it at somebody or even shoot it.

KLECK: Fifty-four percent of the defensive gun uses involved somebody verbally referring to the gun. Forty-seven percent involved the gun being pointed at the criminal. Twenty-two percent involved the gun being fired. Fourteen percent involved the gun being fired at somebody, meaning it wasn't just a warning shot; the defender was trying to shoot the criminal. Whether they succeeded or not is another matter but they were trying to shoot a criminal. And then in 8 percent they actually did wound or kill the offender.
This may also help point out how these weapons were used against the attackers...
Everyone of those "mandatory" gun owners has undergone mandatory full military basic training as a requirement for gun ownership.

No one ever denied that. What's your point?

The 2nd Amendment specifically refers to a "well regulated militia" which describes Swiss mandatory gun ownership far more accurately than it does here in America where the corrupt NRA upholds the "right" of every crazy person to obtain an unlimited capacity to commit mass murder in a very short time span.
How old are you? How could anyone be this ignorant and stupid?

Zero substance ad hom response means you have conceded your position.
Your delusional and an idiot.

No one ever denied that. What's your point?

The 2nd Amendment specifically refers to a "well regulated militia" which describes Swiss mandatory gun ownership far more accurately than it does here in America where the corrupt NRA upholds the "right" of every crazy person to obtain an unlimited capacity to commit mass murder in a very short time span.
How old are you? How could anyone be this ignorant and stupid?

Zero substance ad hom response means you have conceded your position.
Your delusional and an idiot.

Yes it is, very ironic that you an I can both be citizens of the same country and you can't even read.
The 2nd Amendment specifically refers to a "well regulated militia" which describes Swiss mandatory gun ownership far more accurately than it does here in America where the corrupt NRA upholds the "right" of every crazy person to obtain an unlimited capacity to commit mass murder in a very short time span.
How old are you? How could anyone be this ignorant and stupid?

Zero substance ad hom response means you have conceded your position.
Your delusional and an idiot.

Yes it is, very ironic that you an I can both be citizens of the same country and you can't even read.

As an American I support your right to be an ignorant bigot even though I abhor your position.
How old are you? How could anyone be this ignorant and stupid?

Zero substance ad hom response means you have conceded your position.
Your delusional and an idiot.

Yes it is, very ironic that you an I can both be citizens of the same country and you can't even read.

As an American I support your right to be an ignorant bigot even though I abhor your position.
I'm proud to be a bigot against adults who don't know the constitution.
Zero substance ad hom response means you have conceded your position.
Your delusional and an idiot.

Yes it is, very ironic that you an I can both be citizens of the same country and you can't even read.

As an American I support your right to be an ignorant bigot even though I abhor your position.
I'm proud to be a bigot against adults who don't know the constitution.

You are bigoted against yourself? :cuckoo:

Who knew?
Your delusional and an idiot.

Yes it is, very ironic that you an I can both be citizens of the same country and you can't even read.

As an American I support your right to be an ignorant bigot even though I abhor your position.
I'm proud to be a bigot against adults who don't know the constitution.

You are bigoted against yourself? :cuckoo:

Who knew?
I know you are but what am I arguments are for playgrounds... why don't you head on back to yours.
Yes it is, very ironic that you an I can both be citizens of the same country and you can't even read.

As an American I support your right to be an ignorant bigot even though I abhor your position.
I'm proud to be a bigot against adults who don't know the constitution.

You are bigoted against yourself? :cuckoo:

Who knew?
I know you are but what am I arguments are for playgrounds... why don't you head on back to yours.

Irony squared!
P.S. You will Do well to try to Innoculate the Indians by means of Blanketts, as well as to try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execrable Race. I should be very glad your Scheme for Hunting them Down by Dogs could take Effect, but England is at too great a Distance to think of that at present.

Wow. Giving them diseased blankets and hunting them down with Dogs?

Hmmmm. That sounds a bit- Genocidy to me.​

I wonder why Amhurst didn't take credit for his germ theory of disease? I mean, you claim that in 1763, Amherst knew what the best minds would not for another 105 years, when Pasteur finally would catch up...


Germ theory of disease - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What a moronic fucktard you are.

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