FBI Probes Whether Pelosi's Stolen Laptop Going To Be Sold To russia


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Wow. I keep saying that word with every piece of news I read or see about the insurrection.

But that's the only polite word I can think of to use.

williams could be selling Pelosi's laptop or hard drive to russian officials.

She has disappeared. She has changed her phone number and deleted her social media presence entirely. That sure isn't the actions of someone who is innocent and has nothing to hide.

And the right insists they are the only patriotic Americans who love our country.

That is as much of a load of stinking garbage as their "pro life" claims.

Wow. I keep saying that word with every piece of news I read or see about the insurrection.

But that's the only polite word I can think of to use.

williams could be selling Pelosi's laptop or hard drive to russian officials.

She has disappeared. She has changed her phone number and deleted her social media presence entirely. That sure isn't the actions of someone who is innocent and has nothing to hide.

And the right insists they are the only patriotic Americans who love our country.

That is as much of a load of stinking garbage as their "pro life" claims.

Let me get this straight, a woman rushes into the Capitol building somehow knowing before hand she is going to successfully get access to this laptop . A laptop according to the Dems is only used for presentations so there is nothing of value anyways, but hey, she might have now have the nuclear codes or even the blueprints for the Sixth Generation Stealth fighter.

She then has the perfect post-theft plan, all hashed out before hand; to be able to change her phone number, delete her social media profile and disappear into the woods so that she can sell this presentation laptop to Mr. X.

All of this made possible with the assistance of some post-Cold War communist sympathizer (who is probably still hiding in the woods since the 1980s), she will be introduced to a deep cover Russian who will be activated, only for the purposes of buying this laptop and sneaking out of the nation during a pandemic. He will return to Mother Russia a hero, with all of Americas deepest secrets.

When all of this occurs, naturally MSM calls out, "this was all about Russia!" all of these events occurring right before a new president takes office. Rather than China, ANTIFA of BLM being the conversation, it will be about far right supremist anarchists, Trump supporters and Russia.

Please. Until we know who she is, who she worked for, her history, AND, see her arrested be convicted and actually do some time, I will ignore the yelling. In fact, I might go so far as to call all of this, once again, some convenient B.S.
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. . . hmmm. . . I thought the theft of that laptop was "fake news," and had not a thing to do with all the troops now at the inauguration.


She knows Trump has the goods on her.
Lol. The deep state is like Joseph Goebbels.
Wow. I keep saying that word with every piece of news I read or see about the insurrection.

But that's the only polite word I can think of to use.

williams could be selling Pelosi's laptop or hard drive to russian officials.

She has disappeared. She has changed her phone number and deleted her social media presence entirely. That sure isn't the actions of someone who is innocent and has nothing to hide.

And the right insists they are the only patriotic Americans who love our country.

That is as much of a load of stinking garbage as their "pro life" claims.

If she did it, we'll get her.

Its really cool how all right wingers have friends in high places when they have a laptop for sale. LOL
Wow. I keep saying that word with every piece of news I read or see about the insurrection.

But that's the only polite word I can think of to use.

williams could be selling Pelosi's laptop or hard drive to russian officials.

She has disappeared. She has changed her phone number and deleted her social media presence entirely. That sure isn't the actions of someone who is innocent and has nothing to hide.

And the right insists they are the only patriotic Americans who love our country.

That is as much of a load of stinking garbage as their "pro life" claims.

If she did it, we'll get her.

Its really cool how all right wingers have friends in high places when they have a laptop for sale. LOL

Maybe Trumps supporters are more sophisticated and elite than the D.C elites give them credit for.
Wow. I keep saying that word with every piece of news I read or see about the insurrection.

But that's the only polite word I can think of to use.

williams could be selling Pelosi's laptop or hard drive to russian officials.

She has disappeared. She has changed her phone number and deleted her social media presence entirely. That sure isn't the actions of someone who is innocent and has nothing to hide.

And the right insists they are the only patriotic Americans who love our country.

That is as much of a load of stinking garbage as their "pro life" claims.

If she did it, we'll get her.

Its really cool how all right wingers have friends in high places when they have a laptop for sale. LOL

Cool story! You're a good parrot!
Wow. I keep saying that word with every piece of news I read or see about the insurrection.

But that's the only polite word I can think of to use.

williams could be selling Pelosi's laptop or hard drive to russian officials.

She has disappeared. She has changed her phone number and deleted her social media presence entirely. That sure isn't the actions of someone who is innocent and has nothing to hide.

And the right insists they are the only patriotic Americans who love our country.

That is as much of a load of stinking garbage as their "pro life" claims.

If she did it, we'll get her.

Its really cool how all right wingers have friends in high places when they have a laptop for sale. LOL

Maybe Trumps supporters are more sophisticated and elite than the D.C elites give them credit for.

Yeah...thats it. LOL. First the alleged Biden laptop copy goes from a now defunct laptop shop to the President's personal lawyer. Now Pelosi's supposed laptop is over in Russia. Courtesy of blob supporters.

Its a fun time to be a liberal.
I spent some time researching this recently. I came across some articles where an aide said that the stolen laptop was from a conference room and was only used for presentations. Here is one...

But, I also found this picture, which purportedly shows her laptop during the mostly-peaceful protest. Caption included here which says it is her office...

Hi-resolution direct link to the picture...

It's clearly not her primary desk, which is pictured here in these two pictures...

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Williams has been apprehended...

"Williams is facing charges of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, according to the Justice Department. It's not yet clear whether she will also be charged with theft."


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