FBI Lawyer Who Altered FISA DOCS & Lover Worked For Current ICIG Who Edited IC Whisteblower Form


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
The swamp is getting swampier all the time. The Beatles predicted this when they wrote “Swamp Thing in the Way She Moves.” As it turns out the lawyer who doctored documents and will face trial, Kevin Clinesmith, and his girlfriend Sally Myer who were part of the resistance movement previously worked for ICIG Michael Atkinson, who modified whistle-blower forms & allowed hearsay CIA leaker.

Isn’t it funny how liberals have set up the Deep State network? No matter where you turn they seem to be there rigging the system.

Atkinson next took a position as the ICIG. Recently, it was reported that Atkinson changed the IC whistleblower form in September shortly after a CIA Agent, who was spying in the Trump White House, drafted a complaint on President Trump. That is what allowed Adam Schiff to start his impeachment scam. Atkinson even went so far to describe the whistleblower complaint as credible even though it was second and third had news and that’s never reliable.

FBI Lawyer Who Altered FISA Docs and His Lover Worked for Current ICIG Who Edited IC WhistleBlower Form
It will be the greatest accomplishment of any President since Eisenhower if Trump can clean up even half of the deep state crimes. There has to be at least a thousand crooked deep staters in the Justice dept. And they have to be removed and punished if we are to have any hope of getting our government back.
It will be a great day when all you nutters get dumped right into the Conspiracy forum where you belong.

The swamp is getting swampier all the time. The Beatles predicted this when they wrote “Swamp Thing in the Way She Moves.” As it turns out the lawyer who doctored documents and will face trial, Kevin Clinesmith, and his girlfriend Sally Myer who were part of the resistance movement previously worked for ICIG Michael Atkinson, who modified whistle-blower forms & allowed hearsay CIA leaker.

Isn’t it funny how liberals have set up the Deep State network? No matter where you turn they seem to be there rigging the system.

Atkinson next took a position as the ICIG. Recently, it was reported that Atkinson changed the IC whistleblower form in September shortly after a CIA Agent, who was spying in the Trump White House, drafted a complaint on President Trump. That is what allowed Adam Schiff to start his impeachment scam. Atkinson even went so far to describe the whistleblower complaint as credible even though it was second and third had news and that’s never reliable.

FBI Lawyer Who Altered FISA Docs and His Lover Worked for Current ICIG Who Edited IC WhistleBlower Form

Perhaps if one of those republican judges on the court who passed out FISAs on Page, if only they had noticed. If you have a problem with the FiSA court on Page, talk to John Roberts.
I didn't even read your link because I know its garbage and I hate to waste my time.

So Trump can have the FBI swear out fake FISA warrants on seditious democrats....kewl!
Why would he have to do that when there is supposedly all of this mountain of evidence that points to Obama being guilty of almost every crime ever invented??

Or was that all just some bullshit??

Please, please, call Trump and beg him to issue fake FISA warrants (you will also have to get multiple federal judges to be in on the scheme) -- and do surveillance on Obama....go get em!!
These people need to face a firing squad.

The swamp is getting swampier all the time. The Beatles predicted this when they wrote “Swamp Thing in the Way She Moves.” As it turns out the lawyer who doctored documents and will face trial, Kevin Clinesmith, and his girlfriend Sally Myer who were part of the resistance movement previously worked for ICIG Michael Atkinson, who modified whistle-blower forms & allowed hearsay CIA leaker.

Isn’t it funny how liberals have set up the Deep State network? No matter where you turn they seem to be there rigging the system.

Atkinson next took a position as the ICIG. Recently, it was reported that Atkinson changed the IC whistleblower form in September shortly after a CIA Agent, who was spying in the Trump White House, drafted a complaint on President Trump. That is what allowed Adam Schiff to start his impeachment scam. Atkinson even went so far to describe the whistleblower complaint as credible even though it was second and third had news and that’s never reliable.

FBI Lawyer Who Altered FISA Docs and His Lover Worked for Current ICIG Who Edited IC WhistleBlower Form

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