Prosecutors Requestiung ONLY 6 Months In Prison For Clinesmith, FBI Agent Who Altered Russia Probe Email


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"U.S. prosecutors on Dec. 3 called for up to a six-month prison term for former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith who pleaded guilty to falsifying an email that was relied upon to renew surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page, amid the Russia investigation.

Clinesmith, 38, pleaded guilty on Aug. 19 to one count of making a false statement and was charged as part of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the 2016 probe of Russian election interference and possible ties to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. The offense carries a maximum term of imprisonment of five years and a fine of up to $250,000."

The Federal Bureau of Investigation withheld exculpatory evidence from a FISA Court warrant request submitted to the FISA Court in order to obtain an illegal warrant to illegally and Un-Constitutionally spy on Page. Page was a US Government INFORMANT on the Russians - Official government documents / evidence proves the FBI KNEW this yet hid it from the FISA Court.

Clinesmith confessed to committing the crime of illegally altering information to facilitate the FISA Court crimes committed by then acting US AG Rod Rosenstein, former FBI Director James Comey, and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Rosenstein testified TWICE under oath before Congress. During his 1st testimony he laughed and mocked the idea of FISA Court crimes, declaring everyone who signs a FISA court warrant request is a professional who fully understands the consequences of signing off on a criminally false application. He added that anyone who signed off on a fraudulent or criminal application SHOULD BE PUNISHED. During his 2nd appearance before Congress under oath Rosenstein confessed to signing the illegal FISA Court application but attempted to excuse his crimes b claiming he had 'pencil-whipped' the applications, signed them without reading them.
- That's HIS problem, if he did so. As he stated in his 1st appearance, ANYONE who signs off on a criminal application should be punished.

Both Comey and McCabe also signed fraudulent, criminal FISA Court applications. McCabe also confessed to signing the fraudulent, criminal applications. In his defense, he attempted to use the same criminal argument Comey had publicly used to justify Hillary not bring indicted for committing crimes - McCabe claimed to be ignorant of the crimes he had committed. He attempted to argue that even as 2nd in command at the FBI he had no idea what his employees were doing, had no idea they had gone 'rogue', and signed off on whatever they gave include the criminal FISA Court applications.
-- Lack of knowledge of the law and the crime being committed is NOT a legal defense for committing crimes. McCabe, in attempting to defend himself, also testified about his own criminal incompetence and ineptitude as Deputy-Director of the FBI. (It should also be noted that former FBI Agent page's testimony under oath directly counters much of what McCabe claimed to know and actions he claimed to have or did not take.)

Cinesmith reportedly 'gave up' names of some his co-conspirators as part of his plea bargain.

Had any of US committed the crimes Clinesmith has admitted to we would be looking at the full 5 years in jail and $250,000 fine. This traitor will end up getting 6 months in a 'country club' and no fine for his part in Obama's failed coup attempt.

This is far from the FBI's 1st criminal act against the American people. Mueller is on record as having intentionally sent a man he knew to be innocent of a crime to prison, even having withheld exculpatory evidence, just as is the case here. As FBI Director both Mueller and Comey have been proven to have been guilty of and running an FBI that committed FISA Court crimes over 2 dozen times in the last several decades. The FISA Court's own report revealed the FBI has been intentionally committing FISA Court abuses for DECADES.

1..2....maybe even 3 times could be argued to be 'mistakes'. During Mueller's tenure as FBI Director he was called before the FISA Court to answer for more than a DOZEN FISA Court crimes... 'SYSTEMIC PROBLEM' is an understatement! This is evidence of a ROGUE US government agency that has proven it has little to no regard for the US Constitution, the Rule of law, or for US citizens' Constitutional or Civil Rights...not to mention a willingness to participate in a treasonous political coup intended to overthrow the US government by illegally / criminally removing a newly elected President based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses.....just like the Democrats Impeachment scam.

So the fact that Clinesmith will 'skate' - most probably as the ONLY person to be indicted / convicted (scapegoat) - with only 6 months in a 'country club' and no fine is not only offensive but criminal in itself.

"U.S. prosecutors on Dec. 3 called for up to a six-month prison term for former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith who pleaded guilty to falsifying an email that was relied upon to renew surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page, amid the Russia investigation.

Clinesmith, 38, pleaded guilty on Aug. 19 to one count of making a false statement and was charged as part of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the 2016 probe of Russian election interference and possible ties to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. The offense carries a maximum term of imprisonment of five years and a fine of up to $250,000."

The Federal Bureau of Investigation withheld exculpatory evidence from a FISA Court warrant request submitted to the FISA Court in order to obtain an illegal warrant to illegally and Un-Constitutionally spy on Page. Page was a US Government INFORMANT on the Russians - Official government documents / evidence proves the FBI KNEW this yet hid it from the FISA Court.

Clinesmith confessed to committing the crime of illegally altering information to facilitate the FISA Court crimes committed by then acting US AG Rod Rosenstein, former FBI Director James Comey, and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Rosenstein testified TWICE under oath before Congress. During his 1st testimony he laughed and mocked the idea of FISA Court crimes, declaring everyone who signs a FISA court warrant request is a professional who fully understands the consequences of signing off on a criminally false application. He added that anyone who signed off on a fraudulent or criminal application SHOULD BE PUNISHED. During his 2nd appearance before Congress under oath Rosenstein confessed to signing the illegal FISA Court application but attempted to excuse his crimes b claiming he had 'pencil-whipped' the applications, signed them without reading them.
- That's HIS problem, if he did so. As he stated in his 1st appearance, ANYONE who signs off on a criminal application should be punished.

Both Comey and McCabe also signed fraudulent, criminal FISA Court applications. McCabe also confessed to signing the fraudulent, criminal applications. In his defense, he attempted to use the same criminal argument Comey had publicly used to justify Hillary not bring indicted for committing crimes - McCabe claimed to be ignorant of the crimes he had committed. He attempted to argue that even as 2nd in command at the FBI he had no idea what his employees were doing, had no idea they had gone 'rogue', and signed off on whatever they gave include the criminal FISA Court applications.
-- Lack of knowledge of the law and the crime being committed is NOT a legal defense for committing crimes. McCabe, in attempting to defend himself, also testified about his own criminal incompetence and ineptitude as Deputy-Director of the FBI. (It should also be noted that former FBI Agent page's testimony under oath directly counters much of what McCabe claimed to know and actions he claimed to have or did not take.)

Cinesmith reportedly 'gave up' names of some his co-conspirators as part of his plea bargain.

Had any of US committed the crimes Clinesmith has admitted to we would be looking at the full 5 years in jail and $250,000 fine. This traitor will end up getting 6 months in a 'country club' and no fine for his part in Obama's failed coup attempt.

This is far from the FBI's 1st criminal act against the American people. Mueller is on record as having intentionally sent a man he knew to be innocent of a crime to prison, even having withheld exculpatory evidence, just as is the case here. As FBI Director both Mueller and Comey have been proven to have been guilty of and running an FBI that committed FISA Court crimes over 2 dozen times in the last several decades. The FISA Court's own report revealed the FBI has been intentionally committing FISA Court abuses for DECADES.

1..2....maybe even 3 times could be argued to be 'mistakes'. During Mueller's tenure as FBI Director he was called before the FISA Court to answer for more than a DOZEN FISA Court crimes... 'SYSTEMIC PROBLEM' is an understatement! This is evidence of a ROGUE US government agency that has proven it has little to no regard for the US Constitution, the Rule of law, or for US citizens' Constitutional or Civil Rights...not to mention a willingness to participate in a treasonous political coup intended to overthrow the US government by illegally / criminally removing a newly elected President based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses.....just like the Democrats Impeachment scam.

So the fact that Clinesmith will 'skate' - most probably as the ONLY person to be indicted / convicted (scapegoat) - with only 6 months in a 'country club' and no fine is not only offensive but criminal in itself.

There’s your big deep state. Caught and punished.
"U.S. prosecutors on Dec. 3 called for up to a six-month prison term for former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith who pleaded guilty to falsifying an email that was relied upon to renew surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page, amid the Russia investigation.
Come on, he's a brother cop, he gets WitSec, new papers, I.D. documents, a nice easy retirement, free to come and go after that, and besides, he can't be losing his gun rights as a fellow cop, so it's not like they're going to charge him with a felony.
"U.S. prosecutors on Dec. 3 called for up to a six-month prison term for former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith who pleaded guilty to falsifying an email that was relied upon to renew surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page, amid the Russia investigation.
Come on, he's a brother cop, he gets WitSec, new papers, I.D. documents, a nice easy retirement, free to come and go after that, and besides, he can't be losing his gun rights as a fellow cop, so it's not like they're going to charge him with a felony.
I know you were joking, but please don't insult REAL cops like that.

So the fact that Clinesmith will 'skate' - most probably as the ONLY person to be indicted / convicted (scapegoat) - with only 6 months in a 'country club' and no fine is not only offensive but criminal in itself.
Rosenstein, Comey and McCabe should all be in prison for considerably more than six months.
This is why people don't trust the FBI and the Deep State that harbors this scum.
xiden will pardon his ass only if the geriatric pedophile gets in
First time, nonviolent offender, pled guilty.

Hardly surprising.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation withheld exculpatory evidence from a FISA Court warrant request submitted to the FISA Court in order to obtain an illegal warrant to illegally and Un-Constitutionally spy on Page. Page was a US Government INFORMANT on the Russians - Official government documents / evidence proves the FBI KNEW this yet hid it from the FISA Court.
As a Government informant, it should not be considered spying. It was about Government using information obtained due to that informant.
U.S. Attorney John Durham is seeking a prison sentence of up to six months for Kevin Clinesmith, the former FBI lawyer who pleaded guilty to altering an email from the CIA regarding former Trump campaign aide Carter Page’s past relationship with the spy agency.

Durham asked a federal judge in a court filing on Thursday to sentence Clinesmith to a jail term “between the middle and upper end” of what federal sentencing guidelines recommend for the crime of making false statements in writing.

Clinesmith pleaded guilty to the charge on Aug. 19. He admitted to adding the phrase “not a ‘source'” to a June 2017 email from a CIA employee who had provided information about Page’s relationship with the agency.

Page served as an “operational contact” for the CIA from 2008 to 2013.

Clinesmith, who worked in the FBI’s National Cyber Law Branch, assisted the bureau’s Crossfire Hurricane team in its investigation into the Trump campaign’s possible ties to the Russian government. As part of his legal work, Clinesmith contacted the CIA regarding Page’s association with the spy agency.

Again, the FBI - and especially Clinesmith - KNEW Page worked for the CIA. Clinesmith did not make an 'ERROR'...he did NOT make a 'MISTAKE'....he deliberately withheld exculpatory evidence to ensure the illegal FISA Court Warrant Request would be approved.

"Durham asked a federal judge in a court filing on Thursday to sentence Clinesmith to a jail term “between the middle and upper end” of what federal sentencing guidelines recommend for the crime of making false statements in writing."

Durham asked a federal judge to sentence Clinesmith between the middle to upper end of sentencing guideline for his crimes, which are up to 5 years and a huge fine. The 'middle to upper end' would be at least 2.5 years and potentially half the amount of the fine.

So where the hell did the '6 months' deal come from? Obama-appointed Judge?

As a Government informant, it should not be considered spying. It was about Government using information obtained due to that informant.
The FBI did not use any information provided by Carter Page. They lied, withheld from the FISA Court the fact that he was a CIA INFORMANT on the Russians....
As a Government informant, it should not be considered spying. It was about Government using information obtained due to that informant.
The FBI did not use any information provided by Carter Page. They lied, withheld from the FISA Court the fact that he was a CIA INFORMANT on the Russians....

And with that kind of a lying distortion, there is no way this FBI agent/lawyer did this on his own. He should be getting way more than 6 months. He should get the maximum and then perhaps later he will flip on his corrupt superiors. He should be given the Flynn treatment.
As a Government informant, it should not be considered spying. It was about Government using information obtained due to that informant.
The FBI did not use any information provided by Carter Page. They lied, withheld from the FISA Court the fact that he was a CIA INFORMANT on the Russians....

And with that kind of a lying distortion, there is no way this FBI agent/lawyer did this on his own. He should be getting way more than 6 months. He should get the maximum and then perhaps later he will flip on his corrupt superiors. He should be given the Flynn treatment.
A pardon
As a Government informant, it should not be considered spying. It was about Government using information obtained due to that informant.
The FBI did not use any information provided by Carter Page. They lied, withheld from the FISA Court the fact that he was a CIA INFORMANT on the Russians....
No longer spying but inter-agency co-operation.
As a Government informant, it should not be considered spying. It was about Government using information obtained due to that informant.
The FBI did not use any information provided by Carter Page. They lied, withheld from the FISA Court the fact that he was a CIA INFORMANT on the Russians....

And with that kind of a lying distortion, there is no way this FBI agent/lawyer did this on his own. He should be getting way more than 6 months. He should get the maximum and then perhaps later he will flip on his corrupt superiors. He should be given the Flynn treatment.
Flynn was at first recommended by the DoJ to have no prison time, just probation.

Then Flynn stopped cooperating and tried to reverse his plea.

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