FBI: ISIS is targeting theaters,churches,sports arenas

Obama is doing everything he can to get them into this country. Hillary is going to pick up where he left off.... and promising more. smh
We go to 10AM matinees at the theater if we go at all, we don't go to sports events, or attend church, and frankly they wouldn't get much of a body count at the restaurants we patronize.
We go to 10AM matinees at the theater if we go at all, we don't go to sports events, or attend church, and frankly they wouldn't get much of a body count at the restaurants we patronize.
That sucks. I'm glad the terrorists haven't defeated me like they have you.

Silly boy.

We've been going to matinees since the 80's. No one there. No screaming kiddies. Almost a private showing.

Went to a Redskin game once in 1962. That was it. Was cold as hell and can see better on TV. What's the point?

We rarely eat out at anything less than a 4-star restaurant these days. Luck of the draw, y'know?

Nothing to do with terrorists. The only change is that we both switched out to pistols with greater knock-down power.

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