FBI Investigated Trump As Russian Asset


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
Trump's words and actions around the time that he fired FBI head James Comey so alarmed the FBI that they felt compelled to open a counter intelligence investigation to see if he was acting on behalf of the Kremlin, according to reporting by the NY Times.

An investigation of that nature had to be signed off on by the top echelon of the DOJ

This is...unprecedented...to say the least
No....they did not.

But thanks for the lies
If I had to choose a picture of what a Russian asset would look like it would be this one:

Yep, all set in motion by hatred. Hatred and nothing else. Ones ego even bigger than Hillary’s hoping to strike out and ruin a man and his family because he couldn’t stand that he could be called out for his own failures. A narcissist that employed other narcissistic haters to try to take down Trump through lies because he dare infiltrate their safe spaces where they were running things the way they wanted, rather than as they were required by law to do.
If they truly believed Trump was working for Russia they would have found it long ago, as they would have spared nothing to make sure he was out before he ever got in, as it would be the greatest national security issue this country could face.
People want to call Trump disgusting, yet the very people that cooked up this nonsense are the most vile people on earth. They all care more about their secret agendas of gaining unfettered power and wealth, than about this nation. How sick is that.
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If I had to choose a picture of what a Russian asset would look like it would be this one:


The Manchurian candidate is a cool movie but to suggest that the insane orange twitter addict is the real life version is a sign of desperation.....

Want to choose an image of the most qualified selection screwup in history instead?


Old nonsense?

Trump tried just last month to ease sanctions on Deripaska.

When Mnuchin went in front of Congress to "explain why" he said nothing but

"trust us".

Old nonsense?

Trump tried just last month to ease sanctions on Deripaska.

When Mnuchin went in front of Congress to "explain why" he said nothing but

"trust us".


Nuthin burger but get your panties in a twist and keep hoping.
Yea...A president under investigation for being an asset of the Kremlin is just "no big deal"

Yea...A president under investigation for being an asset of the Kremlin is just "no big deal"

Look who started that FBI "investigation". McCabe and Strzok, the two most anti-Trump deep staters there are, they have zero credibility regarding Trump. Did the NSA or CIA backup their accusations? No.
Komrad Brennan and Clapper spied on the Trump campaign and found nothing. They got Popadope two weeks in jail for lying. Then they got Flynn in a perjury trap. They got Manafort on 10-year old crimes. Mueller's report should be scrubbed by the DOJ to be sure that every accusation is rock solid, and not based on "oppo research".
Yea...A president under investigation for being an asset of the Kremlin is just "no big deal"

Look who started that FBI "investigation". McCabe and Strzok, the two most anti-Trump deep staters there are, they have zero credibility regarding Trump. Did the NSA or CIA backup their accusations? No.
Komrad Brennan and Clapper spied on the Trump campaign and found nothing. They got Popadope two weeks in jail for lying. Then they got Flynn in a perjury trap. They got Manafort on 10-year old crimes. Mueller's report should be scrubbed by the DOJ to be sure that every accusation is rock solid, and not based on "oppo research".
Minimizing and outright lying doesn’t help your case any
Trump's words and actions around the time that he fired FBI head James Comey so alarmed the FBI that they felt compelled to open a counter intelligence investigation to see if he was acting on behalf of the Kremlin, according to reporting by the NY Times.

An investigation of that nature had to be signed off on by the top echelon of the DOJ

This is...unprecedented...to say the least
Ah how shocking the POLITICIZED FBI attacked the sitting US president. Man he has struck some serious nerves! Imagine the horror when we reelect him!
Trump's words and actions around the time that he fired FBI head James Comey so alarmed the FBI that they felt compelled to open a counter intelligence investigation to see if he was acting on behalf of the Kremlin, according to reporting by the NY Times.

An investigation of that nature had to be signed off on by the top echelon of the DOJ

This is...unprecedented...to say the least

Yes, a coup is unprecedented

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