FBI and FISA even worse than you thought.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
The Left assumed the uncomfortable position of defending the FBI when the Right attacked this storied agency after the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. We hear all about how awful Trump was interfering with this agency, and the Department of Justice, and how the agents were consummate professionals.

Then as more problems with the investigation were uncovered, the Left decided it was not worth their time. Now, the regular Right is sounding like the Far Right in denouncing the abuses of the FBI. And what is worse, neither the left, nor the right, were even close in describing the problems with this organization.

It is said that Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. Well the FBIā€™s use of the FISA court, is proof of this old saying.

Inspector General Horowitz examined 29 FISA court applications from eight different FBI offices, and found every single one of them had errors, omissions, or failed to perform one of the steps they swore had been accomplished. In other words, the rate of FBI misconduct on FISA warrants is 100%. Every single one of the 29 had problems. Every one. There wasnā€™t one that was correct. There wasnā€™t a single one that all the steps and checks had been completed. Not a single one.

Now, letā€™s be honest. If you had a Baseball pitcher who cheated in every single game he played, he would be banned for life from the sport. So what happened to those agents? Nothing. The FBI promised to enact more reforms that would enforce the previous reforms enacted after the last time the FBI was caught in misconduct. You see, that is the Washington Two Step. Step One, deny anything happened. Step two, promise reforms, and do nothing different.

When Hoover was the director of the FBI the agents would break into houses and businesses illegally to seize information, not just evidence, but information embarrassing to the FBI. These were called Black Bag Jobs. When this was exposed by Fred Cook in a book titled The FBI Nobody Knows. The FBI appeared before Congress, and swore that there would never be another Black Bag Job. The FBI sort of told the truth. The activity continued, only now it was no longer called a Black Bag Job, it was called a FBI Special. They kept on doing the same things, only they had changed the name of the program.

They did the same thing many times in history. Remember Carnivore? Carnivore was an FBI email screening computer that would search for key words and phrases. When this came to light, and the FBI admitted they were doing it, they announced that the Carnivore program had already been shut down. That was true. It was superseded by a new program doing exactly the same thing. When that program was exposed, the FBI demanded access to the FISA court to enable them to do what they wanted to do anyway, and would continue doing.

Well if we include the Court, and we have a Warrant, there is no Fourth Amendment problem right? Good. Only the FBI it is now well know, lied to the court in every single application. So what do they propose as a fix for this misconduct? If you say Reforms to the existing programs, you guessed right. The FBI promises to never do it again. I think they even said ā€I swear to God it wonā€™t happen againā€œ.

Well as long as they swear to God right?

The last people anyone should trust is a Cop. The last person anyone should believe is a cop. Be it the local county cop, city cop, state cop, or Federal Agent. Theyā€™re all taught the same tricks to get around the truth. Remember, when Carnivore was kicking out people who were committing crimes, crimes the Feds couldnā€™t investigate without exposing the program, they would call an anonymous tip into local police that a guy driving a maroon van license number whatever was smuggling drugs.

The only Reform that might work is if we introduce each agent who is about to Testify like this. ā€œLadies and Gentlemen of the Jury. We are required by law to inform you that Special Agent Smith has a history of misconduct in the application of Warrants, and has a history of questionable activity concerning how he reports on conversations and often leaves out exculpatory information when he lists evidence.ā€œ

I bet that the bullshit stops when the Agents are introduced to the Jury as known pathological liars.
Sadly, no surprise here-
Horowitzā€™s office said in a report released Tuesday that of the 29 applications ā€” all of which involved U.S. citizens ā€“ that were pulled from ā€œ8 FBI field offices of varying sizes,ā€ the FBI could not find Woods Files for four of the applications, while the other 25 all had ā€œapparent errors or inadequately supported facts.ā€

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