The Left assumed the uncomfortable position of defending the FBI when the Right attacked this storied agency after the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. We hear all about how awful Trump was interfering with this agency, and the Department of Justice, and how the agents were consummate...
Chuck McCullough III, one of the attorney’s representing the WB
is the former ICIG Watchdog who played a central role
in the Hillary Clinton email investigations
He publicly came out and stated during a televised interview in 2017
that he, his family and his staffers faced an intense backlash...
Well, isn’t this getting interesting?
Apparently one of Christopher Steele’s Connections to Russia was Skirpal and Strozk traveled to The UK to meet with both Ex British Spy Steele and Ex Russian Spy Skirpal.
Both Steele and Skirpal worked on The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Dossier
America has gone soft. America in general has no back bone and what back bone we do have is ridiculed as outdated values.
The same people who claim our outdated values should be replaced with progressive values, also claim The Constitutuon is outdated.
The same Constitution that guarantees...