Favorite Spring Thing?

I like spring cleaning. Well no, that's a lie . . . I like how the house feels after it's been spring cleaned. Yeah, that's it.

Thanks for the reminder. Sigh.
Maybe I'll do my windows this weekend. Wait! What the hell am I saying? Not this early .... not before the pollen.

Half of ours are done. I'm cleaning windows right now. No, really. I'm NOT procrastinating and browsing the USMB instead of cleaning the windows. I have to get them done cause I keep opening the windows without the screens and we keep getting wasps in the house.

Sure ... right. lol
A couple of times this past weekend I went to open a window and remembered the screens aren't in. We store them during the harsh winter months. I couldn't take the chance of something like a wasp flying in, so I kept them shut.
the thing i like most about spring is hanging around the frozen food section at wal-mart. The ladies have stopped wearing heavy clothing and the coolness of the air when they open one of the doors to get their frozen veggies causes certain body parts come to life and begin to bud just like the trees do before the leaves start showing up. I love spring.

Here's a hummingbird picture for you Masquerade. I took this photo.


Thank you Count! Great photo!
Ahhh, spring!


It's coming ... oh yes, it's coming.

Several years ago I stood outside my back door and watched a pollen storm of sorts. The wind was howling and one big gust made all the pollen in the pines and hardwood behind my house, release all the pollen that was on them. I have some photos somewhere. Probably take me a long time to find it though. I had never seen anything like that before.
Ahh, I was just going to say, "chriping birds." Then the fragrance of a Spring morning. :)
You know when you look up in the sky and see a flock of birds flying. I mean a shit load of them? Well last week they all landed in my front yard. I've never seen that before. I was like holy cow...and immediately thought of the movie "The Birds" LOL

As long as they don't linger on your lawn. That's a sign of grub worms. Bad for glass.

We had that problem one particular summer. Then we bought Grub-Ex!

I love poison.
You know when you look up in the sky and see a flock of birds flying. I mean a shit load of them? Well last week they all landed in my front yard. I've never seen that before. I was like holy cow...and immediately thought of the movie "The Birds" LOL

As long as they don't linger on your lawn. That's a sign of grub worms. Bad for glass.

but you don't have to mow glass! :eusa_angel:

True. But you still have to purr reeds.
The thing I love most about West Australian spring is that even the weeds break out in glorious color.

Which has forced me to do a serious rethink, just what is a weed and just what is a flower?
The thing I love most about West Australian spring is that even the weeds break out in glorious color.

Which has forced me to do a serious rethink, just what is a weed and just what is a flower?

A rose is a rose is a rose.
I haven't seen anyone mention lilacs. I love the smell of those.

I noticed my two yesterday. Lot's of new leaves about to show .. but no flowers yet. I have a white one by my front door, and a lavendar one in my front yard. I too love the smell of lilacs, but only outside. Their scent is much too powerful for me to cut some and bring them into the house.
Flowers blooming, trees leafing, birds chirping, grass greening, sun shining, temps warming ... what's not to love?

Other than the wind and the rain and the mud and the bugs and the poison ivy? :)

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