Father of sandy hook victim says mental illness is the problem not guns.

Gee I would have thought progressives would like to hear from the man....Or is it only if they can use him as a political tool to stand on?

who do you define as progressives? anyone who isn't a rightwingnut loon?

can we assume you support the idea of tightening background checks and closing the gun show loophole?

that addresses the idea of mentally ill people not being able to get guns. and something like 90% of the country agrees with those types of steps.
Improving background checks?? You betcha..

As for this MYTHOLOGICAL gun show rule... I bought a .500 S&W Magnum REVOLVER from the gun show a couple months ago... had to go thru the FULL background and registration check
Governments can't provide assistance without legislation for it, can they?

But setting that aside for a minute, how exactly do you expect parents to get help for their children when all you've come up with is that the "invisible hand" will somehow guide them? Not every parent is as wise as you think you are.

They already do....What dumbass needs more of the same shit we already have?

How about the dumbass survivalists who let their add/ocd kids play with their firearms collections?

this is a free nation and not a fascist one ......
Aww is the wittle fascist angry cause I told the truth?

Answer the question: Are you willing to have authorities check into your background through undisclosed sources in order to verify your status as a safe civilian allowed on the streets?

Are you willing for acquaintances and neighbors to affirm how sane you are?

I didn't think so. You wouldn't know TRUTH if it slapped you in the face.

your an idiot.....Nowhere I did say anything about the government doing that....Dont you ever get tired of being a dishonest ass?

I didn't say you did. I'm just telling you how it will play out. Who else will conduct public surveillance in order to assess otherwise unrecognized but potentially dangerous mental illness? The Koch Brothers?
?The Problem Is Not Gun Laws?: Watch the Emotional Speech by a Sandy Hook Victim?s Dad That Got a Standing Ovation | Video | TheBlaze.com

This is a emotional video to watch. He get applauded for what he said.

Mark Mattioli:“I think there’s much more promise for a solution in identifying, researching and creating solutions along the lines of mental health issues — I think there’s a lot of work that can be done there,” he said. ”I believe the solution may not be as easy to implement as I might hope, but it’s a simple concept. We need civility across our nation.”

When you watch this it just shows how sick it is that progressives use HIS dead son to prop up their fascist agenda.....I would say they should feel shame but we all know they have none.

He is right, but nothing will be done for a long as the right wingers think its perfectly acceptable for a mentally ill person to purchase a weapon.
?The Problem Is Not Gun Laws?: Watch the Emotional Speech by a Sandy Hook Victim?s Dad That Got a Standing Ovation | Video | TheBlaze.com

This is a emotional video to watch. He get applauded for what he said.

Mark Mattioli:“I think there’s much more promise for a solution in identifying, researching and creating solutions along the lines of mental health issues — I think there’s a lot of work that can be done there,” he said. ”I believe the solution may not be as easy to implement as I might hope, but it’s a simple concept. We need civility across our nation.”

When you watch this it just shows how sick it is that progressives use HIS dead son to prop up their fascist agenda.....I would say they should feel shame but we all know they have none.

He is right, but nothing will be done for a long as the right wingers think its perfectly acceptable for a mentally ill person to purchase a weapon.

Yet this is not the conservative stance.. but nice try, idiot

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