Father of sandy hook victim says mental illness is the problem not guns.

The bottom line is that something besides his access to guns drove Adam Lanza to commit such violence. Was it mental illness? Was it the alleged knowledge that his mother was looking to commit him? What if any medications was he taking? What is his medical history? I did read that a babysitter said that Lanza took medication as a child but not sure what type. Did he not get the help he needed because he was home schooled?

I think without lots of these questions answered it is shortsighted to focus on weapons and not address and wonder why 20 somethings are doing these horrendous killing sprees.


Any cheap political grab for guns over these shootings is just that and nothing more.

What do these mass killings tell us? Is this all about guns which have been around forever or should we be looking at the culture we live in today or the one these 20 somethings were raised in?

Prescription medication especially psychotropic drugs more prevalant?
Social media leads to more isolation? Not healthy.
Depressing economy? No hope?
The failures of the stable family unit?
The dismantlement of our mental health institutions in the 1980's?
The bottom line is that something besides his access to guns drove Adam Lanza to commit such violence. Was it mental illness? Was it the alleged knowledge that his mother was looking to commit him? What if any medications was he taking? What is his medical history? I did read that a babysitter said that Lanza took medication as a child but not sure what type. Did he not get the help he needed because he was home schooled?

I think without lots of these questions answered it is shortsighted to focus on weapons and not address and wonder why 20 somethings are doing these horrendous killing sprees.

To focus ONLY on weapons is definitely shortsighted. It doesn't mean that they don't contribute to the problem.
The bottom line is that something besides his access to guns drove Adam Lanza to commit such violence. Was it mental illness? Was it the alleged knowledge that his mother was looking to commit him? What if any medications was he taking? What is his medical history? I did read that a babysitter said that Lanza took medication as a child but not sure what type. Did he not get the help he needed because he was home schooled?

I think without lots of these questions answered it is shortsighted to focus on weapons and not address and wonder why 20 somethings are doing these horrendous killing sprees.

To focus ONLY on weapons is definitely shortsighted. It doesn't mean that they don't contribute to the problem.

Do you honestly think guns have some mystic ability to make people shoot other people????? Cause if so maybe you need to visit your doctor and talk about this with him.
The bottom line is that something besides his access to guns drove Adam Lanza to commit such violence. Was it mental illness? Was it the alleged knowledge that his mother was looking to commit him? What if any medications was he taking? What is his medical history? I did read that a babysitter said that Lanza took medication as a child but not sure what type. Did he not get the help he needed because he was home schooled?

I think without lots of these questions answered it is shortsighted to focus on weapons and not address and wonder why 20 somethings are doing these horrendous killing sprees.

To focus ONLY on weapons is definitely shortsighted. It doesn't mean that they don't contribute to the problem.

Do you honestly think guns have some mystic ability to make people shoot other people????? Cause if so maybe you need to visit your doctor and talk about this with him.

How the hell did you manage to read that into my statement?

I don't have any agenda beyond wanting firearms out of the hands of felons, the mentally ill, and anyone who lives in the same house with such a person.
The bottom line is that something besides his access to guns drove Adam Lanza to commit such violence. Was it mental illness? Was it the alleged knowledge that his mother was looking to commit him? What if any medications was he taking? What is his medical history? I did read that a babysitter said that Lanza took medication as a child but not sure what type. Did he not get the help he needed because he was home schooled?

I think without lots of these questions answered it is shortsighted to focus on weapons and not address and wonder why 20 somethings are doing these horrendous killing sprees.

To focus ONLY on weapons is definitely shortsighted. It doesn't mean that they don't contribute to the problem.

Please do let me/us know how to keep guns out of the hands of bad people. Seriously. Good people do not use guns to kill other good people so please share your plan for stopping bad people, mentally deranged people and mentally ill people as well as the potentially mentally ill from becoming violent and using guns, knives, cars, planes, baseball bats, poison and on and on. I hope your plan is not to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens who follow the laws. You do realize that solution is a fool's folly right?
Back in the bad ole 70's when I went through school, getting my training, people like Adam were warehoused, institutionalized, treated and medicated, with a physician around somewhere on the premises to observe and record, not defecated out into the community to wander around college campuses and eventually find their way to defenseless elementary schools in gun free zones.

You're a real piece of shit. This kind of attitude doesn't solve anything, it just CONTRIBUTES to the problem. Stigmatizing mental health issues does not accomplish anything other than make people resistant to seek treatment when they are experiencing problems. It's because of attitudes like yours....being unwilling to actually address the problems in our country regarding mental health, instead preferring to simply make it disappear, somehow....It's those attitudes that are causing our actions as a society to lead us to increasing mental health issues in the public.

The irony, though, is that a disposition like yours is actually indicative of someone who has mental health issues of his own. Kinda like an alcoholic in denial.
The bottom line is that something besides his access to guns drove Adam Lanza to commit such violence. Was it mental illness? Was it the alleged knowledge that his mother was looking to commit him? What if any medications was he taking? What is his medical history? I did read that a babysitter said that Lanza took medication as a child but not sure what type. Did he not get the help he needed because he was home schooled?

I think without lots of these questions answered it is shortsighted to focus on weapons and not address and wonder why 20 somethings are doing these horrendous killing sprees.

To focus ONLY on weapons is definitely shortsighted. It doesn't mean that they don't contribute to the problem.

Please do let me/us know how to keep guns out of the hands of bad people. Seriously. Good people do not use guns to kill other good people so please share your plan for stopping bad people, mentally deranged people and mentally ill people as well as the potentially mentally ill from becoming violent and using guns, knives, cars, planes, baseball bats, poison and on and on. I hope your plan is not to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens who follow the laws. You do realize that solution is a fool's folly right?
If a solution - to any problem, not necessarily mass shootings - involves legislation, then it can't infringe on the rights of citizens unless a court says it does.
To focus ONLY on weapons is definitely shortsighted. It doesn't mean that they don't contribute to the problem.

Please do let me/us know how to keep guns out of the hands of bad people. Seriously. Good people do not use guns to kill other good people so please share your plan for stopping bad people, mentally deranged people and mentally ill people as well as the potentially mentally ill from becoming violent and using guns, knives, cars, planes, baseball bats, poison and on and on. I hope your plan is not to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens who follow the laws. You do realize that solution is a fool's folly right?
If a solution - to any problem, not necessarily mass shootings - involves legislation, then it can't infringe on the rights of citizens unless a court says it does.

Wrong. It involves the exact opposite. No legislation and less regulation so parents can get their children the help they need.
To focus ONLY on weapons is definitely shortsighted. It doesn't mean that they don't contribute to the problem.

Please do let me/us know how to keep guns out of the hands of bad people. Seriously. Good people do not use guns to kill other good people so please share your plan for stopping bad people, mentally deranged people and mentally ill people as well as the potentially mentally ill from becoming violent and using guns, knives, cars, planes, baseball bats, poison and on and on. I hope your plan is not to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens who follow the laws. You do realize that solution is a fool's folly right?
If a solution - to any problem, not necessarily mass shootings - involves legislation, then it can't infringe on the rights of citizens unless a court says it does.

Maybe we need to readjust our focus too.

What makes "Johnny" want to mass kill?
?The Problem Is Not Gun Laws?: Watch the Emotional Speech by a Sandy Hook Victim?s Dad That Got a Standing Ovation | Video | TheBlaze.com

This is a emotional video to watch. He get applauded for what he said.

Mark Mattioli:“I think there’s much more promise for a solution in identifying, researching and creating solutions along the lines of mental health issues — I think there’s a lot of work that can be done there,” he said. ”I believe the solution may not be as easy to implement as I might hope, but it’s a simple concept. We need civility across our nation.”

When you watch this it just shows how sick it is that progressives use HIS dead son to prop up their fascist agenda.....I would say they should feel shame but we all know they have none.
There is mental illness world wide. Why do we have the most mass shootings in the world?
?The Problem Is Not Gun Laws?: Watch the Emotional Speech by a Sandy Hook Victim?s Dad That Got a Standing Ovation | Video | TheBlaze.com

This is a emotional video to watch. He get applauded for what he said.

Mark Mattioli:“I think there’s much more promise for a solution in identifying, researching and creating solutions along the lines of mental health issues — I think there’s a lot of work that can be done there,” he said. ”I believe the solution may not be as easy to implement as I might hope, but it’s a simple concept. We need civility across our nation.”

When you watch this it just shows how sick it is that progressives use HIS dead son to prop up their fascist agenda.....I would say they should feel shame but we all know they have none.
There is mental illness world wide. Why do we have the most mass shootings in the world?

Just a quick reference of school shootings.

Time Line of Worldwide School Shootings ? Infoplease.com

Now we are a very free country and a very large country in population.

Do you think our freedoms cause people to kill others? Our culture? Liberalism? Conservatism? Mental illness? Media? Social isolation?

Some of the above? All of the above? None of the above?

Simple minds make these killings simply about access to guns.
I have worked in psychiatry since 1990. That was before we had any of the atypical antipsychotics and prozac and zoloft were the only SSRIs out there. I treated a case load of patients who had been 'deinstitutionalized' from the state hospital for several years. It was supposed to be better than keeping them warehoused on 'the farm.' Soon, new workers came to see what was happening as 'just low level institutionalization.' I don't think it saved money. And I don't think the patients were better off. They are not accepted in the community due to their socially unacceptable behaviors. And, of course, the age of onset for the dangerous illnesses isn't until adolescence or later. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. So, a patient who has never been violent cannot be well predicted as to his future behavior.

I don't know the answer. What we used to do is not the answer. But neither is what we are doing now. I think some kind of community just for the seriously and persistently mentally ill population would be best with minimal and brief interface with the larger community. It would be more kind, in my opinion. And perhaps in a setting like that they would not see such glaring differences in themslves and the larger population and thus not be so motivated to strike out.

1990 - 2000 was NIH's 'Decade of the Brain.' We need several more. And I say that because illnesses vary, prognosis varies, temperments vary, personal experiences vary. I don't think there is any one answer. As Americans, we always want the 'bottom line' and in the case of mental illness there is no common bottom line to be found. To continue to search one out is reductionist in thinking and will always fail. The last 25 years have borne that out.

We need a good dialog about this. Honestly, this thread is not a good dialogue, it is just one reinforced stereotype after another. And those who wish to improve things know what I know but are not empowered to make things better. They can only occupy their own little corners and try to do the best they can with that, as I did. I am retiring soon. And I will be happy to leave the search for answers to another generation.

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Gee I would have thought progressives would like to hear from the man....Or is it only if they can use him as a political tool to stand on?

who do you define as progressives? anyone who isn't a rightwingnut loon?

can we assume you support the idea of tightening background checks and closing the gun show loophole?

that addresses the idea of mentally ill people not being able to get guns. and something like 90% of the country agrees with those types of steps.
Watched the video.....I don't know how you legislate "civility". Sort of like you legislate morality and family values?

But in the interim until we figure out how to make people civil, they will just have to go without assault weapons.

Another stupid thing to say, and completely missing what the man said. He never said anything about legislating civility. What he is describing is a need for the people to change their ways. And you are a prime example of that.

You, sir, are a douche bag. Instead of looking at this rationally, and addressing the issue of mental health that this father spoke about, you would rather brush that under the carpet. If you walked down the street and saw a man with some kind of mental illness on the street, I have no doubt that you would look at him and cringe as if he was infested with ebola virus. You'd think that the solution was to put him in a hospital, pump him full of various drug cocktails, and medicate him into submission to the point where he could easily be ignored once again. You'll strip away his pride, his dignity as a human being, you'd label him, probably tag him with a radio transmitter if you could so that he could be tracked at his every move. Which is entirely reflective of your misguided faith in gun control. You think that the solution is to control people, for YOU to control people, right down to the point of utter suffocation if you have to.

And THAT is the lack of civility that we need to address in our country. What happened in Sandy Hook....It's YOUR FAULT. Douche bags like you who would rather deal with REAL problems like mental illness in such a superficial way that completely disrespects and degrades human beings right down to their very core, all so that you can continue on with your own comfortable delusions of grandeur. You're a psychiatric bully, who instead of actually making himself into a worth while human being, all you can do is degrade the human worth of everyone else around you that has any kind of flaw, as if you had none. But the truth is that people like you have more flaws than Adam Lanza. You're the real criminal....the hidden criminal. The person who will directly contribute to these same kinds of issues over and over again, and the make others pay for your crimes. You're like an evil little child who waits until nobody is looking to run out and kick someone in the knees, and then yell and screams as you run to hide behind your mother's legs when your victim comes to kick you back. And you'll have gallons of blood on your hands long before any responsible American who owns a gun.
Watched the video.....I don't know how you legislate "civility". Sort of like you legislate morality and family values?

But in the interim until we figure out how to make people civil, they will just have to go without assault weapons.

Another stupid thing to say, and completely missing what the man said. He never said anything about legislating civility. What he is describing is a need for the people to change their ways. And you are a prime example of that.

You, sir, are a douche bag. Instead of looking at this rationally, and addressing the issue of mental health that this father spoke about, you would rather brush that under the carpet. If you walked down the street and saw a man with some kind of mental illness on the street, I have no doubt that you would look at him and cringe as if he was infested with ebola virus. You'd think that the solution was to put him in a hospital, pump him full of various drug cocktails, and medicate him into submission to the point where he could easily be ignored once again. You'll strip away his pride, his dignity as a human being, you'd label him, probably tag him with a radio transmitter if you could so that he could be tracked at his every move. Which is entirely reflective of your misguided faith in gun control. You think that the solution is to control people, for YOU to control people, right down to the point of utter suffocation if you have to.

And THAT is the lack of civility that we need to address in our country. What happened in Sandy Hook....It's YOUR FAULT. Douche bags like you who would rather deal with REAL problems like mental illness in such a superficial way that completely disrespects and degrades human beings right down to their very core, all so that you can continue on with your own comfortable delusions of grandeur. You're a psychiatric bully, who instead of actually making himself into a worth while human being, all you can do is degrade the human worth of everyone else around you that has any kind of flaw, as if you had none. But the truth is that people like you have more flaws than Adam Lanza. You're the real criminal....the hidden criminal. The person who will directly contribute to these same kinds of issues over and over again, and the make others pay for your crimes. You're like an evil little child who waits until nobody is looking to run out and kick someone in the knees, and then yell and screams as you run to hide behind your mother's legs when your victim comes to kick you back. And you'll have gallons of blood on your hands long before any responsible American who owns a gun.

I've seen both sides. I started in psychiatry in the days when they ALL lived on the farm. That system had its strengths. Among them, you did not see the SPMI population out on the street cold and hungry and begging for food. There were no fences, bars, or gaits, yet very few ever walked away. It was a safe and secure place.
Please do let me/us know how to keep guns out of the hands of bad people. Seriously. Good people do not use guns to kill other good people so please share your plan for stopping bad people, mentally deranged people and mentally ill people as well as the potentially mentally ill from becoming violent and using guns, knives, cars, planes, baseball bats, poison and on and on. I hope your plan is not to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens who follow the laws. You do realize that solution is a fool's folly right?
If a solution - to any problem, not necessarily mass shootings - involves legislation, then it can't infringe on the rights of citizens unless a court says it does.

Wrong. It involves the exact opposite. No legislation and less regulation so parents can get their children the help they need.
And what if the parents can't afford that help, genius?
If a solution - to any problem, not necessarily mass shootings - involves legislation, then it can't infringe on the rights of citizens unless a court says it does.

Wrong. It involves the exact opposite. No legislation and less regulation so parents can get their children the help they need.
And what if the parents can't afford that help, genius?

What the hell has that to do with regulations and legislation? We don't need new welfare when we already have it.
Wrong. It involves the exact opposite. No legislation and less regulation so parents can get their children the help they need.
And what if the parents can't afford that help, genius?

What the hell has that to do with regulations and legislation? We don't need new welfare when we already have it.

Governments can't provide assistance without legislation for it, can they?

But setting that aside for a minute, how exactly do you expect parents to get help for their children when all you've come up with is that the "invisible hand" will somehow guide them? Not every parent is as wise as you think you are.
And what if the parents can't afford that help, genius?

What the hell has that to do with regulations and legislation? We don't need new welfare when we already have it.

Governments can't provide assistance without legislation for it, can they?

But setting that aside for a minute, how exactly do you expect parents to get help for their children when all you've come up with is that the "invisible hand" will somehow guide them? Not every parent is as wise as you think you are.

They already do....What dumbass needs more of the same shit we already have?
What the hell has that to do with regulations and legislation? We don't need new welfare when we already have it.

Governments can't provide assistance without legislation for it, can they?

But setting that aside for a minute, how exactly do you expect parents to get help for their children when all you've come up with is that the "invisible hand" will somehow guide them? Not every parent is as wise as you think you are.

They already do....What dumbass needs more of the same shit we already have?

How about the dumbass survivalists who let their add/ocd kids play with their firearms collections?

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