Fastest Growing Demographic

Some of the racist douche bags who constantly bitch and moan here had better get ready to adjust their venom as the racial makeup of the US continues to change, as everything in nature does.
---talk about an oxymoron/hypocrite/etc HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA----your OP proves YOU are the racist--you better change YOUR venom
..racial make changing is natural!!!!!??????? what????!!! the facts---blacks need to change--they commit crime at much higher rates and graduate at lower rates.....doesn't matter what the whites will do or their population--blacks will still be in their shitholes unless THEY change -- FACTS, not the babble crap you spew
You're an American Indian? What tribe?
ANOTHER major fk up by you--woooohooooo... I fkd you on that one--here it is:

being the place or environment in which a person was born or a thing came into being:eek:ne's native land''''''.

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