Fascism in Action: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites

Once again students: Fascism is not when a private company controls the content of their operations...It is however fascism if a govt. entity does it to the extent of violating rights that are protections under law..
"Clearly the 1st Amendment is ignored by these companies. Is it time for an Internet Bill of Rights? Those who say it isn't needed have yet to offer a viable alternative."

FASCISM IN ACTION: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites

another great example of how facism is here is youtube has deleted the account of jerome korsi who has exposed Obama for the fraud he is that he is not a us citizen.they obviously want to try and suppress those facts about him from getting out.
I believe his account was reinstated the next day.

thats good news.
probably cause too many people know about it and word got out,the fact it was even deleted in the first place temporarily still proves what a facist country this is.
It proves nothing of the sort.

Those words written long ago, resonate more than ever today!

In fact his whole book "1984" resonates totally with today's totalitarian fascism from the Left.

He was spot on! sadly.

George Orwell would be shocked at the ignorance and stupidity of the contards- to believe that a private company, running itself- constitutes fascism.

What Orwell would recognize is the Right's Double Speak- from 'alternate facts' to "fake news' (meaning anything that the Right doesn't approve of)

Yes- Orwell would certainly recognize the jack booted attempts by the right to distort the truth- with sites like Infowars churning out fake news and conspiracy theories to undermine America.
Once again students: Fascism is not when a private company controls the content of their operations...It is however fascism if a govt. entity does it to the extent of violating rights that are protections under law..
Correct- but the contards prefer to throw out words like Fascism because they don't care what they mean- they just want to use it as a label for actions they don't approve of.

A private company excercising control over its own business is Capitalism- not Fascism- and the contards object to Capitalism that doesn't support the Right.

Now for an example of Fascism- see Georgia using the threat of government action to punish a private business for exercising its first Amendment rights- i.e. Delta and the NRA.

Now that is very close to Fascism...and no surprise it is the GOP at front and center telling private business's that they better support organizations like the NRA or else...
The jewish groups basically, for some reason, got control of the MSM on the net and are censoring it. Meanwhile they produce really weird, content from Hollywood. Go figure!
Always fascinating to hear from the Trump supporters.....
"Clearly the 1st Amendment is ignored by these companies. Is it time for an Internet Bill of Rights? Those who say it isn't needed have yet to offer a viable alternative."

FASCISM IN ACTION: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites

No. Conservatives need to create their own social media platform since Twitter and Facebook are censoring and banning cinservatives.

Wow and if there is a big enough appeal for such sites they will succeed- like FB and Youtube- which would be Capitalism- not Fascism.

Those words written long ago, resonate more than ever today!

In fact his whole book "1984" resonates totally with today's totalitarian fascism from the Left.

He was spot on! sadly.
I just saw something on facebook..1984 is illegal in China, right up there with the Bible.

And they are banned because they cause people to question state dictates and stay true to an inner moral compass...regardless of what the *law* is.

Nothing communists hate more than to hear the truth spoken...unless it's to hear that there actually is good and evil...and that it's EVIL to squash the right of people to speak freely, worship freely, and choose their life path freely.
Suddenly the "religious" Right supports Atheists!!!
Atheists hate free thinkers.

They HATE them.

Atheists are the original flat earthers.
Atheists ARE called FreeThinkers.


Those words written long ago, resonate more than ever today!

In fact his whole book "1984" resonates totally with today's totalitarian fascism from the Left.

He was spot on! sadly.
I just saw something on facebook..1984 is illegal in China, right up there with the Bible.

And they are banned because they cause people to question state dictates and stay true to an inner moral compass...regardless of what the *law* is.

Nothing communists hate more than to hear the truth spoken...unless it's to hear that there actually is good and evil...and that it's EVIL to squash the right of people to speak freely, worship freely, and choose their life path freely.

Certainly- which is why access to Facebook and Google are both very restricted in China.

Autoritarian regimes love to crack down on private companies that allow people freedom.

That is probably the same reason why the contards hate FB and Google.
Suddenly the "religious" Right supports Atheists!!!
Atheists hate free thinkers.

They HATE them.

Atheists are the original flat earthers.

LOL- projecting much?

No one promotes hate here at USMB more than you. No one is more against 'free thinking' than you.

As an atheist I can say I don't hate you- I think you are a ridiculous example of contard group think.

As an atheist I can say I don't hate anyone- and that you are as always- a liar.

Those words written long ago, resonate more than ever today!

In fact his whole book "1984" resonates totally with today's totalitarian fascism from the Left.

He was spot on! sadly.
I just saw something on facebook..1984 is illegal in China, right up there with the Bible.

And they are banned because they cause people to question state dictates and stay true to an inner moral compass...regardless of what the *law* is.

Nothing communists hate more than to hear the truth spoken...unless it's to hear that there actually is good and evil...and that it's EVIL to squash the right of people to speak freely, worship freely, and choose their life path freely.

Certainly- which is why access to Facebook and Google are both very restricted in China.

Autoritarian regimes love to crack down on private companies that allow people freedom.

That is probably the same reason why the contards hate FB and Google.
And what type of regime cracks down on private companies that try to stifle freedom?
edthecynic, many atheists are freethinkers, yes, I agree.

And many are not, investing themselves in anti-religionism as deeply as many religionists do in their own sects and understandings.

Those words written long ago, resonate more than ever today!

In fact his whole book "1984" resonates totally with today's totalitarian fascism from the Left.

He was spot on! sadly.
I just saw something on facebook..1984 is illegal in China, right up there with the Bible.

And they are banned because they cause people to question state dictates and stay true to an inner moral compass...regardless of what the *law* is.

Nothing communists hate more than to hear the truth spoken...unless it's to hear that there actually is good and evil...and that it's EVIL to squash the right of people to speak freely, worship freely, and choose their life path freely.

Certainly- which is why access to Facebook and Google are both very restricted in China.

Autoritarian regimes love to crack down on private companies that allow people freedom.

That is probably the same reason why the contards hate FB and Google.
And what type of regime cracks down on private companies that try to stifle freedom?

Is there any type of regime that does that?

I am not even sure how a private company can try to 'stifle freedom'? For instance before China excluded FB and Google, they provided access to more freedom of information than before.
Am I missing something? Are "liberals" not on here defending corporations who are attempting to limit speech?

Leftists have no argument or ideas so they do the only thing they know will work ... silence opposing povs.

The internet is a big place. The right needs to stop whining and get their platforms back online.

Government intervening is not an option.
The actions of a private company are not the same as a government's attempts to limit free speech.

Again, Google is not a private company...

There should be no government legislative intervention in establishing what they think is suitable for public consumption on the internet.

And there should be no government intervention in Health Care, but we had ObamaCare...

t is the responsibility of the user to insist their desires are met as a consumer of a company's services.

Yes, see OP's opening post, it's called accountability, what is it you want to hide? Two sides to every story...

It is the responsibility of the user to do business with a company that respects their rights and their desire to be provided with more opportunities.

Are you suggesting Google is not the monopoly of search engines???

There are other search engines

Qwant and DuckDuckGo are two alternatives
Sure they do, zoom. Sigh. Extreme lefties and Extreme righties do when they can, yes. And, yes, the alt "right needs to stop whining and get their platforms back online."

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