Families: Where Evil lurks or Insanity Grows…Do Something!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Families: Where Evil lurks or Insanity Grows…Do Something!

How many families have someone who is a loner, injured or tortured animals at a young age, bullied others with delight, showed no remorse and never did anything?

How many families have someone who suffers from a mental illness and refuses medication or neglects to take and looks the other way?

It is a difficult decision to seek help and sometimes impossible to get. But how many try? Are there families out there knowing that they have loved ones out there that can be a danger to themselves or others? For the sake of your loved ones and innocents, please monitor them and get help.

Please try to stop a tragedy. And pray.
Families: Where Evil lurks or Insanity Grows…Do Something!

How many families have someone who is a loner, injured or tortured animals at a young age, bullied others with delight, showed no remorse and never did anything?

How many families have someone who suffers from a mental illness and refuses medication or neglects to take and looks the other way?

It is a difficult decision to seek help and sometimes impossible to get. But how many try? Are there families out there knowing that they have loved ones out there that can be a danger to themselves or others? For the sake of your loved ones and innocents, please monitor them and get help.

Please try to stop a tragedy. And pray.

There have been over 100 shooters of this type in years past. In over a third of the instances, someone did try to get the person some mental health help. Routinely without the ability to pay themselves, they got none. And the rest of us paid the price.

Add in easy access to war weopons, and you have the recipe for tragedy.
Families: Where Evil lurks or Insanity Grows…Do Something!

How many families have someone who is a loner, injured or tortured animals at a young age, bullied others with delight, showed no remorse and never did anything?

How many families have someone who suffers from a mental illness and refuses medication or neglects to take and looks the other way?

It is a difficult decision to seek help and sometimes impossible to get. But how many try? Are there families out there knowing that they have loved ones out there that can be a danger to themselves or others? For the sake of your loved ones and innocents, please monitor them and get help.

Please try to stop a tragedy. And pray.

There have been over 100 shooters of this type in years past. In over a third of the instances, someone did try to get the person some mental health help. Routinely without the ability to pay themselves, they got none. And the rest of us paid the price.

Add in easy access to war weopons, and you have the recipe for tragedy.

Thank you for your information and comment.
It happens more often than people think. And many times people have tried for years to get help for someone, but it either did no good or they couldn't afford to pay for it.
when the person in question is an adult no family member can force them into care
Families: Where Evil lurks or Insanity Grows…Do Something!

How many families have someone who is a loner, injured or tortured animals at a young age, bullied others with delight, showed no remorse and never did anything?

How many families have someone who suffers from a mental illness and refuses medication or neglects to take and looks the other way?

It is a difficult decision to seek help and sometimes impossible to get. But how many try? Are there families out there knowing that they have loved ones out there that can be a danger to themselves or others? For the sake of your loved ones and innocents, please monitor them and get help.

Please try to stop a tragedy. And pray.

That is easier said than done...especially when the person with the mental illness refuses his/her meds and is over the age of 18...you can't commit someone without their consent unless a family member has power of attorny over the individual.
psych meds cause mental illness...stop drugging children

I beg to differ, Eots. My baby brother has suffered from the severest form of bi-polar disorder...he first exhibited symptoms when he was an infant...by the time he bacame a toddler he was being a raging lunatic..slamming his head against the walls, getting scissors and threatening to stab my mother with them...and as he got older his interest in weapons grew to becaome an obsession...by the time he turned 11, was when he was diagnosed with the severest form of bipolar/ocd.
The meds WORKED...if they hadn't...my mother would not be living today.
Many times families normalize abnormal behavior, other times the parents are just as evil as the child. To expect "families" to do something about the situation is to trust that there is someone in the family that has the wherewithal to go forward and effectuate healthy change. While this is great idea on an internet forum it is much more difficult in practice.
Well.... I think the problem is more compelx than that! Many who commit these type of crimes are indeed mentally ill.


mental health experts say people with mental illness are not any more likely than anyone else to become violent, those who commit mass murders are often angry and isolated, but usually aren't mentally ill -“It takes a certain degree of clear-headedness to plan and execute a crime like this” -mass murderers often feel that they are right and everybody else is wrong, they usually are failures in life and simply want revenge.

So, yes take care of mentally ill people, but also recognize the fact that it is a 50/50 problem, because BOTH mentally ill and not mentally ill commit these crimes.

That's what makes it so difficult to predict.

It's Easier For Americans To Access Guns Than Mental Health Services | ThinkProgress

Most murders committed in the United States involve a firearm — particularly handguns. A quick search shows that a typical handgun can be purchased for anywhere between $250 and $500. A .223-caliber semi-automatic rifle — which some reports indicate was the type of firearm used in today’s attack — costs between $700 and $2000. And contrary to the gun lobby’s most ardent hysteria about Barack Obama, gun ownership has actually been rising over the past four years, as has the use of guns in violent crimes.

By comparison, access to mental health services remains spotty, its funding and beneficiary requirements subject to the whims of governments attempting to balance their bloated budgets. People often do not know when they are entitled to preventative care services for mental health, and the people who do often forgo care due to the stigma associated with receiving such care.

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