False Religion. These people were not of God.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
This is James. We have become friends on Twitter. I just watched his vid, cuz I knew he suffers ptsd...and now I know why. NOBODY should experience what he did at 15 years old. And those people who did it in the name of God, and his own parents, should be in fucking jail. It just pisses me off no end.
Anyway...listen to his story. It's a real eye opener.

And I would appreciate it if nobody would leave nasty comments. This human being was tortured in the name of God and yes..it is still going on even though he is now 48 and out of their reach, other young boys (and girls) are not out of the reach of these assholes.

Conversion therapy is child abuse. If there is a God I would hope that he would never torture a child in this manner. :(
Lots of stories like James if you google Anti-Gay conversion therapy. If waterboarding is considered torture, why are so many states still allowing this to happen to children condoned by parents for the church to conduct such tortures and mindfuckings?
Conversion therapy is child abuse. If there is a God I would hope that he would never torture a child in this manner. :(
James has a rough time. He was on the tv show Utopia just before they shut it down. I liked him when I first saw him on the show. Then Fox ended it and the producer on Twitter told James a lot of us hoped he would join Twitter...and he did. We became friends.
He is a really nice guy. Even when he is Fifi. :)

I only recently jumped on the Twitter bandwagon. I haven't made much use of it, but PM his Twitter handle, and I'll follow him. :)
Meanwhile....I wonder why Christians think torturing children is godlike?
This is James. We have become friends on Twitter. I just watched his vid, cuz I knew he suffers ptsd...and now I know why. NOBODY should experience what he did at 15 years old. And those people who did it in the name of God, and his own parents, should be in fucking jail. It just pisses me off no end.
Anyway...listen to his story. It's a real eye opener.

And I would appreciate it if nobody would leave nasty comments. This human being was tortured in the name of God and yes..it is still going on even though he is now 48 and out of their reach, other young boys (and girls) are not out of the reach of these assholes.

Thank you for this subject matter, Gracie . . . I sometimes find the inhumane cruelty and insanity found on our planet, such as that depicted in your posted video, to be unbearable. ~ Susan
PS And people wonder why I'm an atheist . . . .
James is now 48 years old. He survived, but still has to deal with memories, betrayals and in general...the horridness of that supposed humanity. I believe, if I remember correctly, he also takes care of his autistic brother. I feel bad for him..but I also admire him for continuing to pull himself up. He's a sweetheart.
So, guess we can convert straight people into gay ones huh? If you'd disagree, but support gay conversion training (refuse to call it therapy,) gotta wonder why it works one way, but not both ways.

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