Zone1 Faith is "Science"

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
They tell us something, and we're so quick to accept it without even looking into the details. Evolution doesn't seem to hope up well under serious scrutiny

They tell us something, and we're so quick to accept it without even looking into the details. Evolution doesn't seem to hope up well under serious scrutiny

There's not much doubt about inter-species evolution....You need no more proof than the natural immunity form certain diseases in some ethnicities, while others are not.

The evolution that beggars belief is the sentient, self-aware life generating from a blob of protoplasm.
"Faith" is the belief in something that cannot be proven empirically. Leftists' embrace of Evolution Theory is "religious," psychologically speaking. The reason why they love it is because they think it renders religion moot.
"Faith" is the belief in something that cannot be proven empirically. Leftists' embrace of Evolution Theory is "religious," psychologically speaking. The reason why they love it is because they think it renders religion moot.
Evolution is a fact, not a theory. We know life forms adapt to changing conditions through natural selection. The only part that is still unknown is how life first appeared on this planet.
"Faith" is the belief in something that cannot be proven empirically. Leftists' embrace of Evolution Theory is "religious," psychologically speaking. The reason why they love it is because they think it renders religion moot.
This leftist's embrace of Evolution Theory is NOT "religious", it is science. Every bit of scientific evidence, including the trillions of fossils, point to descent from a common ancestor. A real contradiction has never been found.
Evolution is a fact, not a theory. We know life forms adapt to changing conditions through natural selection. The only part that is still unknown is how life first appeared on this planet.
That is false. Yes, natural selection of course happens. But, there is no proof that lower life evolved into higher life. None.
This leftist's embrace of Evolution Theory is NOT "religious", it is science. Every bit of scientific evidence, including the trillions of fossils, point to descent from a common ancestor. A real contradiction has never been found.
False. There is no common ancestor that fossils point to. Please share us your proof...
False. There is no common ancestor that fossils point to. Please share us your proof...
First there was single-celled life, then multi-celled, then fish, then amphibians, then reptiles then dinosaurs and mammals, then primates, then monkeys, then apes, then us. That is what the fossil record shows.
First there was single-celled life, then multi-celled, then fish, then amphibians, then reptiles then dinosaurs and mammals, then primates, then monkeys, then apes, then us. That is what the fossil record shows.
That's not proof. That's a really poor example of a first grade concrete logic thinking. The fossils do not how this. Bad interpretation like yours ends up being bad conclusions like yours. Not an adult with cognitive logic thinking abilities. I could use your nonsense as well. Well, first there were these aliens from Vega and they brought over some dinosaurs and then some mammals and then some primates and then they brought us over.
That's not proof. That's a really poor example of a first grade concrete logic thinking. The fossils do not how this. Bad interpretation like yours ends up being bad conclusions like yours. Not an adult with cognitive logic thinking abilities. I could use your nonsense as well. Well, first there were these aliens from Vega and they brought over some dinosaurs and then some mammals and then some primates and then they brought us over.
Do you have any fossils of these aliens? Didn't think so. Sorry to say but the fossil records shows exactly what I said. As you backwards in time, species we know are never found in the fossil record. For example there are no apes in the fossil record older than 20 million years. Where did they come from?
Do you have any fossils of these aliens? Didn't think so. Sorry to say but the fossil records shows exactly what I said. As you backwards in time, species we know are never found in the fossil record. For example there are no apes in the fossil record older than 20 million years. Where did they come from?
I was being facetious. Geese!!!!!! Assuming that the carbon dating is accurate, which it is not, there is no evidence of higher life forms evolving from lower forms. Just Apes being changed to new apes, not humans. You are making assumptions without evidence. Your method is called observational science which has to include your bias.
I was being facetious. Geese!!!!!! Assuming that the carbon dating is accurate, which it is not, there is no evidence of higher life forms evolving from lower forms. Just Apes being changed to new apes, not humans. You are making assumptions without evidence. Your method is called observational science which has to include your bias.
The fossil record shows there were no apes for billions of years, now there are. Where did they come from?
He organized and created the entire universe. You think he couldn't place life on the earth whenever he wants to? Really?
That wasn't the question. How did he do it? You don't seem to accept evolution so you must have a better mechanism that God used. Or do you only know how God DIDN'T place life on the earth, not how he did. Seems a tad presumptuous of you I think.
That wasn't the question. How did he do it? You don't seem to accept evolution so you must have a better mechanism that God used. Or do you only know how God DIDN'T place life on the earth, not how he did. Seems a tad presumptuous of you I think.
I wasn’t there. Neither were you for the evolution. I just can know God could place animals on the earth. Did he create them from the dust of the earth like evolutionists think? Or did he transport them from other worlds like evolutionists think like came from? You have no answer to that question either. It happened.

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