Facts Emerging from the Derek Chauvin Trial Show a Different Picture than the One Portrayed by Media


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Facts Emerging from the Derek Chauvin Trial Show a Different Picture than the One Portrayed by Media

If you recall in the Ferguson case against Darren Wilson NINE black witnesses later admitted having lied to the FBI about what they saw (with no prison time of course, that's only for the rest of us.)
Many of these people have no concept of honest objectivity outside of their own self-serving racist narrative--and they already have shown a tendency to riot with very little provocation, egged on by a corporate media that hates the historic American nation.
The defense has established that Derek Chauvin did not have his knee on the neck of George Floyd, he had ingested a leathal dose of Fentanyl and Methamphetamine (commonly called a Speed Ball). Additionally according to the Medical Examiner's report, Floyd's death was due to drugs and heart problems and suffered cardiac arrest.
Why has the prosecution failed to call the drug dealer that was also in the Mercedes SUV when Floyd was arrested?
It's obvious that Keith Ellison as AG, is obstructing the law by sequestering the drug dealer and claiming the Fifth Amendment from the Defense.
Lo and behold! It turns out that George Floyd was a common boot-lipped knappy-headed piece of shit rapist junkie who should have gotten the death penalty over a fucking decade ago.

Who would have guessed that? :dunno:
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Guilty or innocent? No jury will be squared away...

Guilty or innocent? No jury will be squared away...

View attachment 479053
It all depends on whether or not the jury caves in to the terrorists/Demoncrats.

Are all 12 of them pathetic cowards?
They may be racists like the OJ jury.
The jury in the OJ trial made the correct decision.

The state failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. And not only that, The defense proved them wrong even though the burden of proof was not on the defense in the first place.

The science proved that California was wrong beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever, IMO.

The greedy motherfuckers were trying to railroad him.
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Guilty or innocent? No jury will be squared away...

View attachment 479053
It all depends on whether or not the jury caves in to the terrorists/Demoncrats.

Are all 12 of them pathetic cowards?
They may be racists like the OJ jury.
The jury in the OJ trial made the correct decision.
Really? What reasonable doubt was there?
OJ is innocent like Biden is president.
You can’t keep your knee pressured on a guys neck ..that is murder
The cop never released the pressure and it resulted in death
Guilty or innocent? No jury will be squared away...

View attachment 479053
It all depends on whether or not the jury caves in to the terrorists/Demoncrats.

Are all 12 of them pathetic cowards?
They may be racists like the OJ jury.
The jury in the OJ trial made the correct decision.
Really? What reasonable doubt was there?
OJ is innocent like Biden is president.
The DNA evidence was proven to be contaminated beyond any doubt whatsoever.

And the Democrats' star witness, Mark Fuhrman, committed perjury. You could tell just by the look on his face that he was a piece of shit lying pig.

And guess what... lo and behold, it turns out that Fuhrman was a lying piece of shit, a crooked cop. The lowest of the low IMNSFHO
Guilty or innocent? No jury will be squared away...

View attachment 479053
It all depends on whether or not the jury caves in to the terrorists/Demoncrats.

Are all 12 of them pathetic cowards?
They may be racists like the OJ jury.
The jury in the OJ trial made the correct decision.
Really? What reasonable doubt was there?
OJ is innocent like Biden is president.
The DNA evidence was proven to be contaminated beyond any doubt whatsoever.

And the Democrats' star witness, Mark Fuhrman, committed perjury. You could tell just by the look on his face that he was a piece of shit lying pig.

And guess what... lo and behold, it turns out that Fuhrman was a lying piece of shit, a crooked cop.
The democrats’ star witness??
You must be one of those mail-in Biden voters with a creaseless ballot.

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