Facts About The Ahmaud Arbery Case: Racism? Seems Not.

Seems they are racists and racism played into this. As evidenced by the fact that they are charged with hate crimes. But maybe our copy-paste princess will put words in just the right order to alter reality.

Or not.
Can’t just be satisfied with a win, you rub race into it!
Arbery wasn't there when Rash said that. Arbery didn't know that he was just going to get a warning.
But McMichael did. Which means he knew he had no legal authority to detain Arbery until police showed up.
10:33 of the vid


Absolutely meaningless. The McMichael's were not charged to do anything. If the police wanted Arbery, they could've driven to his house and gotten him.

I've been saying all along that these guys were fucked.

Seems I've been right all along...
Check your reading comprehension skills, you low IQ moronic moonbat.
But you just assumed 11 or 12 jurors did that. You said so. Why would you think they would all be terrified sissies who bowed to your fantasized threat... but you aren't? Hah, no brother, you just told on yourself.
I would like to see the security cam footage of ahhmaud allegedly robbing a house in the neighborhood. They claimed that they recognized him from the tape, which is why they went after him, but they somehow cant present the actual footage.
I would like to see the security cam footage of ahhmaud allegedly robbing a house in the neighborhood. They claimed that they recognized him from the tape, which is why they went after him, but they somehow cant present the actual footage.
Did they even make a specific claim on what they allege that he stole? Did they think he has brass faucet fixtures in his pockets? Lumber? The murderers lost their minds and went after some "big game".
Right , the murderers chased him in trucks with shotguns like hunting a wild boar. Yes we know.
That's the debunked fake news version of events that you are mindlessly parroting. Idiots like you who have a very low IQ are very suggestible and therefore easily brainwashed by fake news.
That's the debunked fake news version of events that you are mindlessly parroting. Idiots like you who have a very low IQ are very suggestible and therefore easily brainwashed by fake news.

By "debunked," you mean judiciously convicted of the charges against them in a court of law.

But hey, they need pen pals now. You should write them and tell them how all that bad stuff against them has been "debunked." I'm sure it will bring them comfort as they spend the rest of their respective lives rotting in prison.
That's the debunked fake news version of events that you are mindlessly parroting.
The convicted murderers themselves testified that every word of what I said is a fact.

Let's review:

"the murderers chased him in trucks with shotguns like hunting a wild boar. "

This is exactly what they said happened. Whoops. They testified to chasing him and cornering him. Now they go to prison for life.

By "debunked," you mean judiciously convicted of the charges against them in a court of law.
Actually it was debunked by the facts of the case.

Those guys are political prisoners, not actual criminals.

Arbery was an active criminal.

He also had been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder in 2018, which explains some of his bizarre and dangerous behavior.

I think he was a total moonbat whose mental illness caused a delusion that made him falsely believe that he could just run up to a guy holding a shotgun and steal it out of his hands without getting shot.
Actually it was debunked by the facts of the case.

Those guys are political prisoners, not actual criminals.

Arbery was an active criminal.

He also had been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder in 2018, which explains some of his bizarre and dangerous behavior.

I think he was a total moonbat whose mental illness caused a delusion that made him falsely believe that he could just run up to a guy holding a shotgun and steal it out of his hands without getting shot.
He had committed no crime that they were aware of. They had no legal authority to try to detain him.
He had committed no crime that they were aware of. They had no legal authority to try to detain him.
I saw the video that you conveniently ignore because it proves you wrong. The video doesn't show anyone attempt to detain Arbery.

The video shows Arbery attack Travis.

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