Facts About The Ahmaud Arbery Case: Racism? Seems Not.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. We've all pretty much been appraised of the facts of the Rittenhouse case....but this HLN attorney discusses facts of which very few knew of the Arbery Trial.....begins at 6:30 of the vid.

Before the Verdict: NYC Trial Attorney Misty Marris​

2. Based on the (biased) news reporting, this was an open and shut case of armed white racist vigilances chasing down an innocent black jogger....and shooting him.
Now it comes down to a question of whether a citizens arrest was legal in this case.
Evidence now appears to strengthen the view that Arbery was engaged in some sort of criminal acts.
The statute in Georgia requires a reasonable suspicion that a felony had been committed.

3. Testimony of Robert Rash, a Glynn County police officer, ...Arbery had been caught five times, on camera, at a house under construction, where material had been stolen.

There is body cam footage from the officer, talking with the defendants about what was known....that Arbery had been at the site of thefts five times, and told by the officer that the individual in the five vids had been trespassing "or maybe something more"....a possible felony.

4. There is body cam vid of Officer Rash in that house, at night, gun drawn......making clear that this is a serious crime.....police looking for the individual seen on the vids.....who ended up being identified as Arbery. This is a serious crime....burglary....and something the defendants knew when they intercepted Arbery.
The defendants were told 'if you see this guy, call the police'.....which seems to fit the Georgia statute for citizen's arrest.

5. In the vid one of the defendants states that he had seen Arbery before and believes he was armed....."a new narrative which supports the McMichael's side of the case...."
A game changer: now there are facts, information, testimony and body cam video.

6. To use the 'citizen's arrest law' the defense needs to show justification based on the preponderance of the evidence, the slightest bit over 50%......not 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'
If there was a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed, and they could use police body cam footage to show it was information that they knew at the time, then the 'Citizen's Arrest Law' is applicable....

7. "There have not been any racial sluts toward Arbery....they called him a joker and a rat...on body cam footage....."

Rather than race, the ubiquitous claim by the party of racism, why are so many of the Democrat's heroes felons, criminals, assaulters....?????
1. We've all pretty much been appraised of the facts of the Rittenhouse case....but this HLN attorney discusses facts of which very few knew of the Arbery Trial.....begins at 6:30 of the vid.

Before the Verdict: NYC Trial Attorney Misty Marris​

2. Based on the (biased) news reporting, this was an open and shut case of armed white racist vigilances chasing down an innocent black jogger....and shooting him.
Now it comes down to a question of whether a citizens arrest was legal in this case.
Evidence now appears to strengthen the view that Arbery was engaged in some sort of criminal acts.
The statute in Georgia requires a reasonable suspicion that a felony had been committed.

3. Testimony of Robert Rash, a Glynn County police officer, ...Arbery had been caught five times, on camera, at a house under construction, where material had been stolen.

There is body cam footage from the officer, talking with the defendants about what was known....that Arbery had been at the site of thefts five times, and told by the officer that the individual in the five vids had been trespassing "or maybe something more"....a possible felony.

4. There is body cam vid of Officer Rash in that house, at night, gun drawn......making clear that this is a serious crime.....police looking for the individual seen on the vids.....who ended up being identified as Arbery. This is a serious crime....burglary....and something the defendants knew when they intercepted Arbery.
The defendants were told 'if you see this guy, call the police'.....which seems to fit the Georgia statute for citizen's arrest.

5. In the vid one of the defendants states that he had seen Arbery before and believes he was armed....."a new narrative which supports the McMichael's side of the case...."
A game changer: now there are facts, information, testimony and body cam video.

6. To use the 'citizen's arrest law' the defense needs to show justification based on the preponderance of the evidence, the slightest bit over 50%......not 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'
If there was a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed, and they could use police body cam footage to show it was information that they knew at the time, then the 'Citizen's Arrest Law' is applicable....

7. "There have not been any racial sluts toward Arbery....they called him a joker and a rat...on body cam footage....."

Rather than race, the ubiquitous claim by the party of racism, why are so many of the Democrat's heroes felons, criminals, assaulters....?????

This is how I can tell I'm not a racist wacist..................................Any violent felon greased for being stupid is ok by me. No matter their race or creed. White is just fine with me
This is how I can tell I'm not a racist wacist..................................Any violent felon greased for being stupid is ok by me. No matter their race or creed. White is just fine with me

I bet I know what you have in mind....

1. We've all pretty much been appraised of the facts of the Rittenhouse case....but this HLN attorney discusses facts of which very few knew of the Arbery Trial.....begins at 6:30 of the vid.

Before the Verdict: NYC Trial Attorney Misty Marris​

2. Based on the (biased) news reporting, this was an open and shut case of armed white racist vigilances chasing down an innocent black jogger....and shooting him.
Now it comes down to a question of whether a citizens arrest was legal in this case.
Evidence now appears to strengthen the view that Arbery was engaged in some sort of criminal acts.
The statute in Georgia requires a reasonable suspicion that a felony had been committed.

3. Testimony of Robert Rash, a Glynn County police officer, ...Arbery had been caught five times, on camera, at a house under construction, where material had been stolen.

There is body cam footage from the officer, talking with the defendants about what was known....that Arbery had been at the site of thefts five times, and told by the officer that the individual in the five vids had been trespassing "or maybe something more"....a possible felony.

4. There is body cam vid of Officer Rash in that house, at night, gun drawn......making clear that this is a serious crime.....police looking for the individual seen on the vids.....who ended up being identified as Arbery. This is a serious crime....burglary....and something the defendants knew when they intercepted Arbery.
The defendants were told 'if you see this guy, call the police'.....which seems to fit the Georgia statute for citizen's arrest.

5. In the vid one of the defendants states that he had seen Arbery before and believes he was armed....."a new narrative which supports the McMichael's side of the case...."
A game changer: now there are facts, information, testimony and body cam video.

6. To use the 'citizen's arrest law' the defense needs to show justification based on the preponderance of the evidence, the slightest bit over 50%......not 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'
If there was a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed, and they could use police body cam footage to show it was information that they knew at the time, then the 'Citizen's Arrest Law' is applicable....

7. "There have not been any racial sluts toward Arbery....they called him a joker and a rat...on body cam footage....."

Rather than race, the ubiquitous claim by the party of racism, why are so many of the Democrat's heroes felons, criminals, assaulters....?????

Because Democrats are criminals.
The only reason they aren't doing time is because they steal elections.
1. We've all pretty much been appraised of the facts of the Rittenhouse case....but this HLN attorney discusses facts of which very few knew of the Arbery Trial.....begins at 6:30 of the vid.

Before the Verdict: NYC Trial Attorney Misty Marris​

2. Based on the (biased) news reporting, this was an open and shut case of armed white racist vigilances chasing down an innocent black jogger....and shooting him.
Now it comes down to a question of whether a citizens arrest was legal in this case.
Evidence now appears to strengthen the view that Arbery was engaged in some sort of criminal acts.
The statute in Georgia requires a reasonable suspicion that a felony had been committed.

3. Testimony of Robert Rash, a Glynn County police officer, ...Arbery had been caught five times, on camera, at a house under construction, where material had been stolen.

There is body cam footage from the officer, talking with the defendants about what was known....that Arbery had been at the site of thefts five times, and told by the officer that the individual in the five vids had been trespassing "or maybe something more"....a possible felony.

4. There is body cam vid of Officer Rash in that house, at night, gun drawn......making clear that this is a serious crime.....police looking for the individual seen on the vids.....who ended up being identified as Arbery. This is a serious crime....burglary....and something the defendants knew when they intercepted Arbery.
The defendants were told 'if you see this guy, call the police'.....which seems to fit the Georgia statute for citizen's arrest.

5. In the vid one of the defendants states that he had seen Arbery before and believes he was armed....."a new narrative which supports the McMichael's side of the case...."
A game changer: now there are facts, information, testimony and body cam video.

6. To use the 'citizen's arrest law' the defense needs to show justification based on the preponderance of the evidence, the slightest bit over 50%......not 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'
If there was a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed, and they could use police body cam footage to show it was information that they knew at the time, then the 'Citizen's Arrest Law' is applicable....

7. "There have not been any racial sluts toward Arbery....they called him a joker and a rat...on body cam footage....."

Rather than race, the ubiquitous claim by the party of racism, why are so many of the Democrat's heroes felons, criminals, assaulters....?????

GA law on a citizens arrest requires that they witness a felony being committed.

So, russian dude, did they?
1. We've all pretty much been appraised of the facts of the Rittenhouse case....but this HLN attorney discusses facts of which very few knew of the Arbery Trial.....begins at 6:30 of the vid.

Before the Verdict: NYC Trial Attorney Misty Marris​

2. Based on the (biased) news reporting, this was an open and shut case of armed white racist vigilances chasing down an innocent black jogger....and shooting him.
Now it comes down to a question of whether a citizens arrest was legal in this case.
Evidence now appears to strengthen the view that Arbery was engaged in some sort of criminal acts.
The statute in Georgia requires a reasonable suspicion that a felony had been committed.

3. Testimony of Robert Rash, a Glynn County police officer, ...Arbery had been caught five times, on camera, at a house under construction, where material had been stolen.

I guess a lie doesn't care who tells it.

Larry English, who owns the unfinished home, has said there was no evidence Arbery stole anything from the site. Still, he said he was concerned that the same person kept coming in the house after dark.

There is no evidence Arbery ever took anything or committed any damage at the home, and the owner had maintained before the trial he did not suspect Arbery of taking anything.

There was also other folks who were caught on camera in the house, why didn't the McMichaels chase them down?
There is body cam footage from the officer, talking with the defendants about what was known....that Arbery had been at the site of thefts five times, and told by the officer that the individual in the five vids had been trespassing "or maybe something more"....a possible felony.

4. There is body cam vid of Officer Rash in that house, at night, gun drawn......making clear that this is a serious crime.....police looking for the individual seen on the vids.....who ended up being identified as Arbery. This is a serious crime....burglary....and something the defendants knew when they intercepted Arbery.
The defendants were told 'if you see this guy, call the police'.....which seems to fit the Georgia statute for citizen's arrest.
More of the same lies.
5. In the vid one of the defendants states that he had seen Arbery before and believes he was armed....."a new narrative which supports the McMichael's side of the case...."
A game changer: now there are facts, information, testimony and body cam video.
No he said he saw SOMEONE, so you are still lying.
6. To use the 'citizen's arrest law' the defense needs to show justification based on the preponderance of the evidence, the slightest bit over 50%......not 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'
If there was a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed, and they could use police body cam footage to show it was information that they knew at the time, then the 'Citizen's Arrest Law' is applicable....
Wow, you are just a straight up liar.

In Georgia, the law states that a private person may arrest someone if a crime is committed in his presence or “within his immediate knowledge.”

When did they see him break the law?
7. "There have not been any racial sluts toward Arbery....they called him a joker and a rat...on body cam footage....."
In a statement to investigators, Bryan said Travis McMichael shot Arbery and then called him a “fucking ******” prior to police arriving to the scene, Georgia Bureau of Investigation special agent Richard Dial testified.
Rather than race, the ubiquitous claim by the party of racism, why are so many of the Democrat's heroes felons, criminals, assaulters....?????
......and yet it is right wing, liars like you trying to defend these 3 racist.
In a fair trial, this would be just a clear cut case of self-defense. The video evidence proves conclusively that Arbery charged straight towards the McMichaels from more than 50 yards away and ran straight at Travis. Travis then retreated away from Arbery and took cover on the other side of the truck so that the truck was between himself and Arbery. Then Arbery blitzed around the truck and attacked Travis.

That's all right on video. The video doesn't lie. It was self-defense, period. That's why they were not arrested at the scene. The saw the video and it clearly shows that Abery was the aggressor. They should have never even been charged.

However, they've got an uphill battle.

1) They clearly have a judge who is biased against them. He is not allowing them to be tried separately when they obviously should be. At the very least, Bryan should be tried separately from the McMichaels.

2) They have an all female jury. The anti-white racists are trying to win this case via juror intimidation. And women are more easily intimidated than men. They are also more likely than men to oppose 2nd amendment civil rights.

3) Unlike the Rittenhouse trial where the prosecutor is an idiot, prosecutor Jackie Johnson is smarter than their attorneys. From what I've seen in this trial so far, she is consistently out-smarting their attorneys.
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In a fair trial, this would be just a clear cut case of self-defense. The video evidence proves conclusively that Arbery charged straight towards the McMichaels from more than 50 yards away and ran straight at Travis. Travis then retreated away from Arbery and took cover on the other side of the truck so that the truck was between himself and Arbery. Then Arbery blitzed around the truck and attacked Travis.
That whole analogy is straight up horse shit, how in the hell do you chase a man down the street, jump out of your vehicle with a loaded weapon and then cry self defense. “He was trapped like a rat,” Greg said, according to the transcript. “I think he was wanting to flee and he realized that something, you know, he was not going to get away.” Yea it was self defense alright.
That's all right on video. The video doesn't lie. It was self-defense, period. That's why they were not arrested at the scene. The saw the video and it clearly shows that Abery was the aggressor. They should have never even been charged.
They were not arrested at the scene because the Good Ole Boy Network was in full effect.
However, they've got an uphill battle.

1) They clearly have a judge who is biased against them. He is not allowing them to be tried separately when they obviously should be. At the very least, Bryan should be tried separately from the McMichaels.
Was that the Judge's decision?

2) They have an all female jury. The anti-white racists are trying to win this case via juror intimidation. And women are more easily intimidated than men. They are also more likely than men to oppose 2nd amendment civil rights.
Yea is that why Zimmeman got away with murder because he had an all white female jury.
3) Unlike the Rittenhouse trial where the prosecutor is an idiot, prosecutor Jackie Johnson is smarter than their attorneys. From what I've seen in this trial so far, she is consistently out-smarting their attorneys.
Hard to defend blatant murder.
That whole analogy is straight up horse shit, how in the hell do you chase a man down the street, jump out of your vehicle with a loaded weapon and then cry self defense. “He was trapped like a rat,” Greg said, according to the transcript. “I think he was wanting to flee and he realized that something, you know, he was not going to get away.” Yea it was self defense alright.
He was trapped like a rat, but only figuratively speaking. Literally speaking, there was plenty of open space he could go.

But Arbery knew the police were on the way and there were witnesses everywhere. He saw witnesses in vehicles who could easily follow him because although Arbery was an athlete with very significant foot speed, motor vehicles are faster.

And although he had gotten away in the past, this time it was broad daylight. He was going back to jail if he didn't steal that shotgun and that truck and get the hell out of Dodge before the police arrived.

Arbery had made a big mistake that many habitual criminals make. He got away with it so many times that he became overconfident and more brazen. On the other occasions, he did it under cover of the night and was able to easily get away. This time it was broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon.
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GA law on a citizens arrest requires that they witness a felony being committed.

So, russian dude, did they?
According to the lawyer interviewed in the vid I provided, you're incorrect.

But...you're always incorrect.

4. There is body cam vid of Officer Rash in that house, at night, gun drawn......making clear that this is a serious crime.....police looking for the individual seen on the vids.....who ended up being identified as Arbery. This is a serious crime....burglary....and something the defendants knew when they intercepted Arbery.
The defendants were told 'if you see this guy, call the police'.....which seems to fit the Georgia statute for citizen's arrest.

5. In the vid one of the defendants states that he had seen Arbery before and believes he was armed....."a new narrative which supports the McMichael's side of the case...."
A game changer: now there are facts, information, testimony and body cam video.

6. To use the 'citizen's arrest law' the defense needs to show justification based on the preponderance of the evidence, the slightest bit over 50%......not 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'
If there was a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed, and they could use police body cam footage to show it was information that they knew at the time, then the 'Citizen's Arrest Law' is applicable....
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I guess a lie doesn't care who tells it.

Larry English, who owns the unfinished home, has said there was no evidence Arbery stole anything from the site. Still, he said he was concerned that the same person kept coming in the house after dark.

There is no evidence Arbery ever took anything or committed any damage at the home, and the owner had maintained before the trial he did not suspect Arbery of taking anything.

There was also other folks who were caught on camera in the house, why didn't the McMichaels chase them down?

More of the same lies.

No he said he saw SOMEONE, so you are still lying.

Wow, you are just a straight up liar.

In Georgia, the law states that a private person may arrest someone if a crime is committed in his presence or “within his immediate knowledge.”

When did they see him break the law?

In a statement to investigators, Bryan said Travis McMichael shot Arbery and then called him a “fucking ******” prior to police arriving to the scene, Georgia Bureau of Investigation special agent Richard Dial testified.

......and yet it is right wing, liars like you trying to defend these 3 racist.

Items were stolen and Arbery was seen on video at the scene.

How many of your heroes are felons and criminals?

All of 'em????
They were not arrested at the scene because the Good Ole Boy Network was in full effect.

You have presented no evidence to back up your conspiracy theory that some vast nefarious "God Ole Boy Network" even exists. Are they Illuminati? Reptilians?

If you have no evidence, it's just a paranoid delusion.
He was trapped like a rat, but only figuratively speaking. Literally speaking, there was plenty of open space he could go.
According to Travis they weren't chasing him, so why would he be trapped if you aren't chasing him?
But Arbery knew the police were on the way and there were witnesses everywhere.
How would he know that?

He saw witnesses in vehicles who could easily follow him because although Arbery was an athlete with very significant foot speed, motor vehicles are faster.

How do you know he saw witnesses?
And although he had gotten away in the past, this time it was broad daylight. He was going back to jail if he didn't steal that shotgun and that truck and get the hell out of Dodge before the police arrived.
Hmmm, so you chase a man down the street in your pick up truck with a loaded gun and the man being chased is now the one trying to steal your truck and your gun. That dumb shit doesn't even make sense.
Arbery had made a big mistake that many habitual criminals make. He got away with it so many times that he became overconfident and more brazen. On the other occasions, he did it under cover of the night and was able to easily get away. This time it was broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon.
What had he gotten away with? Larry English the ACTUAL OWNER OF THE PROPERTY said Ahmaud NEVER stole anything from his property or damaged anything on his property. Why didn't the McMichaels ever question all the whites who entered the property illegally?
I guess a lie doesn't care who tells it.

Larry English, who owns the unfinished home, has said there was no evidence Arbery stole anything from the site. Still, he said he was concerned that the same person kept coming in the house after dark.

There is no evidence Arbery ever took anything or committed any damage at the home, and the owner had maintained before the trial he did not suspect Arbery of taking anything.

There was also other folks who were caught on camera in the house, why didn't the McMichaels chase them down?

More of the same lies.

No he said he saw SOMEONE, so you are still lying.

Wow, you are just a straight up liar.

In Georgia, the law states that a private person may arrest someone if a crime is committed in his presence or “within his immediate knowledge.”

When did they see him break the law?

In a statement to investigators, Bryan said Travis McMichael shot Arbery and then called him a “fucking ******” prior to police arriving to the scene, Georgia Bureau of Investigation special agent Richard Dial testified.

......and yet it is right wing, liars like you trying to defend these 3 racist.
Items were stolen and Arbery was seen on video at the scene.

Alot of folks were seen on the videos and the ACTUAL OWNER OF THE PROPERTY said Ahmaud NEVER stole anything or damaged anything which makes your statement a lie.

How many of your heroes are felons and criminals?

All of 'em????

Why do you continue to lie instead of being woman enough to admit you were wrong.
Alot of folks were seen on the videos and the ACTUAL OWNER OF THE PROPERTY said Ahmaud NEVER stole anything or damaged anything which makes your statement a lie.

Why do you continue to lie instead of being woman enough to admit you were wrong.

Video has him at the site of the thefts five times.

The police were looking for him.

Testimony appraised the defendants to be aware and be careful of this individual.

According to the journalist lawyer per the vid I provided, the testimony was a sea change in the usual narrative.

Time will tell, SuperBadBreath.

Could you please stand downwind.

You have presented no evidence to back up your conspiracy theory that some vast nefarious "God Ole Boy Network" even exists. Are they Illuminati? Reptilians?

If you have no evidence, it's just a paranoid delusion.
The former prosecutor charged with misconduct for her handling of the Ahmaud Arbery case was booked at a Georgia jail on Wednesday and released.

A grand jury indicted Johnson, 49, last week on a felony charge of violating her oath of office and a misdemeanor count of obstructing police. Johnson was the area's top prosecutor when three white men chased and fatally shot Arbery last year. The indictment alleges she used her position to discourage police from making arrests in the 25-year-old Black man's killing.

Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney George E. Barnhill said in the memo that Gregory McMichael, Travis McMichael and their neighbor William Bryan were in "hot pursuit of a burglary suspect" when they shot Arbery, 25, as he jogged through the Satilla Shores neighborhood just outside of Brunswick, Georgia. Barnhill sent the memo to Glynn County Police Capt. Tom Jump

"It appears it was their intent to stop and hold this criminal suspect until law enforcement arrived," Barnhill wrote. "Under Georgia law, that is perfectly legal."


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