Factcheckers Counted So Many Lies By Biden In His Presser That They Lost Count.....On Purpose


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Even though Biden was reading his answers off of cheat sheets.....he still lied about anything and everything. But unlike Trump....nobody's going to bother with counting how many....because that would be counter-productive.

"Perhaps those who predicted a four-year hiatus in media fact checks on the White House should take heart in this game effort from the Washington Post. After yesterday’s press conference, their fact-check team dissected Joe Biden’s statements and found that he “made a number of incorrect statements or made claims that lacked important context.” Not only did they refute several of them, they included most of those rebuttals in this video posted last night."​

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Even though Biden was reading his answers off of cheat sheets.....he still lied about anything and everything. But unlike Trump....nobody's going to bother with counting how many....because that would be counter-productive.

"Perhaps those who predicted a four-year hiatus in media fact checks on the White House should take heart in this game effort from the Washington Post. After yesterday’s press conference, their fact-check team dissected Joe Biden’s statements and found that he “made a number of incorrect statements or made claims that lacked important context.” Not only did they refute several of them, they included most of those rebuttals in this video posted last night."​

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I found the reason why-
His speech writer is none other than
Joe Isuzu
This proves the whole Democrat party is complicit in all his lies because those questions and answers were all written by the party. It also proves that the liberal media are complicit by accepting this charade at face value. The fact that Biden is forbidding the media from visiting the illegal alien camps is also proof of the totalitarian nature of the censorship on our border. This is the exact moment when our media is exposed as the Democrat's new ministry of disinformation. Our MSM is now officially a crucial part of the plan to turn America communist. I'd bet a lot of Chinese money is finding its way to CNN, MSNBC, NYT and WaPo among many others. They're all sellouts.
tramp lied so much , every time a the mouth opened a lie came out.

You think Mexico would be straight with us about how many children died without food.

Seems like every time a party is majority, the opposite party is the one that does the filibuster.

Doesn't take rocket scientists to figure it out.
This proves the whole Democrat party is complicit in all his lies because those questions and answers were all written by the party. It also proves that the liberal media are complicit by accepting this charade at face value. The fact that Biden is forbidding the media from visiting the illegal alien camps is also proof of the totalitarian nature of the censorship on our border. This is the exact moment when our media is exposed as the Democrat's new ministry of disinformation. Our MSM is now officially a crucial part of the plan to turn America communist. I'd bet a lot of Chinese money is finding its way to CNN, MSNBC, NYT and WaPo among many others. They're all sellouts.

The democratic party is a party of deception....little if any regard for the truth.....aka they hold Trump to one standard but excuse biden from the same standard.....thus thoroughly hypocritical.

The problem with the democratic party is mainly one of a spirtitual nature....Satan is the father of the lie....so what does that make the democrats?


Sorry, Lefty Fact Check sites do not tell the truth.

If I had time and you were still around I'd point out every LIE from PF.

Now who was dat presidential candidate forced to withdraw for lying and plagerism?


Sorry, Lefty Fact Check sites do not tell the truth.

If I had time and you were still around I'd point out every LIE from PF.
But who does the righty use as a fact check? Who are the fact checkers you on the right trust as accurate and utilize? Is there one? Or two?

Sorry, Lefty Fact Check sites do not tell the truth.

If I had time and you were still around I'd point out every LIE from PF.
But who does the righty use as a fact check? Who are the fact checkers you on the right trust as accurate and utilize? Is there one? Or two?

The better question is who is checking the fact checkers?

tramp lied so much , every time a the mouth opened a lie came out.

You think Mexico would be straight with us about how many children died without food.

Seems like every time a party is majority, the opposite party is the one that does the filibuster.

Doesn't take rocket scientists to figure it out.
Again...because you folks made up the 30k lies number....Biden has carte blanche to lie at will over man-made humanitarian disasters at the border that he caused yet blames on Trump...or the fact that Trump is the only reason we have a vaccine today, yet Biden is taking all of the credit. Oh, and there's the lie about him being such a nice guy is reason enough for migrants to rush to the border....or that this is cyclical because of favorable weather. Total horseshit.
Biden is pissing on you and calling it rain....and you have no problem with that.
You really need a serious backhand across the chops, idiot.

BTW, Biden was warned by the Trump Administration that the border was under control, but wouldn't be for long if Biden does what he said he would when he took office. And the result proved to be prophetic.
Kind of reminds me of the lie the Clinton Administration passed onto the media claiming they warned Bush about Islamic terrorism....yet Bush ignored the warnings....which resulted in 9/11. This time this claim is the truth.
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Sorry, Lefty Fact Check sites do not tell the truth.

If I had time and you were still around I'd point out every LIE from PF.
But who does the righty use as a fact check? Who are the fact checkers you on the right trust as accurate and utilize? Is there one? Or two?

The better question is who is checking the fact checkers?

I just want to know who you all use to fact check what you read? Or do you just take everything in right wing media, as fact? Even coming from the Gateway pundit, true pundit, infowars, the epoch Times, OAN, newsmax, briebart, etc??

Y'all need a fact checker or two, that you can trust......
tramp lied so much , every time a the mouth opened a lie came out.

You think Mexico would be straight with us about how many children died without food.

Seems like every time a party is majority, the opposite party is the one that does the filibuster.

Doesn't take rocket scientists to figure it out.
You know, they have food in Mexico.
tramp lied so much , every time a the mouth opened a lie came out.

And you don't believe that is exactly what the current administration is engaged in? Really? I'd wager that if the media was counting Biden's lies under the same criteria that they did President Trump, Biden would be blowing Trump away....

You think Mexico would be straight with us about how many children died without food.

So, you think Mexico is lying about this? If this were Trump, you'd be saying that Trump was responsible for those children dying because he wouldn't let them in....See, the problem is that while you screamed about kids in cages during Trump, it is all of the sudden ok with you that there are 5 times as many in those same cages under Biden....

Seems like every time a party is majority, the opposite party is the one that does the filibuster.

Why would you suppose the founders set it up that way? Could it be because they didn't want to see the tyranny of 50 + 1 make the laws for this country? The Senate is supposed to be a deliberative body that has to work with the opposing party to get things passed in this country that is acceptable to the country...By just ramming everything through, you are showing the country that you are not qualified for positions of power, and ensuring that come '22 you'll be OUT!

Doesn't take rocket scientists to figure it out.

No, you're right. I think just about everyone has figured out that progressives are authortarian, central planning, despots that want to control everything in society...Problem is, that isn't America.
He definitely was full of shit about the border surge when he tried to claim the surge we're seeing now is akin to past surges.
Anyone with half a fucking brain knows his words encouraging these third-worlders to come, is why we are in this crisis.

Claim: The border surge is akin to past years
“The truth of the matter is, nothing has changed. As many people came — 28 percent increase in children to the border in my administration. Thirty-one percent in 2019 before the pandemic in the Trump administration,” the president said. “It happens every single solitary year. There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March — it happens every year.”

Biden is right that the colder months typically bring a surge of border crossings, but his numbers on children are wrong.

There was a 28 percent surge in apprehensions at the southern border from January to February of this year, the most recent and complete data point from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) available right now. The Trump administration saw a 31 percent surge in migrant apprehensions from January to February 2019.

But Biden specifically mentions children, and that’s where his facts are incorrect. There is a far bigger surge of unaccompanied minor children right now than there was two years ago. From January to February 2019, there was a 31 percent surge in children stopped by CBP. From January to February 2021, there has been a 61 percent surge in those stops

Fact checking Biden on migrant surge during first news conference (nbcnews.com)
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Even though Biden was reading his answers off of cheat sheets.....he still lied about anything and everything. But unlike Trump....nobody's going to bother with counting how many....because that would be counter-productive.

"Perhaps those who predicted a four-year hiatus in media fact checks on the White House should take heart in this game effort from the Washington Post. After yesterday’s press conference, their fact-check team dissected Joe Biden’s statements and found that he “made a number of incorrect statements or made claims that lacked important context.” Not only did they refute several of them, they included most of those rebuttals in this video posted last night."​

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No hold on thar

Didn't you post a thread where you said there was no fact checking?

Man, you gotta get your story straight.
Trouble with lying.
When you tell the truth you don't have to worry about getting caught in a lie.

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