Fact Checking Romney's Solyndra Speech


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Mitt Romney's remarks at Solyndra were full of falsehoods that went unchecked by many major media outlets. The media also largely failed to point out that as governor of Massachusetts, Romney invested in several companies that subsequently went bankrupt or defaulted on state loans.

  • Media Fail To Note That There Is No Evidence Of Wrongdoing In Solyndra Loan

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  • As Governor, Romney Made Failed Investments, But Media Overlook Romney's Failed Investments

The Good Stuff (w/Sources): Media Fail To Fact Check Romney's Solyndra Speech | Media Matters for America
Only a wing nut would use media matters as source and call it fact checking.

"Wingnuts" know that Media Matters is funded by George Soros.

Nuff said...

"Im out..!"

Media Matters is like sunlight to wingnut vampires. I challenge any of you retards to disprove Media Matters' facts and sources in the OP link.

Sorry Jerkwad.....to tired of listening to all the crap that has spilled out from both sides to really give a hoot.

AOBO...that is all that matters.
Only a wing nut would use media matters as source and call it fact checking.

"Wingnuts" know that Media Matters is funded by George Soros.

Nuff said...

"Im out..!"

Media Matters is like sunlight to wingnut vampires. I challenge any of you retards to disprove Media Matters' facts and sources in the OP link.

I have a life, and you sir are not that important to me.

Fucking vote for your messiah moron, I could care less....
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Here are some Solyndra facts under the Obama Presidency about 500 million taxpayer dollars was loaned to Solyndra President Obama touted Solyndra as a example of the stimulus success and part of the new green energy future and would help create 4000 new jobs. Instead it went bankrupt the taxpayers can pretty much kiss that money goodbye suffice it to say 4000 new jobs were not created in fact no one is working there anymore.
Here are some Solyndra facts under the Obama Presidency about 500 million taxpayer dollars was loaned to Solyndra President Obama touted Solyndra as a example of the stimulus success and part of the new green energy future and would help create 4000 new jobs. Instead it went bankrupt the taxpayers can pretty much kiss that money goodbye suffice it to say 4000 new jobs were not created in fact no one is working there anymore.

Wingnut bullshit. Learn some facts...

By Jesse Jenkins, Devon Swezey, and Alex Trembath

Critics have seized on the news of Solyndra’s bankruptcy to condemn the Department of Energy’s Loan Guarantee Program, which provided a $535 million loan guarantee in 2009. The National Review’s Greg Pollowitz writes that Solyndra’s failure shows “why the government should not play venture capitalist.” Yet the fact is that, when judged by its entire diverse portfolio of investments, the LGP has performed remarkably well. Indeed, with a capitalization of just $4 billion, DOE has committed or closed $37.8 billion in loan guarantees for 36 innovative clean energy projects. The Solyndra case represents less than 2% of total loan commitments made by DOE, and will be easily covered by a capitalization of eight to ten times larger than any ultimate losses expected following the bankruptcy proceedings.

The broad success story of the LGP shows why federal investment in clean energy is necessary to help early-stage clean energy technologies achieve scale and reach commercialization. The inherent uncertainty in investing in novel technologies, coupled with the high capital costs and long time horizons, prohibits most venture capital funds from investing in large-scale clean energy projects. Financing tools and direct investment from the federal government can help bridge this well-known “Commercialization Valley of Death,” and the LGP is an effective way of doing that.

Instead of “picking winners and losers,” as the program’s critics allege, the program actually reduces risk for a suite of innovative clean energy technologies and allows venture capitalists and other private sector investors to invest in the best technology. Rather than picking winners, the LGP enables innovative companies to compete in the marketplace, allowing winners to emerge from competition. And while Solyndra is shutting its doors, companies like SunPower, First Solar, and Brightsource Energy, which also received loan guarantees and other support from the federal government, are industry leading success stories.

More: Solyndra's Failure Is No Reason To Abandon Federal Energy Innovation Policy - Forbes

Nuff said...

"Im out..!"

Media Matters is like sunlight to wingnut vampires. I challenge any of you retards to disprove Media Matters' facts and sources in the OP link.

I have a life, and you sir are not that important to me.

Fucking vote for your messiah moron, I could care less....

So you don't have any proof to show something that you try and claim is so easily falsified. Yet you took time to write that cop out? Seems to me you should have the time and desire to back up your claims since you poked your supposedly lazy ass in here with a response in the first place.
The GOP tried to use Solyndra as a way to discredit Obama.

Interestingly enough, they tried to use his birth certificate as well.

Why is it that the GOP has dropped those issues, yet Romney keeps resurrecting them?
LOL, the MEDIA failed to fact check Romneys speech?

when the hell are they EVER going to fact check the HUNDREDS of Obama's lying speech's

MediaMatters is whining, how precious
President Obama gave Solyndra 1/2 billion dollars, he used the plant as a campaign back drop. He bragged on the success the taxpayer money was backing. It was camera ready for him.

In fact Obama gave 17.2 billion dollars to green companies, only 648 million to small businesses........Solyndra is a perfect example of the failure of this President to understand how business works. I don't give a flying flip what Romney said, Solyndra failed taking 1/2 billion dollars of taxpayer money with it.

The left and Obama are hurt big time that Romney is standing up to the biggest idiot to ever occupy the White House. Obama's inexperience, policies, veil of secrecy and lack of business understanding has stalled the economy whether Media Matters aka George Soros, MSNBC, ABC, Axelrod or Michelle wants to believe it or not.

This Presidency should be ended as quickly as possible. Those on the left should be mighty embarrassed as I was knowing I voted for Jimmy Carter.

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