fact checking beck's cpac speech

My gawd, now they are facting checking a persons speech given at a convention.:cuckoo::lol:

Given Becks penchant for stretching the truth in attacking the current administration, he is fair game.

No sympathy for Beck being held to journalistic standards
My gawd, now they are facting checking a persons speech given at a convention.:cuckoo::lol:

Given Becks penchant for stretching the truth in attacking the current administration, he is fair game.

No sympathy for Beck being held to journalistic standards

Dead wrong. He's attacking every progressive (socialist) administration. Current one just happens to be most progressive since FDR.
My gawd, now they are facting checking a persons speech given at a convention.:cuckoo::lol:

Given Becks penchant for stretching the truth in attacking the current administration, he is fair game.

No sympathy for Beck being held to journalistic standards

Is there ANYONE you lefty Obamabots WONT go after?

we see even women and children are included in your alls witch hunts.

it's become a sickness.
Savage was right. Liberalism is a mental disorder.:cuckoo:
Admittedly the original post is partisan...albeit true. What's amazing/dumbfounding is that instead of just saying "yeah, he was wrong and he's a hack" people play it off by saying the government should be fact-checked more.

well...duh. Why can't we all agree to work towards a debate about the merits of real ideas instead of being so partisan all the time?

What was partisan about the speech? Are you saying that wanting honest politicians, wanting lower taxes, and cutting waste and unconstitutional spending is a partisan issue?
What is scary is people get their news from echo chambers.
To afraid to hear an opposing view. Comforted by the sound of a familiar voice, telling them nothing but what they want to hear.
Although I have no love for Mr. Beck ,both sides are guilty, but the American public is to comfortable with their ideology, their bi-pantheon of demi-gods.
They write their legal propaganda and rattle useless rants, only to be applauded with fanatic fervor.
Facts are never necessary ideology, that's what propaganda is for.
Here's something that I kinda thought was a bit creepy about his speech.

When he did his revolution/evolution thing he stated that one comes at the point of a gun (revolution), and that one happens slowly over a period of time (evolution). He then stated that the progressives were going to evolve the conservatives out of the political system, and that he didn't want to evolve.

If he hadn't put that "one happens at the point of a gun" before his little diatribe against evolution, I wouldn't be concerned.

But........talk like that is what caused the dude in Austin to crash his plane.
Maybe you should watch the speech before you decide to fact check it. Tends to help you out better.

I'm confident that, even if they watched it, they wouldn't get it. Just like they didn't get the joke about the chalkboard. AGaySailor, for example, who clearly didn't get the joke and so it flailing around trying to make it into a 'point'. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
When they are grasping at straws, even chalk ones will do..

Admittedly the original post is partisan...albeit true. What's amazing/dumbfounding is that instead of just saying "yeah, he was wrong and he's a hack" people play it off by saying the government should be fact-checked more.

well...duh. Why can't we all agree to work towards a debate about the merits of real ideas instead of being so partisan all the time?
Well, this is interesting.

Beck actually did what you want to happen. He was putting out there, real ideas and asking everyone to work towards solving real issues. What does he get for his trouble? A bunch of lies disguised as a fact check piece and an idiot calling him a racist, hate-monger.

For what? Not agreeing with the progressive party line?

And people wonder why there is no civility in America.
Here's something that I kinda thought was a bit creepy about his speech.

When he did his revolution/evolution thing he stated that one comes at the point of a gun (revolution), and that one happens slowly over a period of time (evolution). He then stated that the progressives were going to evolve the conservatives out of the political system, and that he didn't want to evolve.

If he hadn't put that "one happens at the point of a gun" before his little diatribe against evolution, I wouldn't be concerned.

But........talk like that is what caused the dude in Austin to crash his plane.

Truly one of the most ignorant persons I have ever encountered.

The dude in the plane agreed with you on more things than conservatives.
Here's something that I kinda thought was a bit creepy about his speech.

When he did his revolution/evolution thing he stated that one comes at the point of a gun (revolution), and that one happens slowly over a period of time (evolution). He then stated that the progressives were going to evolve the conservatives out of the political system, and that he didn't want to evolve.

If he hadn't put that "one happens at the point of a gun" before his little diatribe against evolution, I wouldn't be concerned.

But........talk like that is what caused the dude in Austin to crash his plane.

Hey, when even Bill Bennett......... says the guys is dangerous...:eusa_shhh:
Here's something that I kinda thought was a bit creepy about his speech.

When he did his revolution/evolution thing he stated that one comes at the point of a gun (revolution), and that one happens slowly over a period of time (evolution). He then stated that the progressives were going to evolve the conservatives out of the political system, and that he didn't want to evolve.

If he hadn't put that "one happens at the point of a gun" before his little diatribe against evolution, I wouldn't be concerned.

But........talk like that is what caused the dude in Austin to crash his plane.

Truly one of the most ignorant persons I have ever encountered.

The dude in the plane agreed with you on more things than conservatives.
talk about being ignorant... :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Founding Fathers were Elitists To Their Very Cores
Here's something that I kinda thought was a bit creepy about his speech.

When he did his revolution/evolution thing he stated that one comes at the point of a gun (revolution), and that one happens slowly over a period of time (evolution). He then stated that the progressives were going to evolve the conservatives out of the political system, and that he didn't want to evolve.

If he hadn't put that "one happens at the point of a gun" before his little diatribe against evolution, I wouldn't be concerned.

But........talk like that is what caused the dude in Austin to crash his plane.

Truly one of the most ignorant persons I have ever encountered.

The dude in the plane agreed with you on more things than conservatives.

The Conservatives are the ones that gave rise to the tea baggers. The tea baggers are the ones arguing against taxes and big government.

Most of what the pilots manifesto stated was tea bag principles.

Therefore.......moonbats like Beck need to be careful what they put on the airwaves because there are nutty people everywhere, and a lot of them watch his show.

And no.....it's not limiting free speech. Remember, it's illegal to shout "fire" in a crowded room that isn't burning.
Here's something that I kinda thought was a bit creepy about his speech.

When he did his revolution/evolution thing he stated that one comes at the point of a gun (revolution), and that one happens slowly over a period of time (evolution). He then stated that the progressives were going to evolve the conservatives out of the political system, and that he didn't want to evolve.

If he hadn't put that "one happens at the point of a gun" before his little diatribe against evolution, I wouldn't be concerned.

But........talk like that is what caused the dude in Austin to crash his plane.

Truly one of the most ignorant persons I have ever encountered.

The dude in the plane agreed with you on more things than conservatives.

The Conservatives are the ones that gave rise to the tea baggers. The tea baggers are the ones arguing against taxes and big government.

Most of what the pilots manifesto stated was tea bag principles.

Therefore.......moonbats like Beck need to be careful what they put on the airwaves because there are nutty people everywhere, and a lot of them watch his show.

And no.....it's not limiting free speech. Remember, it's illegal to shout "fire" in a crowded room that isn't burning.

Remember, sir, that the Obama nutbag in Alabama killed more people than this guy. So maybe you guys should shut up about your support of Obama before more women kill people on the Campii of America.

Here's something that I kinda thought was a bit creepy about his speech.

When he did his revolution/evolution thing he stated that one comes at the point of a gun (revolution), and that one happens slowly over a period of time (evolution). He then stated that the progressives were going to evolve the conservatives out of the political system, and that he didn't want to evolve.

If he hadn't put that "one happens at the point of a gun" before his little diatribe against evolution, I wouldn't be concerned.

But........talk like that is what caused the dude in Austin to crash his plane.

Truly one of the most ignorant persons I have ever encountered.

The dude in the plane agreed with you on more things than conservatives.

The Conservatives are the ones that gave rise to the tea baggers. The tea baggers are the ones arguing against taxes and big government.

Most of what the pilots manifesto stated was tea bag principles.

Therefore.......moonbats like Beck need to be careful what they put on the airwaves because there are nutty people everywhere, and a lot of them watch his show.

And no.....it's not limiting free speech. Remember, it's illegal to shout "fire" in a crowded room that isn't burning.

Here are some examples of the conservative drivel for Joe stacks "manifesto "
Yet at the same time, the joke we call the American medical system, including the drug and insurance companies, are murdering tens of thousands of people a year and stealing from the corpses and victims they cripple, and this country’s leaders don’t see this as important as bailing out a few of their vile, rich cronies. Yet, the political
The intent of this exercise and our efforts was to bring about a much-needed re-evaluation of the laws that allow the monsters of organized religion to make such a mockery of people who earn an honest living. However, this is where I learned that there are two “interpretations” for every law; one for the very rich, and one for the rest of us… Oh, and the monsters are the very ones making and enforcing the laws; the inquisition is still alive and well today in this country.
Isn’t it ironic how far we’ve come in 60 years in this country that they now know how to fix that little economic problem; they just steal from the middle class (who doesn’t have any say in it, elections are a joke) to cover their asses and it’s “business-as-usual”. Now when the wealthy fuck up, the poor get to die for the mistakes… isn’t that a clever, tidy solution.
As government agencies go, the FAA is often justifiably referred to as a tombstone agency, though they are hardly alone. The recent presidential puppet GW Bush and his cronies in their eight years certainly reinforced for all of us that this criticism rings equally true for all of the government. Nothing changes unless there is a body count (unless it is in the interest of the wealthy sows at the government trough). In a government full of hypocrites from top to bottom, life is as cheap as their lies and their self-serving laws.
I know I’m hardly the first one to decide I have had all I can stand. It has always been a myth that people have stopped dying for their freedom in this country, and it isn’t limited to the blacks, and poor immigrants. I know there have been countless before me and there are sure to be as many after. But I also know that by not adding my body to the count, I insure nothing will change. I choose to not keep looking over my shoulder at “big brother” while he strips my carcass, I choose not to ignore what is going on all around me, I choose not to pretend that business as usual won’t continue; I have just had enough.
You're a mouth breathing window licker on the short bus, ain't ya Not Elite?

Shit........from what you post, you're barely above plant life.

Typical idiotic response from a liberal. Can't argue the facts so resorts to name calling.

Now, even some name calling followed by an argument would be acceptable, but this.. Sailor boy... is just ignorance.

You, sir, are a glittering jewel of an example of an idiot.
Here's a little prediction for you guys.......

Remember a few years back when Sally Jesse Raphael, Maury Povitch and Jerry Springer were all trying to out do each other with outrageous shows?

Remember the one where a gay dude came out to a straight dude that he had feelings for him on SJR, which resulted in the straight dude killing the gay dude?

There was a direct connection between her show and the resulting murder.

Now.....we've already seen it happen (kinda) once with the man who killed the abortion doctor in cold blood. We know that media can influence people to do stupid acts.

I'm betting that within the next 6 months (August or September), Beck is going to go way off the grid in outrageous behavior, resulting in someone listening to him and taking it as their personal mission to help "get rid of the sinners".

Just you wait........it's gonna happen.........

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