Facebook is down and nobody even started a thread about it.

Must be punishment for getting busted by a whistleblower that's going national.
FB is going to show us.

I believe 60 Minutes did a segment about FB last night, about how they "hate speech." FB probably brought their own sites down while they erase all the anti-Biden stuff that conservatives posted. I thought this tweet was curious...

By not having BGP announcements for your DNS name servers, DNS falls apart = nobody can find you on the internet.

Same with WhatsApp btw.

Facebook have basically deplatformed themselves from their own platform.
Kevin Beaumont
Kevin Beaumont (@GossiTheDog) October 4, 2021
I don't believe there was a coincidence between the whistleblower interview last night and this.....

I also won't lose sleep if Facebook folded overnight....the free market will offer alternatives when that time arrives....
So are Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. But that's ok, because Parler and Gab are still up.:laughing0301:

"The websites and apps for all four Facebook products were not available on the morning of Oct.4..."

Facebook Is Down, as Are Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp
I don't do facebook, messenger or anything else. Zucker is a thief and a cheat and no way would I use his services. I'm not on parler, but I AM on Gab.

People tell me they don't tust FB either but "they do it to keep up with friends and family". Really? So....no phone calls, texts or handwritten updates? What a shame that is.
I'll have to ask my husband if he noticed -- he gets on Facebook.

I got off it after hardly ever going on; it took literally weeks to get off, though --- they sure don't want to let go of people!! They just ignore everything you do or say, for weeks. I don't know why they finally relented and let me off. I'll sure never join again after that! Twitter was easy to get off.
I had the same problem years ago; as I recall I was told since I wasn’t an active customer just don’t use it, but couldn’t actually close the account. Wth? Ever since then I never wanted to post one comment, even though certain family members use it frequently . I told them that I added a message under my FB picture that “Due to Facebook‘s lack of good business practices sharing personal information with unscrupulous solicitors, I wasn’t interested” or something to that effect.

I might go back to that account to try to delete it again…if it gets back online.

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