Facebook is down and nobody even started a thread about it.

facebook seems to favor authoritarian populists. Trump, Modi, and Duterte have all used the platform to win voters
Facebook was down for two hours again, last night! Friday, 10/8/21.

I don't know what is going on here, but it does look suspicious, what with the congressional hearings.

I think they are showing Congress that the people want and need them: don't mess with them.
Big Brother is watching you, no doubt about it

even Macedonian teenagers worked for the Kremlin against Hillary and for Trump
facebook is after all a business

"company over country" - Zuck...disclosing that Russia interfered in 2016 hurts Facebook's business
Couldn't happen to a better company.........
I personally think that the open forum social media aspect to the internet should be shut down, and the only way to communicate would be between friend's and family in private via texting, messaging or email. Gossiping is one thing between friend's and family, but stalking, shadow hunting, and other such forms of evilness needs to end.

No more open forum's where people can just spew lie's, taunt, bully, brainwash, harass, manipulate, and worst of all stalk people or shadow hunt them without their knowledge by using platforms that give them the abilities to do such things.

The internet has shown to have huge beneficial qualities that lift up and enrich people's lives in a good way, but what is listed above is a horse of a different color. The internet should be purged of illegal content, and it should be purged of illegal activities. If the retail (buy and sell) and productive informational aspects are all that remains, then so be it.

Wasn't it in the Bible, where the people tried to build a tower into the heaven's once upon a time, so they brought all languages and such together in order to attempt such a ridiculous thing, but then God destroyed the project, and confounded their communications in so that they couldn't come together to do such a thing again ? Tower of Babel !!

Why is a popular language app being advertised on the commercials that is called Babel with an extra b ?? Why does apple have a bitten apple as it's logo ?? Many connection's, yet we aren't to recognize these things in life ??

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