Facebook Doing A Great Job On Regulating Speech!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Facebook is doing an outstandingly good job at regulating speech on its social media platform. Everyone needs to remember that we are in a country that thankfully recognizes free speech and as most people that went to law school learned that this constitutional right even protects a person's right to speak the most hateful speech as our nation has seen in speech by Klu Klux Clan members. This free speech right although sometimes a burden on people and communities especially when dealing with hate speech, overall, is one of our country's most precious assets because it empowers a minority group to be able to stand up for their rights because it provides them the right to speak out! Everyone needs not to be fooled, this campaign against Facebook to get them to unduly police speech is an assault on the American people's constitutional right of Free Speech. The powerful groups behind the advertising boycott against Facebook over Facebook allowing dissent speech on issues these groups don't like on the Facebook social media platform if allowed to succeed will culminate in mostly all mainstream social media platforms restricting speech the majority and/or powerful groups don't like because these social media platforms will be afraid of boycotts and lawsuits. If these anti-free speech groups prevail it won't be long before these social media platforms are restricting speech that stems from people's religions and once that happens the country is on a path to remove God from our culture and once that largely occurs the Country of America is doomed!

Facebook policies on speech allowed on its platform are excellent as a corporation it has shown extraordinary courage and character; it's community standards have struck a good balance between allowing free speech and stopping dangerous or indefensible speech. Facebook bans violent speech, hate speech against protected classes, speech involving foreign interference in American elections, etc.. Facebook has stood up against calls to ban speech by politicians that are false and that is an excellent position to take because to do otherwise would weaken our democracy because it would subject politicians that don't have the support of the majority to a serious danger of being muzzled or restricted in their speech as their opponents label them as promulgaters of untruths and get their speech suppressed. This whole campaign in our nation for social media and the regular media to not air or allow to be shown untrue or false statements by politicians is scary and wrong in the extreme it will really weaken our country as it will block the publication of dissenting views on major policy issues. People have rightly said that President Donald J. Trump is the most untruthful President that America has had in modern times but I will tell you what also is right and unlike this aforementioned development which is a product of one man's shortcoming of character the following development is a product of a "group" of people's shortcoming of character, namely media leadership, this development is that the news media in current times is rampant in its promulgation of untruths - ever since Donald Trump took the office of the Presidency. One eyesore example of this was during the impeachment proceedings against President Trump members of the media were frequently announcing the Democrats got the proof that President Trump conditioned the release of the military aid to Ukraine to the Ukraine government announcing the two investigations and the truth is they never had the proof, the actual truth is Trump probably did it but the relevant truth is the Democrats never got the proof! It will be a disaster for America, that is, its effectiveness as a country and as a society which tries to offer its people the best quality of life if America places a duty or even allows social media to block speech it believes as untrue on its platform. For those proponents that want to regulate speech based on truth if they care to be responsible at all need to consider the timeless question, "What is truth?" One helpful perspective is embodied in the quote by the Victorian writer George Eliot "Truth has rough flavors if we bite it through!". The ultimate truth about truth in the America media is that there are different versions of the truth that rise to the fore the actual truth doesn't always rise to the status of the truth so that if irresponsible leaders in America want the media to embark on discerning what is true and not true and block publishing of the latter then most often what the American people will receive is the majority's and the powerful people's version of the truth and America will have lost a precious quality about her which is that America is a country where her sons and daughters, even when in the minority even when aligned against the powerful, can speak the actual truth and protect their interests to the maximum extent that the actual truth provides!
Facebook is doing an outstandingly good job at regulating speech on its social media platform. Everyone needs to remember that we are in a country that thankfully recognizes free speech and as most people that went to law school learned that this constitutional right even protects a person's right to speak the most hateful speech as our nation has seen in speech by Klu Klux Clan members. This free speech right although sometimes a burden on people and communities especially when dealing with hate speech, overall, is one of our country's most precious assets because it empowers a minority group to be able to stand up for their rights because it provides them the right to speak out! Everyone needs not to be fooled, this campaign against Facebook to get them to unduly police speech is an assault on the American people's constitutional right of Free Speech. The powerful groups behind the advertising boycott against Facebook over Facebook allowing dissent speech on issues these groups don't like on the Facebook social media platform if allowed to succeed will culminate in mostly all mainstream social media platforms restricting speech the majority and/or powerful groups don't like because these social media platforms will be afraid of boycotts and lawsuits. If these anti-free speech groups prevail it won't be long before these social media platforms are restricting speech that stems from people's religions and once that happens the country is on a path to remove God from our culture and once that largely occurs the Country of America is doomed!

Facebook policies on speech allowed on its platform are excellent as a corporation it has shown extraordinary courage and character; it's community standards have struck a good balance between allowing free speech and stopping dangerous or indefensible speech. Facebook bans violent speech, hate speech against protected classes, speech involving foreign interference in American elections, etc.. Facebook has stood up against calls to ban speech by politicians that are false and that is an excellent position to take because to do otherwise would weaken our democracy because it would subject politicians that don't have the support of the majority to a serious danger of being muzzled or restricted in their speech as their opponents label them as promulgaters of untruths and get their speech suppressed. This whole campaign in our nation for social media and the regular media to not air or allow to be shown untrue or false statements by politicians is scary and wrong in the extreme it will really weaken our country as it will block the publication of dissenting views on major policy issues. People have rightly said that President Donald J. Trump is the most untruthful President that America has had in modern times but I will tell you what also is right and unlike this aforementioned development which is a product of one man's shortcoming of character the following development is a product of a "group" of people's shortcoming of character, namely media leadership, this development is that the news media in current times is rampant in its promulgation of untruths - ever since Donald Trump took the office of the Presidency. One eyesore example of this was during the impeachment proceedings against President Trump members of the media were frequently announcing the Democrats got the proof that President Trump conditioned the release of the military aid to Ukraine to the Ukraine government announcing the two investigations and the truth is they never had the proof, the actual truth is Trump probably did it but the relevant truth is the Democrats never got the proof! It will be a disaster for America, that is, its effectiveness as a country and as a society which tries to offer its people the best quality of life if America places a duty or even allows social media to block speech it believes as untrue on its platform. For those proponents that want to regulate speech based on truth if they care to be responsible at all need to consider the timeless question, "What is truth?" One helpful perspective is embodied in the quote by the Victorian writer George Eliot "Truth has rough flavors if we bite it through!". The ultimate truth about truth in the America media is that there are different versions of the truth that rise to the fore the actual truth doesn't always rise to the status of the truth so that if irresponsible leaders in America want the media to embark on discerning what is true and not true and block publishing of the latter then most often what the American people will receive is the majority's and the powerful people's version of the truth and America will have lost a precious quality about her which is that America is a country where her sons and daughters, even when in the minority even when aligned against the powerful, can speak the actual truth and protect their interests to the maximum extent that the actual truth provides!
Try to keep in mind that paragraphs are your friend. ... :cool:
Facebook is doing an outstandingly good job at regulating speech on its social media platform. Everyone needs to remember that we are in a country that thankfully recognizes free speech and as most people that went to law school learned that this constitutional right even protects a person's right to speak the most hateful speech as our nation has seen in speech by Klu Klux Clan members. This free speech right although sometimes a burden on people and communities especially when dealing with hate speech, overall, is one of our country's most precious assets because it empowers a minority group to be able to stand up for their rights because it provides them the right to speak out! Everyone needs not to be fooled, this campaign against Facebook to get them to unduly police speech is an assault on the American people's constitutional right of Free Speech. The powerful groups behind the advertising boycott against Facebook over Facebook allowing dissent speech on issues these groups don't like on the Facebook social media platform if allowed to succeed will culminate in mostly all mainstream social media platforms restricting speech the majority and/or powerful groups don't like because these social media platforms will be afraid of boycotts and lawsuits. If these anti-free speech groups prevail it won't be long before these social media platforms are restricting speech that stems from people's religions and once that happens the country is on a path to remove God from our culture and once that largely occurs the Country of America is doomed!

Facebook policies on speech allowed on its platform are excellent as a corporation it has shown extraordinary courage and character; it's community standards have struck a good balance between allowing free speech and stopping dangerous or indefensible speech. Facebook bans violent speech, hate speech against protected classes, speech involving foreign interference in American elections, etc.. Facebook has stood up against calls to ban speech by politicians that are false and that is an excellent position to take because to do otherwise would weaken our democracy because it would subject politicians that don't have the support of the majority to a serious danger of being muzzled or restricted in their speech as their opponents label them as promulgaters of untruths and get their speech suppressed. This whole campaign in our nation for social media and the regular media to not air or allow to be shown untrue or false statements by politicians is scary and wrong in the extreme it will really weaken our country as it will block the publication of dissenting views on major policy issues. People have rightly said that President Donald J. Trump is the most untruthful President that America has had in modern times but I will tell you what also is right and unlike this aforementioned development which is a product of one man's shortcoming of character the following development is a product of a "group" of people's shortcoming of character, namely media leadership, this development is that the news media in current times is rampant in its promulgation of untruths - ever since Donald Trump took the office of the Presidency. One eyesore example of this was during the impeachment proceedings against President Trump members of the media were frequently announcing the Democrats got the proof that President Trump conditioned the release of the military aid to Ukraine to the Ukraine government announcing the two investigations and the truth is they never had the proof, the actual truth is Trump probably did it but the relevant truth is the Democrats never got the proof! It will be a disaster for America, that is, its effectiveness as a country and as a society which tries to offer its people the best quality of life if America places a duty or even allows social media to block speech it believes as untrue on its platform. For those proponents that want to regulate speech based on truth if they care to be responsible at all need to consider the timeless question, "What is truth?" One helpful perspective is embodied in the quote by the Victorian writer George Eliot "Truth has rough flavors if we bite it through!". The ultimate truth about truth in the America media is that there are different versions of the truth that rise to the fore the actual truth doesn't always rise to the status of the truth so that if irresponsible leaders in America want the media to embark on discerning what is true and not true and block publishing of the latter then most often what the American people will receive is the majority's and the powerful people's version of the truth and America will have lost a precious quality about her which is that America is a country where her sons and daughters, even when in the minority even when aligned against the powerful, can speak the actual truth and protect their interests to the maximum extent that the actual truth provides!
The way I look at free speech is you are free to speak your mind on any street corner in America as long you not creating a disturbance. You can publish your writings and distribute it to the public. However, when use any kind of service provider to spread your message to a wider audience such as Facebook, Twitter, your local newspaper, or any content provider, and you agree to the their terms of use, you are consenting to limit your freedom of speech in accordance with those terms. On Facebook, you are limited by their Community Standards. Most terms of service clearly state that the provider will remove any content that in their opinion does not meet their terms. Such rules are necessary so the content provider can maintain a level of content that will be judge acceptable by their user base.
Facebook is doing an outstandingly good job at regulating speech on its social media platform. Everyone needs to remember that we are in a country that thankfully recognizes free speech and as most people that went to law school learned that this constitutional right even protects a person's right to speak the most hateful speech as our nation has seen in speech by Klu Klux Clan members. This free speech right although sometimes a burden on people and communities especially when dealing with hate speech, overall, is one of our country's most precious assets because it empowers a minority group to be able to stand up for their rights because it provides them the right to speak out! Everyone needs not to be fooled, this campaign against Facebook to get them to unduly police speech is an assault on the American people's constitutional right of Free Speech. The powerful groups behind the advertising boycott against Facebook over Facebook allowing dissent speech on issues these groups don't like on the Facebook social media platform if allowed to succeed will culminate in mostly all mainstream social media platforms restricting speech the majority and/or powerful groups don't like because these social media platforms will be afraid of boycotts and lawsuits. If these anti-free speech groups prevail it won't be long before these social media platforms are restricting speech that stems from people's religions and once that happens the country is on a path to remove God from our culture and once that largely occurs the Country of America is doomed!

Facebook policies on speech allowed on its platform are excellent as a corporation it has shown extraordinary courage and character; it's community standards have struck a good balance between allowing free speech and stopping dangerous or indefensible speech. Facebook bans violent speech, hate speech against protected classes, speech involving foreign interference in American elections, etc.. Facebook has stood up against calls to ban speech by politicians that are false and that is an excellent position to take because to do otherwise would weaken our democracy because it would subject politicians that don't have the support of the majority to a serious danger of being muzzled or restricted in their speech as their opponents label them as promulgaters of untruths and get their speech suppressed. This whole campaign in our nation for social media and the regular media to not air or allow to be shown untrue or false statements by politicians is scary and wrong in the extreme it will really weaken our country as it will block the publication of dissenting views on major policy issues. People have rightly said that President Donald J. Trump is the most untruthful President that America has had in modern times but I will tell you what also is right and unlike this aforementioned development which is a product of one man's shortcoming of character the following development is a product of a "group" of people's shortcoming of character, namely media leadership, this development is that the news media in current times is rampant in its promulgation of untruths - ever since Donald Trump took the office of the Presidency. One eyesore example of this was during the impeachment proceedings against President Trump members of the media were frequently announcing the Democrats got the proof that President Trump conditioned the release of the military aid to Ukraine to the Ukraine government announcing the two investigations and the truth is they never had the proof, the actual truth is Trump probably did it but the relevant truth is the Democrats never got the proof! It will be a disaster for America, that is, its effectiveness as a country and as a society which tries to offer its people the best quality of life if America places a duty or even allows social media to block speech it believes as untrue on its platform. For those proponents that want to regulate speech based on truth if they care to be responsible at all need to consider the timeless question, "What is truth?" One helpful perspective is embodied in the quote by the Victorian writer George Eliot "Truth has rough flavors if we bite it through!". The ultimate truth about truth in the America media is that there are different versions of the truth that rise to the fore the actual truth doesn't always rise to the status of the truth so that if irresponsible leaders in America want the media to embark on discerning what is true and not true and block publishing of the latter then most often what the American people will receive is the majority's and the powerful people's version of the truth and America will have lost a precious quality about her which is that America is a country where her sons and daughters, even when in the minority even when aligned against the powerful, can speak the actual truth and protect their interests to the maximum extent that the actual truth provides!
Allah akbar

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