Face it, libs, Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

Laws that Hillary broke:

Unauthorized Removal And Retention Of Classified Documents Or Material

18 U.S.C. § 1924

Class: A Misdemeanor

Possible Penalty: Imprisonment for 1 year and/or $100,000 fine

Text: “Knowingly removing materials containing classified information of the United States with the intent to retain said info at an unauthorized location without the authority to do so”

Gathering, Transmitting Or Losing Defense Information

18 U.S.C. § 793

Class: Felony

Possible Penalty: Imprisonment for 10 years and/or $250,000 fine

Text: “Allowing [by means of gross negligence] any document relating to the national defense to be removed from its proper place of custody or destroyed –or- willfully retaining unauthorized documents relating to national defense and failing to deliver them to the United States employee entitled to receive them –or- failure to report that unauthorized documents relating to national defense were removed from their proper place of custody or destroyed”

Concealment, Removal, Or Mutilation Generally

18 U.S.C. § 2071

Class: Felony

Possible Penalty: Imprisonment of no more than 3 years, a fine, or both

Text: “Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same”

Destruction, Alteration, Or Falsification Of Records In Federal Investigations And Bankruptcy

18 U.S.C. § 1519

Class: Felony

Possible Penalty: Imprisonment of no more than 20 years, a fine, or both

Text: “Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States”
so dick smoker tell us what Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States ... so dick smoker what part of the law did she violate ??? I'll wait

She used bleachbit on 33,000 emails, dumbass.
On a private server with personal emails. Prove any of those deleted 33,000 emails contained classified information...

She claims they were "private." Since when is a suspect in a criminal investigation allowed to determine what evidence the prosecution is allowed to have?
If deleting them was illegal, she would have been charged. So I take this as a "no," you can't prove any of those emails contained classified information.

Wrong, moron. You're crediting Congressional Republicans with having a spine.

Using Bleach Bit, destroying Subpoenaed records - THERE IT IS!
That would put her in contempt of Congress. Republicans charge her?
Have you always been an ignorant dumbass or is this new due to panic from recent days' revelations?!

The FBI is currently engaged in MULTIPLE investigations of Hillary Clinton, and the GOP is not going to touch this with a 10-foot poll, giving Libs no reason to point fingers at them for anything. This is Comey's show. You want charges - be patient. They may still come yet.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

If Hillary failed to provide subpoenaed emails because she wiped them clean, the GOP-led Congress would have held her in contempt, if for no other reason than to bring her poll numbers down, just as they did with Benghazi hearing #8. Your mind-boggling excuse that they wouldn't because of the current FBI investigation is beyond your usual rightarded idiocy because they would have charged her with contempt many months ago when she purportedly BleachBit her server. You're such an imbecile, you actually thought I meant they would charge her today for something she did over a year ago.
. Investigations against high profiled people's take time, and soon they will all be reeled in to the net. Hillary is fixing to be fried like the bottom feeder that she is.
Charging her with contempt of Congress would have taken very little time.
so dick smoker tell us what Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States ... so dick smoker what part of the law did she violate ??? I'll wait

She used bleachbit on 33,000 emails, dumbass.
On a private server with personal emails. Prove any of those deleted 33,000 emails contained classified information...

She claims they were "private." Since when is a suspect in a criminal investigation allowed to determine what evidence the prosecution is allowed to have?
If deleting them was illegal, she would have been charged. So I take this as a "no," you can't prove any of those emails contained classified information.

Wrong, moron. You're crediting Congressional Republicans with having a spine.
You dumbfuck... It's that same GOP Congress which launched eight separate investigations into Benghazi just to find some dirt on her. You're fucking rightarded to even think for a second they wouldn't charge her with contempt of Congress had that opportunity presented itself.

Faun, you keep repeating the same propaganda that has been debunked over and over.

Barry and Lynch have constantly, and continue to, protect Hillary from indictment and prosecution, just as they have done with Holder, Castro, Reid, etc.
Moron, none of those folks could have shielded Hillary from the Congress. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you freaks?
Laws that Hillary broke:

Unauthorized Removal And Retention Of Classified Documents Or Material

18 U.S.C. § 1924

Class: A Misdemeanor

Possible Penalty: Imprisonment for 1 year and/or $100,000 fine

Text: “Knowingly removing materials containing classified information of the United States with the intent to retain said info at an unauthorized location without the authority to do so”

Gathering, Transmitting Or Losing Defense Information

18 U.S.C. § 793

Class: Felony

Possible Penalty: Imprisonment for 10 years and/or $250,000 fine

Text: “Allowing [by means of gross negligence] any document relating to the national defense to be removed from its proper place of custody or destroyed –or- willfully retaining unauthorized documents relating to national defense and failing to deliver them to the United States employee entitled to receive them –or- failure to report that unauthorized documents relating to national defense were removed from their proper place of custody or destroyed”

Concealment, Removal, Or Mutilation Generally

18 U.S.C. § 2071

Class: Felony

Possible Penalty: Imprisonment of no more than 3 years, a fine, or both

Text: “Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same”

Destruction, Alteration, Or Falsification Of Records In Federal Investigations And Bankruptcy

18 U.S.C. § 1519

Class: Felony

Possible Penalty: Imprisonment of no more than 20 years, a fine, or both

Text: “Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States”
so dick smoker tell us what Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States ... so dick smoker what part of the law did she violate ??? I'll wait

She used bleachbit on 33,000 emails, dumbass.
On a private server with personal emails. Prove any of those deleted 33,000 emails contained classified information...

She claims they were "private." Since when is a suspect in a criminal investigation allowed to determine what evidence the prosecution is allowed to have?
If deleting them was illegal, she would have been charged. So I take this as a "no," you can't prove any of those emails contained classified information.
. I watched as two high profiled utility officials were walked out of the utility (shown the door until their trial), in which I retired from years back, and this after a year long investigation that finally allowed them to sink these two without them somehow wiggling their way out of it.

Using Bleach Bit, destroying Subpoenaed records - THERE IT IS!
That would put her in contempt of Congress. Republicans charge her?
Have you always been an ignorant dumbass or is this new due to panic from recent days' revelations?!

The FBI is currently engaged in MULTIPLE investigations of Hillary Clinton, and the GOP is not going to touch this with a 10-foot poll, giving Libs no reason to point fingers at them for anything. This is Comey's show. You want charges - be patient. They may still come yet.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

If Hillary failed to provide subpoenaed emails because she wiped them clean, the GOP-led Congress would have held her in contempt, if for no other reason than to bring her poll numbers down, just as they did with Benghazi hearing #8. Your mind-boggling excuse that they wouldn't because of the current FBI investigation is beyond your usual rightarded idiocy because they would have charged her with contempt many months ago when she purportedly BleachBit her server. You're such an imbecile, you actually thought I meant they would charge her today for something she did over a year ago.
. Investigations against high profiled people's take time, and soon they will all be reeled in to the net. Hillary is fixing to be fried like the bottom feeder that she is.
Charging her with contempt of Congress would have taken very little time.
. Going for the bigger fish fry. It's coming... I've done seen this sort of thing in the past. The nets are going to be full.
Hilly has had the protection of obama's department of justice. Now, the FBI is fighting back against the corrupt department. Call it the Trump effect. The FBI sees someone that has their back on the horizon.

When Trump takes office the first department to be overhauled has to be the department of justice.
Keep exposing your ignorance, dumbass.

Do you have any clue what SEPARATION OF POWERS' is / means?!

Congress - the same bi-partisan Congress that ended up CENSURING Holder after Obama / Lynch protected him from indictment/prosecution for Perjury - could NOT indict / charge Holder, just as they could not do the same to Castro or Reid.

Their only option was to CENSURE Holder because Congress has legislative power, not JUDICIAL power.

You personally attack people and try to berate people arrogantly as if you know what you're talking about WHILE demonstrating you don't have a freaking clue!
so dick smoker tell us what Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States ... so dick smoker what part of the law did she violate ??? I'll wait

She used bleachbit on 33,000 emails, dumbass.
On a private server with personal emails. Prove any of those deleted 33,000 emails contained classified information...

She claims they were "private." Since when is a suspect in a criminal investigation allowed to determine what evidence the prosecution is allowed to have?
If deleting them was illegal, she would have been charged. So I take this as a "no," you can't prove any of those emails contained classified information.
. I watched as two high profiled utility officials were walked out of the utility (shown the door until their trial), in which I retired from years back, and this after a year long investigation that finally allowed them to sink these two without them somehow wiggling their way out of it.
Rightard.... If Republicans could have charged Hillary with contempt of Congress, they would have done so over the last year and a half, while she's running for president.

That they didn't charge her indicates you morons on the right have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about. :mm:
She used bleachbit on 33,000 emails, dumbass.
On a private server with personal emails. Prove any of those deleted 33,000 emails contained classified information...

She claims they were "private." Since when is a suspect in a criminal investigation allowed to determine what evidence the prosecution is allowed to have?
If deleting them was illegal, she would have been charged. So I take this as a "no," you can't prove any of those emails contained classified information.
. I watched as two high profiled utility officials were walked out of the utility (shown the door until their trial), in which I retired from years back, and this after a year long investigation that finally allowed them to sink these two without them somehow wiggling their way out of it.
Rightard.... If Republicans could have charged Hillary with contempt of Congress, they would have done so over the last year and a half, while she's running for president.

That they didn't charge her indicates you morons on the right have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about. :mm:
. It's coming.. These people and their accomplices I knew thought they had made it, and then the ax fell upon them. I was like wow they got them, even though no one thought they would.
Keep exposing your ignorance, dumbass.

Congress - the same bi-partisan Congress that ended up CENSURING Holder after Obama / Lynch protected him from indictment/prosecution for Perjury - could NOT indict / charge Holder, just as they could not do the same to Castro or Reid.

Their only option was to CENSURE Holder because Congress has legislative power, not JUDICIAL power.

You personally attack people and try to berate people arrogantly as if you know what you're talking about WHILE demonstrating you don't have a freaking clue!
I'm attacking you idiots personally because your posts demonstrate what abject imbeciles you are. You morons are actually claiming that the GOP Congress could have charged Hillary with contempt of Congress; but chose not to. :cuckoo:
On a private server with personal emails. Prove any of those deleted 33,000 emails contained classified information...

She claims they were "private." Since when is a suspect in a criminal investigation allowed to determine what evidence the prosecution is allowed to have?
If deleting them was illegal, she would have been charged. So I take this as a "no," you can't prove any of those emails contained classified information.
. I watched as two high profiled utility officials were walked out of the utility (shown the door until their trial), in which I retired from years back, and this after a year long investigation that finally allowed them to sink these two without them somehow wiggling their way out of it.
Rightard.... If Republicans could have charged Hillary with contempt of Congress, they would have done so over the last year and a half, while she's running for president.

That they didn't charge her indicates you morons on the right have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about. :mm:
. It's coming.. These people and their accomplices I knew thought they had made it, and then the ax fell upon them. I was like wow they got them, even though no one thought they would.
You're beyond insane. What is Congress waiting for? For Hillary to become president? For Democrats to take over the Congress? For Hell to freeze over?

Moron.... they would have done it already if they could have. They would have charged her in an attempt to thwart her presidential bid.
False Narrative, lies, spun...continued BS! Re-read ny last post, you racist dumbass. Stop trying to 'spin' for a minute and educate yourself.
Keep exposing your ignorance, dumbass.

Congress - the same bi-partisan Congress that ended up CENSURING Holder after Obama / Lynch protected him from indictment/prosecution for Perjury - could NOT indict / charge Holder, just as they could not do the same to Castro or Reid.

Their only option was to CENSURE Holder because Congress has legislative power, not JUDICIAL power.

You personally attack people and try to berate people arrogantly as if you know what you're talking about WHILE demonstrating you don't have a freaking clue!
I'm attacking you idiots personally because your posts demonstrate what abject imbeciles you are. You morons are actually claiming that the GOP Congress could have charged Hillary with contempt of Congress; but chose not to. :cuckoo:
. I just know that Hillary could care less what she drags this nation through, just as long as she gets her way.
She claims they were "private." Since when is a suspect in a criminal investigation allowed to determine what evidence the prosecution is allowed to have?
If deleting them was illegal, she would have been charged. So I take this as a "no," you can't prove any of those emails contained classified information.
. I watched as two high profiled utility officials were walked out of the utility (shown the door until their trial), in which I retired from years back, and this after a year long investigation that finally allowed them to sink these two without them somehow wiggling their way out of it.
Rightard.... If Republicans could have charged Hillary with contempt of Congress, they would have done so over the last year and a half, while she's running for president.

That they didn't charge her indicates you morons on the right have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about. :mm:
. It's coming.. These people and their accomplices I knew thought they had made it, and then the ax fell upon them. I was like wow they got them, even though no one thought they would.
You're beyond insane. What is Congress waiting for? For Hillary to become president? For Democrats to take over the Congress? For Hell to freeze over?

Moron.... they would have done it already if they could have. They would have charged her in an attempt to thwart her presidential bid.
. Thought Harry Reid said they can't do that ?? They will have to wait till she looses, then it's off to the poky for Hillary... Martha Stewart can give her some insider information about life on the inside.. lol
If deleting them was illegal, she would have been charged. So I take this as a "no," you can't prove any of those emails contained classified information.
. I watched as two high profiled utility officials were walked out of the utility (shown the door until their trial), in which I retired from years back, and this after a year long investigation that finally allowed them to sink these two without them somehow wiggling their way out of it.
Rightard.... If Republicans could have charged Hillary with contempt of Congress, they would have done so over the last year and a half, while she's running for president.

That they didn't charge her indicates you morons on the right have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about. :mm:
. It's coming.. These people and their accomplices I knew thought they had made it, and then the ax fell upon them. I was like wow they got them, even though no one thought they would.
You're beyond insane. What is Congress waiting for? For Hillary to become president? For Democrats to take over the Congress? For Hell to freeze over?

Moron.... they would have done it already if they could have. They would have charged her in an attempt to thwart her presidential bid.
. Thought Harry Reid said they can't do that ?? They will have to wait till she looses, then it's off to the poky for Hillary... Martha Stewart can give her some insider information about life on the inside.. lol
Filing this under 'R' for rightarded drivel.
Harry Reid is pure filth.. How the voters can vote these dam lying deplorables (through a vote for Hillary), back into office is disgusting.
Hilly has had the protection of obama's department of justice. Now, the FBI is fighting back against the corrupt department. Call it the Trump effect. The FBI sees someone that has their back on the horizon.

When Trump takes office the first department to be overhauled has to be the department of justice.
can you explain this to us .... why is it there no investigations of fraud in trumps university until after the election ???? there has been 11 women who has accused trump of sexual assault ... but we can only hear about it after the election ... political facts has said Trump is the biggest liar of the year ... he lies about everything .... trump has a shady past about his foundation .... he also has a pending rape case ... now why are we hearing about just emails when all these things trump has done will be talked about after the election ??? can you explain that to us here
False Narrative, lies, spun...continued BS! Re-read ny last post, you racist dumbass. Stop trying to 'spin' for a minute and educate yourself.
first you have to be talking to a educated person first ... you lack that ability
If deleting them was illegal, she would have been charged. So I take this as a "no," you can't prove any of those emails contained classified information.
. I watched as two high profiled utility officials were walked out of the utility (shown the door until their trial), in which I retired from years back, and this after a year long investigation that finally allowed them to sink these two without them somehow wiggling their way out of it.
Rightard.... If Republicans could have charged Hillary with contempt of Congress, they would have done so over the last year and a half, while she's running for president.

That they didn't charge her indicates you morons on the right have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about. :mm:
. It's coming.. These people and their accomplices I knew thought they had made it, and then the ax fell upon them. I was like wow they got them, even though no one thought they would.
You're beyond insane. What is Congress waiting for? For Hillary to become president? For Democrats to take over the Congress? For Hell to freeze over?

Moron.... they would have done it already if they could have. They would have charged her in an attempt to thwart her presidential bid.
. Thought Harry Reid said they can't do that ?? They will have to wait till she looses, then it's off to the poky for Hillary... Martha Stewart can give her some insider information about life on the inside.. lol
hillary isn't go9ng to the poky ... she is how ever going to be off to the white house ....as the new president ...deal with it

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