Face it, America!

Are conservative Republicans selfish cowards?

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Sometimes the truth hurts!

Face it, America! Conservative Republicans simply don't give a tinker's damn about gun violence and death due to the easily available guns in America's cities and towns, even when it's directed at children.

It sounds like an outrageous statement...on the surface, at least. But as Sherlock Holmes once intoned, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.

You see, despite poll numbers that indicate that Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to take action regarding America's gun violence problem and the easy availability of guns to virtually anyone who wants one, Congress does NOTHING!

Case in point? Remember the Vegas shooter and bump stocks? What's been done these many months later? Nothing! How about universal background checks? What's been done? Nothing!

You see, conservative Republicans are worried that the NRA would primary them, and they would lose their seats in Congress. They're cowards who are willing to accept carnage in schools as the price the rest of us have to pay so they can keep going to DC to do...you guessed it...NOTHING!
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gun owners are just like every other group of people on the planet ... you have responsible people, and you have brain dead pieces of shit trying to be somebody and get attention ..
Benjamin Franklin was a hell of lot smarter than you, snowflake.

If you take away my right to defend myself I will have to be a criminal to defend myself.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Benjamin Franklin was a hell of lot smarter than you, snowflake.

If you take away my right to defend myself I will have to be a criminal to defend myself.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I never made any mention of infringing on your right to defend yourself. However, because you interpreted it in the way you did, I DO wonder about YOUR mental health because you are clearly paranoid.
Sometimes the truth hurts!

Face it, America! Conservative Republicans simply don't give a tinker's damn about gun violence and death due to the easily available guns in America's cities and towns, even when it's directed at children.

It sounds like an outrageous statement...on the surface, at least. But as Sherlock Holmes once intoned, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.

You see, despite poll numbers that indicate that Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to take action regarding America's gun violence problem and the easy availability of guns to virtually anyone who wants one, Congress does NOTHING!

Case in point? Remember the Vegas shooter and bump stocks? What's been done these many months later? Nothing! How about universal background checks? What's been done? Nothing!

You see, conservative Republicans are worried that the NRA would primary them, and they would lose their seats in Congress. They're cowards who are willing to accept carnage in schools as the price the rest of us have to pay so they can keep going to DC to do...you guessed it...NOTHING!

The Democrats do not understand that their criminals and their terrorist do not obey gun control laws.
Benjamin Franklin was a hell of lot smarter than you, snowflake.

If you take away my right to defend myself I will have to be a criminal to defend myself.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I never made any mention of infringing on your right to defend yourself. However, because you interpreted it in the way you did, I DO wonder about YOUR mental health because you are clearly paranoid.
you seem a tad paranoid yourself.....just sayin....
Sometimes the truth hurts!

Face it, America! Conservative Republicans simply don't give a tinker's damn about gun violence and death due to the easily available guns in America's cities and towns, even when it's directed at children.

It sounds like an outrageous statement...on the surface, at least. But as Sherlock Holmes once intoned, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.

You see, despite poll numbers that indicate that Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to take action regarding America's gun violence problem and the easy availability of guns to virtually anyone who wants one, Congress does NOTHING!

Case in point? Remember the Vegas shooter and bump stocks? What's been done these many months later? Nothing! How about universal background checks? What's been done? Nothing!

You see, conservative Republicans are worried that the NRA would primary them, and they would lose their seats in Congress. They're cowards who are willing to accept carnage in schools as the price the rest of us have to pay so they can keep going to DC to do...you guessed it...NOTHING!

So, what is your solution?

Where are there NOT background checks?

And bump stocks? You have one built into your pants. It's holding your belt in place.
Sometimes the truth hurts!

Face it, America! Conservative Republicans simply don't give a tinker's damn about gun violence and death due to the easily available guns in America's cities and towns, even when it's directed at children.

It sounds like an outrageous statement...on the surface, at least. But as Sherlock Holmes once intoned, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.

You see, despite poll numbers that indicate that Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to take action regarding America's gun violence problem and the easy availability of guns to virtually anyone who wants one, Congress does NOTHING!

Case in point? Remember the Vegas shooter and bump stocks? What's been done these many months later? Nothing! How about universal background checks? What's been done? Nothing!

You see, conservative Republicans are worried that the NRA would primary them, and they would lose their seats in Congress. They're cowards who are willing to accept carnage in schools as the price the rest of us have to pay so they can keep going to DC to do...you guessed it...NOTHING!
/----/ "3 percent of murders and crimes are committed with guns from people who actually (legally) purchase those guns." Recent studies that look at prisoners who had a gun when they committed a crime found that between 3 and 11 percent purchased the weapon at a store or gun show.
According to FBI: UCR Table 12, there were approximately 374 people shot and killed with rifles of any kind. There were 1,604 people killed with “knives or cutting instruments.”
Table 12 also shows that more people were killed via the use of “hands, fists, feet, etc.,” than were killed by rifles of any kind. In fact, the tally shows that the death numbers were not even close. While approximately 374 people were shot and killed with rifles, roughly 656 people were beaten to death with “hands, fists, feet, etc.”
Benjamin Franklin was a hell of lot smarter than you, snowflake.

If you take away my right to defend myself I will have to be a criminal to defend myself.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I never made any mention of infringing on your right to defend yourself. However, because you interpreted it in the way you did, I DO wonder about YOUR mental health because you are clearly paranoid.

You implied and stated you think we don't care about this. your statement.

"Republicans simply don't give a tinker's damn about gun violence and death"

You're a flat out lying piece of shit for making that statement. The libtarded clowns in Chicago show everyone what libtarded policies produce. The majority of law enforcement is conservative.

You just got slapped, petunia, and your thread should go in the trash can with most libtarded shit.
I would rather see a conversation about how our culture and education system has been failing males for the last several decades. How our society feels the need to overmedicate youth.
Our failure to keep dangerous mentally ill people from harming others. A permissive culture that glorifies violence from movies to video games with imagery no youth should be absorbing at a young age. A culture where personal responsibility died long ago.

This crap didn't happen during my school years and no one would have even entertained the idea.
Our culture is sick, and our youth are the victims.

Will there be an actual discussion? No, easier to blame a gun and the NRA.
Sometimes the truth hurts!

Face it, America! Conservative Republicans simply don't give a tinker's damn about gun violence and death due to the easily available guns in America's cities and towns, even when it's directed at children.

It sounds like an outrageous statement...on the surface, at least. But as Sherlock Holmes once intoned, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.

You see, despite poll numbers that indicate that Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to take action regarding America's gun violence problem and the easy availability of guns to virtually anyone who wants one, Congress does NOTHING!

Case in point? Remember the Vegas shooter and bump stocks? What's been done these many months later? Nothing! How about universal background checks? What's been done? Nothing!

You see, conservative Republicans are worried that the NRA would primary them, and they would lose their seats in Congress. They're cowards who are willing to accept carnage in schools as the price the rest of us have to pay so they can keep going to DC to do...you guessed it...NOTHING!

Dear Mustang
I thought this poll and thread was going to be about Republicans doing nothing
to reduce the deficit as Rand Paul argued they wimped out on. That Conservatives
are only Conservative when they are running for office against Liberals, and once
they are in, they act like Liberals and pander to popular politics they campaigned against.

For that, there are some consistent Constitutionalists but most of them have
wimped out and refused to take action like going after govt abuses of Clinton Obama and democrats.
If the public united left and right in going after govt crooks, of course, our leaders would listen to us.
but as long as the public is divided by party, we don't have a united front.
and that's what our "cowardly" politicians blame and hide behind.
they point the finger at each other while doing nothing.
so I would say the parties on both sides are cowards at this game.

Now for gun issues,
the two issues I would ask Trump to stand up for
1. Christian spiritual healing that has been proven by medical science
to diagnose and cure the cause of mental and criminal illness as well as physical.
2. requirements by all citizens to take the same oath to uphold the Constitution,
obey the laws and comply with authority as our police and miltary take,
in order to be financially and legally responsible for rights and privileges of citizenship.

If we require the same methods of spiritual healing to screen out criminal disorders
addiction and abuse from our police, our vets as well as our citizen populations
before they are authorized to carry arms to enforce the laws, then we can catch more criminals in advance.
Even our police and vets aren't perfectly screened, and that's why the Ft Hood shooting
happened because the mental screening failed and the criminally violent deranged man was still in service.

If we require the same training and compliance with due process and procedures
for all citizens as we do for police, then we will ensure compliance wih laws and law enforcement,
and/or screen out the legally or mentally incompetent people who can't comply with tests and training
so they can apply for help, for medical assistance or legal guardianship if they are not capable
due to criminal disorder, addiction or other disabling disease.

Do you see either Liberals or conservatives standing up for this?

I'm the only one I know asking for this. And I'm a prochoice Democrat.
Yes I am a Constitutionalist, and I believe in free choice and liberty to choose
these solutions and not be forced by govt. So that's why it takes so long to
build a consensus on policy based on free and fully informed educated choice.

The politicians keep pushing their beliefs on people by bullying.

I believe in offering educated informed choices, letting people do the research
and find out which solutions work.

I guess it will be up to the big mouths like Trump to demand solutions.
I believe in free will and free choice, so if people keep rejecting the
solutions I don't believe in abusing govt to force them to change their beliefs.

Maybe Trump or Cruz or Rand Paul will stand up and demand solutions.
We'll see if it's the liberals or conservatives or both who come together
and promote solutions that everyone will agree work better.

I think it will take national unity, and not taking sides and blaming or shaming
anyone by party. the solutions are nonpartisan and can be proven by
science, by common sense, by practice and experience so it's not about politics.
Sometimes the truth hurts!

Face it, America! Conservative Republicans simply don't give a tinker's damn about gun violence and death due to the easily available guns in America's cities and towns, even when it's directed at children.

It sounds like an outrageous statement...on the surface, at least. But as Sherlock Holmes once intoned, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.

You see, despite poll numbers that indicate that Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to take action regarding America's gun violence problem and the easy availability of guns to virtually anyone who wants one, Congress does NOTHING!

Case in point? Remember the Vegas shooter and bump stocks? What's been done these many months later? Nothing! How about universal background checks? What's been done? Nothing!

You see, conservative Republicans are worried that the NRA would primary them, and they would lose their seats in Congress. They're cowards who are willing to accept carnage in schools as the price the rest of us have to pay so they can keep going to DC to do...you guessed it...NOTHING!
Your argument kinda fails when real statistics start showing up and how Socialist really view their people. Why don't you cry FOUL with the black on black murders in Chicago and Baltimore? Because you don't give a rats ass about black people dying by blacks. So when white children are killed by a mentally ill liberal, then out come the anti gun nuts who want US disarmed so your government can too, be like those Commies before them...

Sometimes the truth hurts!

Face it, America! Conservative Republicans simply don't give a tinker's damn about gun violence and death due to the easily available guns in America's cities and towns, even when it's directed at children.

It sounds like an outrageous statement...on the surface, at least. But as Sherlock Holmes once intoned, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.

You see, despite poll numbers that indicate that Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to take action regarding America's gun violence problem and the easy availability of guns to virtually anyone who wants one, Congress does NOTHING!

Case in point? Remember the Vegas shooter and bump stocks? What's been done these many months later? Nothing! How about universal background checks? What's been done? Nothing!

You see, conservative Republicans are worried that the NRA would primary them, and they would lose their seats in Congress. They're cowards who are willing to accept carnage in schools as the price the rest of us have to pay so they can keep going to DC to do...you guessed it...NOTHING!
Partisan Is a Contraction of "Part-Insane"

Don't solo the duopoly.
The truth might hurt but the crazy left doesn't seem to want to tell it. The left tried to blame Rush Limbaugh for the tragic shooting of congresswoman Gabby Giffords by a left wing maniac. How's that for the truth? Barry Hussein authorized 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and the crazy left seemed to want avoid the truth on that one. A democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team last spring and may have been in contact with democrats before he committed the atrocity. Lefties were afraid of that little bit of truth. The jury is still out on Stephen Paddock but the left seems desperate to keep the truth from the American public that his motivation might have been hatred for conservatives who attended a concert. Lefties avoided the truth that a liberal media spokesperson claimed that she had no sympathy for the victims because they were conservatives.
People allow their kids to sit around for hours every day playing war craft and halo and other vidio games where they kill other people complete with blood splatter. Parents see nothing wrong with promoting a thug culture and listining to rap music pushing shooting and killing then wonder why kids shoot up schools. Through vidio games, movies and music they learn the way you deal with people that offend your delicate feelings is to break out dads rifle and kill everyone. 50yrs age everyone had easy access to guns and things like school shootings never seem to happen. What has changed other than parents allow their kids to be desensitized to killing and bloodshed. Parents no longer wish to raise good upstanding adults but would rather brag about what a thug their kids turned out to be, they don’t take disapproval form anybody. Guns aren’t the problem, parents are the problem.
The poll choices are inadequate.

The correct motorcycle:

- Leftwing Proglodytes are thoroughly unacquainted with reality and rational thought.
People allow their kids to sit around for hours every day playing war craft and halo and other vidio games where they kill other people complete with blood splatter. Parents see nothing wrong with promoting a thug culture and listining to rap music pushing shooting and killing then wonder why kids shoot up schools. Through vidio games, movies and music they learn the way you deal with people that offend your delicate feelings is to break out dads rifle and kill everyone. 50yrs age everyone had easy access to guns and things like school shootings never seem to happen. What has changed other than parents allow their kids to be desensitized to killing and bloodshed. Parents no longer wish to raise good upstanding adults but would rather brag about what a thug their kids turned out to be, they don’t take disapproval form anybody. Guns aren’t the problem, parents are the problem.
My own son informed me that there are secret codes in Gears of War to open rape scenarios...even heard his girlfriend who also played that her Avatar was routinely raped in the game.

This is sick twisted shit.
Add a failed education system, the medicating of children, the death of personal responsibility, lack of respect to elders...I could go on...
And we have the perfect scenario to trigger a mentally deranged individual.
Sometimes the truth hurts!

Face it, America! Conservative Republicans simply don't give a tinker's damn about gun violence and death due to the easily available guns in America's cities and towns, even when it's directed at children.

It sounds like an outrageous statement...on the surface, at least. But as Sherlock Holmes once intoned, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.

You see, despite poll numbers that indicate that Americans overwhelmingly want Congress to take action regarding America's gun violence problem and the easy availability of guns to virtually anyone who wants one, Congress does NOTHING!

Case in point? Remember the Vegas shooter and bump stocks? What's been done these many months later? Nothing! How about universal background checks? What's been done? Nothing!

You see, conservative Republicans are worried that the NRA would primary them, and they would lose their seats in Congress. They're cowards who are willing to accept carnage in schools as the price the rest of us have to pay so they can keep going to DC to do...you guessed it...NOTHING!

Conservatives in fact WANT this swamp in DC to continue. While wailing about 'drain the swamp'.

Cons, you are the swamp.

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