F**k Chirac!!

This, he said, would lead to a "general world subculture" based around the English language. This, he maintained, would be "a real ecological catastrophe."

Oh puke, spoken like a true frenchmen. I wounder if he eats Joe Louise's too?
From one of your links:

Speaking at a French cultural center in Hanoi
Says it all right there. Go to some commie bastard country like Vietnam to talk about how horrible the U.S. is.
-Cp said:

French is following Latin into the dead language category. Given just a little more time and more socialism, France will descend into the status of a third world country. Every time Chirac opens his mouth his government becomes more irrelevant.

A friend once told me that the best way to learn to speak french was to put a turd on your upper lip and try to keep it from falling off while you speak. I haven't tested his theory, but it sounds credible to me.

Merlin1047 said:
French is following Latin into the dead language category.

I don't know about that, new fed language policy in Canada requires all public service workers to speak french (level varies on position) regardless of location.
Said1 said:
I don't know about that, new fed language policy in Canada requires all public service workers to speak french (level varies on position) regardless of location.

That's pretty much the same dead-end being pursued by the french government. They prohibit use of english in any public sign and discourage its use in general. Both the french and Canadian government will find that you cannot legislate the language people use. The harder they squeeze, the more resistance they will find.

French used to be the diplomatic language, but that too has fallen from favor. Right now, if there is such a thing as an international language, I would guess it would be some form of spanish.
Merlin1047 said:
That's pretty much the same dead-end being pursued by the french government. They prohibit use of english in any public sign and discourage its use in general. Both the french and Canadian government will find that you cannot legislate the language people use. The harder they squeeze, the more resistance they will find.

I tend to agree, although the public sector in Canada is HUGE. Frenchmen here are like bratty little kids, give them and inch.... This is a touchy topic for me, I live in Canada's version of the West Bank.

I've made many attempts to learn french, I usually find my ability to tune it out is far better than my abilility to learn the language - conditioning. :D
Comrade said:

If anyone demands a rough English translation of this, in the international language of all air travel. It a declaration similar to 'Oh shit!', clear a path!

In spanish?

Well there's Spain. And sure enough Mexico. I was thinking Africa before I realized any mainland claim is Porteguese and certainly not Spanish.

Okay, there is Cuba. Well please, let us land, Cuba Spanish speaking air traffic people.

I dunno, you'd have to be crazy to open up in Spanish instead of English in an emergency where overcoming international barriers were tantamount to survival.

After all, the first thing everyone in the world expects from any radio transmission, is English. Not just becuase it was first and foremost and that all planes flew using English once. But I guarantee that as an English speaker in China, or India, who can also speak French, and under pressure for response, well obviously if you can't speak Chinese or Hindu but have to choose English or French, the choice is clear.

I guess that was my point.
you don't like the french because it is the language of France....it is lamentable...it could be a great and nice language, you would still hate it only because it is from FRANCE.....

French is a really nice language, you can do so much things with it.
But one thing is sure : it is really hard to learn. A real difficult language....

For the one joker who said that the french will be like latin a dead language...I say to him that France speak french (normal) but also Luxembourg, Belgium, Swiss and Canada (Quebec). In this country, a part of the population or the whole population speak French (mother language).
In all the french colonies of Africa, except Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, the french is the official language. In Algeria morocco and tunisia, it is learn by the families....

Of course, the frenhc is not som much speak like befoer. WHne it was the language of Diplomacy (and respected as it), or the language of the intellectual elite and the european sovereigns....( XVIIIth c.)

You give numbers : only #11...and before, #2...i'm not sure that we were #2 20 years ago...maybe in the XVIII/XIXth c, maybe until 1939, but not after...

French was all over the world because France rules the woeld until the 2nd half of the XVIIIth.
And after, because the french was the language of the elite.
Now it is english. Why ? because the USA speak english, and the USA are #1, so, fr the trade, all the international things, better to speak english. and it is also really easier compared with french.

But try, if you want, to learn french. It's really nice, great.

à bientôt !
Whatever. I'd rather learn Russian. Anf the hell with Spanish also. It may be a little rough, but I don't see putting the work into learning how to talk to my neighbors landscaper crew.

besides, I am still working on my English, have been for almost 40 years, still room for improvement. Not to mention the endless battle to curb "ebonics" and sloppy usage from my child & her friends...
If US schools were to start mandating bilingual teaching I would prefer spanish, as I think there is more practical value and opportunity for cultural mixing between latin america and US citizens than there is between Quebec and the US, excepting New Orleans, but not really.

I dunno Said1, does your experience tell me I'm right?
padisha emperor said:
you don't like the french because it is the language of France....it is lamentable...it could be a great and nice language, you would still hate it only because it is from FRANCE.....

à bientôt !

PE, I would say that is a fair statement. Your government has decided to take on the USA. That's fine, but tell Jacques that he shouldn't whine when it's time to pay the price.

I have not purchased any product made in France, I will not travel to France, I will not stay in French-owned hotel / motel chains in this country. I hope that Americans will continue to boycott French products so long as you continue to keep that pompous jackass in office.
Merlin : you say that you will not do things in or for France because Chirac is the President...
Don't you see aproblem compared with me ? when I say that Bush is a jackass, you insult me and told me that I should go back home, because US politic doesn't concern me.
And now, you say the same for Chirac...I will not answer like the users of this board, I will be more clever (not hard :D )

You don't like Chirac, but don't boycott France for him. You will give him too much importance if you do that. Know that lot of french don't like him too. so.....

USA like since they exist the french product. I even believe that the costume of Bush during the debates was french. It would be dumb to handicap yourselves in boycotting french product.

It would be dumb to not go in France only to penalize J. Chirac. A travel in France can involve your culture, with all the beautiful things.

For the language : stupid to not leanr a language only because people want to penalize the country of the language.

Iti snormaml for you to learn spanish. but if you speak several foreign languages...it is better...

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