F***ing Snow!


Annoying Customer
Sep 7, 2008
It just started snowing! If we get the same kind of crap we did last year I am for sure moving.

Here is a video of a guy skiing on the south hill here which is not ski resort!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNWLtMXg0W8&feature=fvw]YouTube - Spokane Snow Storm - Downhill Skiing the South Hill West Slope - December Record Snow Fall[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjiHydAZMcc&feature=related]YouTube - Snow in Spokane, dec. 18, 2008[/ame]
Bet it's dumping at Schweitzer.

I bet it is too and at Mt Spokane! It has been raining here this week also which means snow in the mountains. Have you been to schweitzer?Beautiful place.
I am SO jealous of people getting snow! I wish Atlanta would get *just one* more massive snow dumpage like we did in the blizzard of March 1993 (got a foot plus in some areas).

Enjoy your snow! :woohoo: :woohoo:
we got a 100 inches in one month last year. Most places just rebuilt their colapsed roofs from last year or in some cases the whole building. The Walmarts here all had to close because there roofs were not built to with stand the weight. I like snow but after the last two years I will be happy with just a few inches this year.
you should ski in McCall Idaho, at Brundage I know they have good powder there. I have noticed both Schweitzer and Look Out get the heavy snow, Mt Spokane I think gets better softer snow some years. Last years snow was pretty light! :)
We have a nor'easter rolling through and we SWEAR we saw white flakes floating down with the rain yesterday.

couldn't be though, it was around 50 degrees. Is that possible?
Snow! Spokane! November! Global Warming Al. Global Warming.

I wish I had some snow Luissa!
we usually get snow a few times in November here. :lol:
And we for sure are experiencing global cooling here the last few years.
Totally possible. The snow forms in the clouds, which are much cooler than the ambient air at the surface.

Just seemed strange that by the time they get to the 50 degrees, plus the rain all around them, that they'd still end up making it down to the ground.

At this point, let it snow so I can fire up the snowboard, I got buddies who have a place in the Poconos this winter.
I saw that! I hope el nino takes it easy on us this year.

It might. They didn't have a lot of hurricanes that I noticed and when there's el nino, fewer hurricanes. Keep your chin up Luissa. Maybe this is the worst you'll get.
I noticed A LOT of acorns this fall.

Can Acorns Predict a Rough Winter?

While many of us in the 21st century may think weather lore is more whimsical than wise, it's hard to discount all of these "natural forecasters," especially when most of them are based on years of observation.

The challenge becomes in the handing down of the weather wisdom. Remember the game of telephone? One person would whisper something into the next person’s ear and so on down the line, and when the last person has to repeat what the original whisper was, it’s most often not anything like the original statement. Well the same goes for many of these weather sayings. They’ve been handed down from generation to generation, so perhaps in some of the handing down, some of the lore has been altered slightly. But some have remained the same and often times prove to be quite accurate.

The following are some Natural Signs of a Rough Winter that we’ve collected over the years. Check them out and let us know if you have witnessed any of these signs or have additional weather wisdom we should add to the list.

* Very thick onion skins or corn husks

* Woodpeckers sharing a tree

* Early arrival of crickets on the hearth

* Spiders spinning larger than usual webs

* Lots of acorns

* A small rust/orange band on a wooly worm caterpillar

* Trees are laden with green leaves late in the fall.

* Hickory nuts having heavy shells.

* Tree bark is heaviest on the north side of the tree.

* Crickets are in the chimney.

* Hoot owls call late into the fall.

* Raccoons have thick tails and bright bands

* Squirrels gathering nuts early in the year

* Pigs gathering sticks

* Frequent halos/rings around the sun or moon

• Heavy and numerous fogs in August

Weather :: Can Acorns Predict a Rough Winter? :: Farmers' Almanac
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