Extreme weather events that show AGW

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

Come on dude, you make a bombastic statement and then post a 47 minute video for people to watch before they can comment on it. You’ve been here long enough to know better. Shame on you!
Really? Then why are they not at the AGU conference? Or at the AMS conference? And these people make explicit reference to the historical record. You sit there, covered in the slime of the worst of scientific ignorance, and spout how you know so much more than these scientists.

Because opposing voices, and opposing research isn't tolerated. That is the hallmark of that scam, and why it isn't true science.
Every major scientific institution in the world agrees that the globe is warming and that Man is the cause. There is no real dissenting research, only a few paid industry shills.

Dissenting research is not supported by the quacks promoting this phony science. What most people without a science background don’t understand (clearly you) is just how complicated climate and weather systems are. Weather and climate is literally impossible to predict with accuracy that is typical in other science disciplines. We know of past weather and science events that have occurred, and yet still can not get
“Experts” to agree what caused them. Given that, why would we trust them to predict future events? Discerning minds understand this, and the rest of you are mindless sheep.
My God....the alarmist contingent.... getting their clocks cleaned on substance in this thread.

Ever tune in a baseball game and it's the 7th inning and the score is 16 - 2..... and fans of the losing team are still in the ballpark waiting for the big comeback. All 17 of them. That's what you have with these warmists....social invalids that never did quite learn how to connect the dots.


There were a lot of other stuff in Old Rocks long comment I could have pointed out as being misleading pap, but what I posted was enough to point out that the many degreed scientists VOLUNTARILY filling out the petition form did it on their own and without coercion.

Only the dolts of the world don't recognize the progressive game plan.....

The 2008 Obama video.... posted many times in this forum.... makes it very clear. As he stated in the video going greens exceedingly expensive = the taxpayer gets smashed. And we already know that from looking at Germany.... those poor people started getting their electric bills a few years ago and their eyeballs popped out of their heads. Now Germany is in the process of building 20 new coal plants to be completed by 2020.

Only the dolts don't recognize that the way to power for progressives is trickle up poverty economics..... destruction of the middle class. Only the dolts don't see the benefit to progressives.... of open borders and immigration up the ass. Duh..... the more people depending on the government the more power for the DUMS. Saul Alinsky laid it out quite plainly many years ago.....all this climate change bogusness is just part of the plan. Anybody going and reading a current UN field training manual.... it's all right there in the preface.... the whole concept of sustainability. These people are told right in the introduction how important it is to bullshit the people they are supposedly trying to help...... and only the adults don't realize that clean energy makes the pool or even poorer. Third World countries are fucked.... but it works in wonderfully for the progressive/globalist playbook. We see it in states in America where green energy policies are more popular.... shitholes like California where people pay more than 10% of their income on energy. 10%.... it is beyond insane. But sure as hell does work for the progressive game plan.

And you know what.... well you have a few amateur/naive liberal-minded gullible Disney folks who come in here..... really thinking that agencies like the EPA are about the environment.... we also have the others who know well that this whole hoax serves to position progressives to a state of permanent power. And we know who they are in here..... the ones who continue to post up the same rehashed colorful graphs and established narrative links right out of the playbook. The frauds...... the sock puppet assholes. The people who lie to your face with a big smile.....cowards who always got picked last for a team. Have never successfully navigated in a competitive world....perpetual hiders who have made a minimal impact in this world, thus making this forum the only place they matter.

Thankfully....they are among the fringe of this world and there are many prominent examples to prove that, least of which is the fact that climate change is a total non-issue come election time. And Congress could not possibly be any less interested in climate change.

And at the end of the day let's face it..... the only thing that matters is who's winning!

I figured that out 25 years ago, as my family are STILL Democrats except me who left that party.
So it's warm weather where you are, that proves global warm and don't pay attention to the fact that it's snowing in April in other parts of the country. Thanks for being an example of how the scam artists work.

No, it's an example of the thought processes of the ignorant. Show a kindergardener two water glasses each holding the same amount of water but one short and fat and one tall and thin. The child will consistently tell you that the taller glass holds more water. I am reminded of this every time I hear these classic denier arguments, every one of which is either a complete failure of simple logic or of basic science or of the evidence in hand. The the world as a whole is getting warmer does not prevent one region from being colder than another or from the annual cycle of those temperatures retaining some variability.


So, fuck your snow.

Learn to read asshole. It was Old Rocks that was doing that, not me. The scam artists like you say "It's weather not climate" only when it's cold. When it's hot somewhere suddenly weather becomes climate as long as it supports the scam. No one is listening anymore.
The local temp on any given day, either warm or cold, is not the climate, it's the weather. Global average temp over years/decades is a climate statistic.

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Apparently you are not only stupid, but illiterate. What I’m saying is that you AGW dupes claim that weather is not climate UNLESS the weather supports your belief in global warming then its climate. You only apply that rule to us.

Hopefully you can read and understand that.
One day's or even one month's weather is not climate warm or cold. One location being colder or warmer does not equal climate change. Decades long trends and regional/global temps do.

It's not that hard man.
then how can extreme weather events be due to global warming? explain
So it's warm weather where you are, that proves global warm and don't pay attention to the fact that it's snowing in April in other parts of the country. Thanks for being an example of how the scam artists work.

No, it's an example of the thought processes of the ignorant. Show a kindergardener two water glasses each holding the same amount of water but one short and fat and one tall and thin. The child will consistently tell you that the taller glass holds more water. I am reminded of this every time I hear these classic denier arguments, every one of which is either a complete failure of simple logic or of basic science or of the evidence in hand. The the world as a whole is getting warmer does not prevent one region from being colder than another or from the annual cycle of those temperatures retaining some variability.


So, fuck your snow.

Learn to read asshole. It was Old Rocks that was doing that, not me. The scam artists like you say "It's weather not climate" only when it's cold. When it's hot somewhere suddenly weather becomes climate as long as it supports the scam. No one is listening anymore.
The local temp on any given day, either warm or cold, is not the climate, it's the weather. Global average temp over years/decades is a climate statistic.

Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Apparently you are not only stupid, but illiterate. What I’m saying is that you AGW dupes claim that weather is not climate UNLESS the weather supports your belief in global warming then its climate. You only apply that rule to us.

Hopefully you can read and understand that.
One day's or even one month's weather is not climate warm or cold. One location being colder or warmer does not equal climate change. Decades long trends and regional/global temps do.

It's not that hard man.

Embrace this!


Cooling is right around the corner...............
There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

Irrelevant. I don't doubt that people and industry are having some effects, the point is that none of the cures are ever reasonable. The honest CAUSE of climate change isn't man, though he may contribute, it is the OVERPOPULATION of the planet and if we want to limit climate effects along with resource exhaustion, pollution and other damage, the CURE isn't electric cars, health food, cow farts, coal plants, or anything else than to gradually steer the population back to within reason, which I'd say is at least 1/3rd less people globally by the end of the century. Do THAT, and we solve all of our climate and environmental issues.
Come gather 'round people wherever you roam
And admit that the science around you has grown
And accept it damn soon , or be parched to the bone
If your pedigree Is worth savin'
Be it Al Gores minions , or Kotopus clone
For the climates they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics with media bought pens
And keep your eyes wide They'll run it again
And don't speak too soon For those who can spin
All pseudo factoids which they be blamin'
For the poser now Will be later to win
For the climates they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen go tax them all
Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall
For he thats all butthurt gets no kickbacks at all
The green machine outside it is ragin'
It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the climates they are a-changin'.

And don't criticize What you can't understand
One science is grand and one science pounds sand
For the climates they are a-changin'.
We can't build a new one ,you can't lend a hand
For the climates they are a-changin'.

The records all broken The curse it is cast
The wettest the dryest the coldest come fast
All the records that stand We will soon see surpassed
For the climates they are a-changin'.
Right down to your last anthro-agonal gasp
For the climates they are a-changin'.

{w/apologies to Dylan, and anyone who is even remotely a fan}

Come gather 'round people wherever you roam
And admit that the science around you has grown
And accept it damn soon , or be parched to the bone
If your pedigree Is worth savin'
Be it Al Gores minions , or Kotopus clone
For the climates they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics with media bought pens
And keep your eyes wide They'll run it again
And don't speak too soon For those who can spin
All pseudo factoids which they be blamin'
For the poser now Will be later to win
For the climates they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen go tax them all
Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall
For he thats all butthurt gets no kickbacks at all
The green machine outside it is ragin'
It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the climates they are a-changin'.

And don't criticize What you can't understand
One science is grand and one science pounds sand
For the climates they are a-changin'.
We can't build a new one ,you can't lend a hand
For the climates they are a-changin'.

The records all broken The curse it is cast
The wettest the dryest the coldest come fast
All the records that stand We will soon see surpassed
For the climates they are a-changin'.
Right down to your last anthro-agonal gasp
For the climates they are a-changin'.

{w/apologies to Dylan, and anyone who is even remotely a fan}

If atmospheric CO2 is driving climate change now, then it drove climate change in the past, right? Can you show me when CO2 drove climate change in the past?

Because I looked into that and all I could find was where atmospheric CO2 reinforced climate change.

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

How do they explain the great flood of 1862 then? That storm system (atmospheric river) completely flooded the Central Valley of California. ALL OF IT! None of these "extreme weather events" hold a candle to that one storm. In other words, with cherry picked stories i can "prove" anything.

Your argument consists of ONE STORM and YOU accuse HIM of cherry-picking?!?!?? Fooking unbelievable.

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

How do they explain the great flood of 1862 then? That storm system (atmospheric river) completely flooded the Central Valley of California. ALL OF IT! None of these "extreme weather events" hold a candle to that one storm. In other words, with cherry picked stories i can "prove" anything.

Your argument consists of ONE STORM and YOU accuse HIM of cherry-picking?!?!?? Fooking unbelievable.

It is the POINT he was making is what you missed, which is hilarious since it is an obvious point.

How did you miss it?

There are now events that can definitely be attributed to man's influence on the climate.

How do they explain the great flood of 1862 then? That storm system (atmospheric river) completely flooded the Central Valley of California. ALL OF IT! None of these "extreme weather events" hold a candle to that one storm. In other words, with cherry picked stories i can "prove" anything.

Your argument consists of ONE STORM and YOU accuse HIM of cherry-picking?!?!?? Fooking unbelievable.

No, silly boy. My argument consists of "punch in a date, ANY date", and you will find storms that were bigger than anything we have had over the last 30 years.
If atmospheric CO2 is driving climate change now, then it drove climate change in the past, right? Can you show me when CO2 drove climate change in the past?

Because I looked into that and all I could find was where atmospheric CO2 reinforced climate change.

There have been several instances in the past when CO2 drove climate. That happens when CO2 levels are increased by non-climatic causes (most commonly severe volcanism) rather than by warming from other causes (Milankovich cycles, increased solar irradiance),. I suggest you read up on the Permian-Triassic extinction aka "The Great Dying".
If atmospheric CO2 is driving climate change now, then it drove climate change in the past, right? Can you show me when CO2 drove climate change in the past?

Because I looked into that and all I could find was where atmospheric CO2 reinforced climate change.

There have been several instances in the past when CO2 drove climate. That happens when CO2 levels are increased by non-climatic causes (most commonly severe volcanism) rather than by warming from other causes (Milankovich cycles, increased solar irradiance),. I suggest you read up on the Permian-Triassic extinction aka "The Great Dying".
Can you show me the actual data? CO2 and temperature changes? And what are the other events that you speak of?
If atmospheric CO2 is driving climate change now, then it drove climate change in the past, right? Can you show me when CO2 drove climate change in the past?

Because I looked into that and all I could find was where atmospheric CO2 reinforced climate change.

There have been several instances in the past when CO2 drove climate. That happens when CO2 levels are increased by non-climatic causes (most commonly severe volcanism) rather than by warming from other causes (Milankovich cycles, increased solar irradiance),. I suggest you read up on the Permian-Triassic extinction aka "The Great Dying".

The "great dying" data is of low resolution, which should be enough to show that you can't use the temperature follow CO2 argument. Meanwhile there are a number of published science papers with sufficient resolution that always show CO2 FOLLOWING temperature change.

The rest is speculative.
If atmospheric CO2 is driving climate change now, then it drove climate change in the past, right? Can you show me when CO2 drove climate change in the past?

Because I looked into that and all I could find was where atmospheric CO2 reinforced climate change.

There have been several instances in the past when CO2 drove climate. That happens when CO2 levels are increased by non-climatic causes (most commonly severe volcanism) rather than by warming from other causes (Milankovich cycles, increased solar irradiance),. I suggest you read up on the Permian-Triassic extinction aka "The Great Dying".
Can you show me the actual data? CO2 and temperature changes? And what are the other events that you speak of?

They never produce it because it falls in the land of models.
If atmospheric CO2 is driving climate change now, then it drove climate change in the past, right? Can you show me when CO2 drove climate change in the past?

Because I looked into that and all I could find was where atmospheric CO2 reinforced climate change.

There have been several instances in the past when CO2 drove climate. That happens when CO2 levels are increased by non-climatic causes (most commonly severe volcanism) rather than by warming from other causes (Milankovich cycles, increased solar irradiance),. I suggest you read up on the Permian-Triassic extinction aka "The Great Dying".

If that were true you would be able to point to one single observed time when that has happened. You can't. All you can point to are self admitted "simple climate models". Simple climate models are fantasy. When are you going to learn that simple fact.
If atmospheric CO2 is driving climate change now, then it drove climate change in the past, right? Can you show me when CO2 drove climate change in the past?

Because I looked into that and all I could find was where atmospheric CO2 reinforced climate change.

There have been several instances in the past when CO2 drove climate. That happens when CO2 levels are increased by non-climatic causes (most commonly severe volcanism) rather than by warming from other causes (Milankovich cycles, increased solar irradiance),. I suggest you read up on the Permian-Triassic extinction aka "The Great Dying".

The "great dying" data is of low resolution, which should be enough to show that you can't use the temperature follow CO2 argument. Meanwhile there are a number of published science papers with sufficient resolution that always show CO2 FOLLOWING temperature change.

The rest is speculative.

The part about the Great Dying that crick et al refuse to acknowledge is that FIRST there was a massive period of glaciation. Then, the warming came back and with it the corresponding increase in CO2. Once again CO2 ALWAYS lags temperature, and the dieoffs are far more correlational with extreme cold. Not that correlation equals causation as these people always imply, but there actually IS evidence for glaciation killing off the critters. There is ZERO evidence for warmth doing so. Especially when one looks at the history of the Earth and see's that when it has been warm, it has been better. The PETM witnessed the most explosive growth of flora and fauna that this planet has ever seen.
Just want to point out.... there are about 4 billion meteorologists and scientists who call total bulldinky on any link between extreme weather and climate change.

Just to set the record straight....

Uhhh, you might want to check your numbers there.

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